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JackHandy said:

I said if your baby is crying for three hours nonstop, and you have gone through all the obvious things (food, diaper change, rash etc), you need to call the doctor or go to the hospital to find out what's wrong. The current medical advice suggests two. So if you have a problem with that, take it up with the pediatric field of medicine, not me

I think you are confused as to what is bothering me. "A baby should not be crying that long if it's being properly cared for". I think it is a poor assumption to suggest that if a baby is crying for three hours nonstop it isn't being cared for properly. 

I'd read SvennoJ's response to show why this isn't a good assumption. They went to the doctor, did everything in their power to comfort and soothe the child, but the child was still crying a LOT. I'm not saying a suggestion for someone to go to the doctor is bad. I'm saying they may have already done EVERYTHING they can think of (including a doctor's visit), and more, but nothing is working. This may be due to an underlying physiological condition, teething, growing pains, overstimulation, neurodevelopmental disorders, unknown environmental effects, or even just general temperament. It doesn't necessarily mean the parents aren't taking good care of the child.