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Forums - Politics Discussion - Saudi Arabia in talks with SE for 8 months to get LGBT content censored

This is a tweet by a Saudi official explaining why one of the biggest games of the year was blocked, you can use the translation function on twitter, but just know that it butchers some of what's being hinted at, the proper translation (shamelessly from another gaming forums) say: "it's because of the recent trend to include a certain kind content these companies refuse to edit out to suit our region". 

The Saudi official doesn't explicitly say it's LGBT content that resulted in FF16 being blocked, but it's very clear that this is what he's hinting at. Absolute disgrace, but thankfully, the rest of the world didn't just life the driving ban on women.

Well done on SE for not budging on this, I guess they just earned a pre-order. 

Last edited by LurkerJ - on 07 May 2023

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Very happy at SE for not bowing to pressure on this and censoring their game. I hope the backwards stance of SA continue to cost them by losing access to brilliant and diverse works of art (being music, movies and of course games). It is the only way to drive change!

Hopefully companies that Saudi Arabia has invested in won't bow to pressure either. Saudi Arabia should just do what the West has done and just legalize LGBTQ people.

Fuck their backward beliefs. No respect for sexism. Good on SE.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

CaptainExplosion said:

Hopefully companies that Saudi Arabia has invested in won't bow to pressure either. Saudi Arabia should just do what the West has done and just legalize LGBTQ people.

I think I read that around 10% of the population is LGBTQ..... acting like people dont excist doesnt work.
Telling people they arn't, or can't be, because of a holy script doesn't work.

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Certainly the right decision, but also a somewhat low stakes one. In terms of population, Saudi Arabia is a relatively small country, comparable to Canada. I wonder if a larger market was threatening a ban if they would be so principled.

LurkerJ said:

This is a tweet by a Saudi official explaining why one of the biggest games of the year was blocked, you can use the translation function on twitter, but just know that it butchers some of what's being hinted at, the proper translation (shamelessly from another gaming forums) say: "it's because of the recent trend to include a certain kind content these companies refuse to edit out to suit our region". 

The Saudi official doesn't explicitly say it's LGBT content that resulted in FF16 being blocked, but it's very clear that this is what he's hinting at. Absolute disgrace, but thankfully, the rest of the world didn't just life the driving ban on women.

Well done on SE for not budging on this, I guess they just earned a pre-order. 

Well SE will lose some amount of gamers from that country. I'm sure many are not aware of the content.

Check this Game  Flip Runner

Good on SE!

I can't stand censorship and it's always nice to see companies stand their ground and refuse to censor their product.

JRPGfan said:
CaptainExplosion said:

Hopefully companies that Saudi Arabia has invested in won't bow to pressure either. Saudi Arabia should just do what the West has done and just legalize LGBTQ people.

I think I read that around 10% of the population is LGBTQ..... acting like people dont excist doesnt work.
Telling people they arn't, or can't be, because of a holy script doesn't work.

Holy scripture nowadays is merely a tool of oppression by scumbags like MBS. I wouldn't be surprised if Arabia was better off before the Saudi royal family came along.

Well good for Saudi for stand with how it should to be. Not every country should following the Western culture. Even I don't mind with LGB on games or movie with a proper story.