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Forums - General Discussion - Do you like kids ?


Do you like kids ?

I love kids. 31 67.39%
I hate kids. 15 32.61%
JackHandy said:
Doctor_MG said:

I think it's rather insulting to suggest that someone who has a child who is crying longer than the children you've raised or help raised aren't doing it correctly. I would not make that type of assumption in the future, because not every child is the same and not every situation is the same. Some children are autistic, have temperamental personality types, or just suffer from colic. Even if they have been seen by a doctor and are generally healthy otherwise. 

It's not my opinion. Even Google says to call a doctor if your baby is crying nonstop for two hours. lol. 

Yes and then the doctor finds out what is 'wrong' (our youngest had GERD for his fist few years) and there is nothing you can do about it but try to soothe the baby non stop and keep them in an upright position. Which we did, taking shifts at night to keep the baby upright on our lap so he could sleep. But you can't hold him 24/7 which wouldn't have been good for his development anyway, plus we had his 2 year older brother to take care of as well.

Consider yourself lucky you haven't had to deal with that. It was so bad he had to have teeth surgery at 3 years old because the constant reflux rotted half his baby teeth. Feeding was always a gamble, he spit most of it back up. Scary times to see his weight dropping instead of increasing. Then drive a car with severe sleep deprivation and a crying baby in the back to head back to the doctor again.

It wasn't all bad though. Playing Valkyria Chronicles with your infant softly snoring on your lap is precious.

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JackHandy said:

It's not my opinion. Even Google says to call a doctor if your baby is crying nonstop for two hours. lol. 

Again, who is to say someone hasn't already? Look up colic. That's one example. Don't assume people aren't raising children correctly because their child has a different temperament than yours or has some physiological condition. It's rude and unnecessary. 

CGI-Quality said:
Ka-pi96 said:

I'm a kindergarten teacher so... what do you think?

I know how difficult this is, so I have a whole new respect for you!

Thanks! It's honestly the best job I've had. I definitely wouldn't want to work in an office again now.

Even the difficult things, like dealing with crying children I don't mind. I'm not annoyed when they're upset, just worried about them. I do suck at discipline though. I'm just not good at telling kids off.

I wont say I hate them, but if they aren't part of my family or friends' kids then I would prefer not to be around them. lol

Doctor_MG said:
JackHandy said:

It's not my opinion. Even Google says to call a doctor if your baby is crying nonstop for two hours. lol. 

Again, who is to say someone hasn't already? Look up colic. That's one example. Don't assume people aren't raising children correctly because their child has a different temperament than yours or has some physiological condition. It's rude and unnecessary. 

I said if your baby is crying for three hours nonstop, and you have gone through all the obvious things (food, diaper change, rash etc), you need to call the doctor or go to the hospital to find out what's wrong. The current medical advice suggests two. So if you have a problem with that, take it up with the pediatric field of medicine, not me

Around the Network
JackHandy said:
Doctor_MG said:

Again, who is to say someone hasn't already? Look up colic. That's one example. Don't assume people aren't raising children correctly because their child has a different temperament than yours or has some physiological condition. It's rude and unnecessary. 

I said if your baby is crying for three hours nonstop, and you have gone through all the obvious things (food, diaper change, rash etc), you need to call the doctor or go to the hospital to find out what's wrong. The current medical advice suggests two. So if you have a problem with that, take it up with the pediatric field of medicine, not me

Is it that hard to admit you said something insensitive and apologize?

mZuzek said:
JackHandy said:

I said if your baby is crying for three hours nonstop, and you have gone through all the obvious things (food, diaper change, rash etc), you need to call the doctor or go to the hospital to find out what's wrong. The current medical advice suggests two. So if you have a problem with that, take it up with the pediatric field of medicine, not me

Is it that hard to admit you said something insensitive and apologize?

Oh for crying out loud (pun fully intended).

I really can't comprehend how someone could dislike children.

JackHandy said:

I said if your baby is crying for three hours nonstop, and you have gone through all the obvious things (food, diaper change, rash etc), you need to call the doctor or go to the hospital to find out what's wrong. The current medical advice suggests two. So if you have a problem with that, take it up with the pediatric field of medicine, not me

I think you are confused as to what is bothering me. "A baby should not be crying that long if it's being properly cared for". I think it is a poor assumption to suggest that if a baby is crying for three hours nonstop it isn't being cared for properly. 

I'd read SvennoJ's response to show why this isn't a good assumption. They went to the doctor, did everything in their power to comfort and soothe the child, but the child was still crying a LOT. I'm not saying a suggestion for someone to go to the doctor is bad. I'm saying they may have already done EVERYTHING they can think of (including a doctor's visit), and more, but nothing is working. This may be due to an underlying physiological condition, teething, growing pains, overstimulation, neurodevelopmental disorders, unknown environmental effects, or even just general temperament. It doesn't necessarily mean the parents aren't taking good care of the child.

Doctor_MG said:
JackHandy said:

I said if your baby is crying for three hours nonstop, and you have gone through all the obvious things (food, diaper change, rash etc), you need to call the doctor or go to the hospital to find out what's wrong. The current medical advice suggests two. So if you have a problem with that, take it up with the pediatric field of medicine, not me

I think you are confused as to what is bothering me. "A baby should not be crying that long if it's being properly cared for". I think it is a poor assumption to suggest that if a baby is crying for three hours nonstop it isn't being cared for properly. 

I'd read SvennoJ's response to show why this isn't a good assumption. They went to the doctor, did everything in their power to comfort and soothe the child, but the child was still crying a LOT. I'm not saying a suggestion for someone to go to the doctor is bad. I'm saying they may have already done EVERYTHING they can think of (including a doctor's visit), and more, but nothing is working. This may be due to an underlying physiological condition, teething, growing pains, overstimulation, neurodevelopmental disorders, unknown environmental effects, or even just general temperament. It doesn't necessarily mean the parents aren't taking good care of the child.

I honestly can't understand why, on a gaming message board of all places, you have become this bothered by what I said. Truly. It's quite dumfounding. Had I known that this was even remotely possible, I'd have steered clear entirely. I just did not think... sigh. Forget it. 

I'm sticking to gaming from now on.