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Forums - Website Topics - How Much Does VGChartz Generate in Revenue Monthly

kirby007 said:

about threefiddy

ioi is the Loch Ness Monster confirmed.


In accordance to the VGC forum rules, §8.5, I hereby exercise my right to demand to be left alone regarding the subject of the effects of the pandemic on video game sales (i.e., "COVID bump").

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zeldaring said:
Ka-pi96 said:

When was that though? The site used to be a lot bigger than it currently is!

3 million is insane it's not like the site get so much traffic. I honest'y don't believe it. the site is also a pain to use when using mobile.

It used to get a lot more. Plus it probably had some value from selling sales data to business clients. The sales tracking has declined quite significantly over the years, for a number of reasons, so that part of the site has likely declined in value by a significantly larger amount than the news articles and forum sections.

Ka-pi96 said:
Deyon said:

ioi got offered 3 million for the site and he turned it down. Logically, if he refused to sell for that amount, the site must be generating hella money

When was that though? The site used to be a lot bigger than it currently is!

I have no clue that offer was outta my ass but when I joined the site at the end of the PS3/360 gen, it was pretty big and the forums were chaotic. The community was active af so I just assumed that some millionaire investor probably wanted to buy it.

My 300iq assumption turned out right though since CGI technically confirmed it  

Enough to buy tacos

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Leynos said:

Enough to buy tacos

Beef tacos? Pigeon tacos? Rhinoceros tacos? I mean, they all have vastly different costs!

Around the Network
Deyon said:
Ka-pi96 said:

When was that though? The site used to be a lot bigger than it currently is!

I have no clue that offer was outta my ass but when I joined the site at the end of the PS3/360 gen, it was pretty big and the forums were chaotic. The community was active af so I just assumed that some millionaire investor probably wanted to buy it.

My 300iq assumption turned out right though since CGI technically confirmed it  

think about what data for 20k users and ad revenue for 5m hits was worth back in 2008

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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Ka-pi96 said:
Leynos said:

Enough to buy tacos

Beef tacos? Pigeon tacos? Rhinoceros tacos? I mean, they all have vastly different costs!

 Where the fuck are you getting your tacos?

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

As always, you can Google current advertising rates. For 1000 banner ad views, you can expect $0.15 or so...

$5 million a year ish 🥳 that's what Google told me 😅

Leynos said:
Ka-pi96 said:

Beef tacos? Pigeon tacos? Rhinoceros tacos? I mean, they all have vastly different costs!

 Where the fuck are you getting your tacos?

I've only ever had home made tacos. My personal favourite is beef and pineapple