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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 11 US Congressmen ask Biden Admin to pressure Japan over allowing Sony to buy console exclusivity deals

shikamaru317 said:
Cerebralbore101 said:

Mods should refrain from publicly attacking others. Normally I'd just be quiet about Trunks and leave him alone. But when a mod goes ahead and decides to call me biased just because he doesn't like what I have to say?

Also like I said anyone can take a talley of how many articles put Xbox in a nice light and how many articles rag on Playstation. Then they can compare that talley with other sites. Would you like me to start a thread containing news that he misses? I don't really plan on sticking around, but I'll post nothing but links in said thread on a daily basis. No commentary. Just links to news that he misses.

I find this an odd take. Xbox is overall the platform with the smallest userbase on VGC to my knowledge, afaik it's Nintendo > Sony > PC > Xbox. As far as I'm aware the preferred platform make-up of the mod-team is largely proportional to the overall userbase on VGC as well, and same for the writing team. 

Nintendo for sure is #1 but I'd say Xbox/Sony are above PC userbase...But then I think about the PC users who don't really talk about it.

As for the Mod team, I'm fairly sure only myself and Machia would call ourselves predominately Xbox fans, Lol. I'm a secret Nintendo fanboy though. Our boss is primarily a PC/Sony fan and his boss (Machina) I don't even know, PC? He never talks about it, Lol. I don't tend to go around asking all the Mod team members their primary preferences...

But I think it's safe to say that there are more Sony fans on the Mod team than Xbox fans and about an even split between Xbox-PC-Nintendo for the rest. I'd say the majority of the Writing team are Nintendo fans but only Trunks does the news writing, the rest do either reviews or opinion pieces, something that Trunks never does.

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IcaroRibeiro said:
gtotheunit91 said:

Nah man, only PlayStation and Nintendo are allowed to have exclusives, haven't you heard? Hypocrisy be damned! 

With this logic, Spider-Man should be on Xbox. Worldwide phenomenon IP. That would bring in more revenue wouldn't it?

Xbox is allowed to have their own exclusives as much as they want, please just stop buying independent publishers for that. 

Remember many of the popularity of spider man came from Sony studios investing in the IP, the movies to be exact. It was a very desperate attempt from Marvel, because they were running out of cash and needed some way to farm money. They sold X-men to Fox and Spider-Man to Sony. 

You can read the story here:

I don't think Sony having the exclusivity over Spider-Man games is that unfair tbh 

You're absolutely right! I was just using the logic being presented.

Cerebralbore101 said:
shikamaru317 said:

I find this an odd take. Xbox is overall the platform with the smallest userbase on VGC to my knowledge, afaik it's Nintendo > Sony > PC > Xbox. As far as I'm aware the preferred platform make-up of the mod-team is largely proportional to the overall userbase on VGC as well, and same for the writing team. 

PC users and Xbox users will both favor Microsoft when it comes to arguments, because Microsoft kowtows to PC users idea that all games should automatically come to PC. After all PC and Xbox are essentially the same thing at this point in the industry's life cycle. It's Xbox/PC > Nintendo > Sony. Especially on the news section of the site. Not sure where all the Nintendo fans are at. I know they exist but do they post frequently?

P.S. Thanks for actually engaging with me and providing me with proof that I was wrong in interpreting the commision's report. Thanks Ryu for trying. Sometimes I need a specific piece of evidence before finding I was wrong.

Eh, I'd say not necessarily, I'm sure they like that Microsoft releases their titles on Steam but there is a lot of old grudges towards Microsoft for their shitty PC efforts in the past and evidently Steam users don't want to come anywhere near Windows Store, Lol. We have stats to back that up, Microsoft straight up confirmed they're 7th place in PC Gaming Stores...That's bad.

I'd call it a bit of a grey area, Windows Store for years now has been brutally trashed by PC fans, Lol. At least Xbox is releasing good ports to Steam for the most part which is nice but I don't think that is enough to make PC fans side with Microsoft just because they give em a few goodies every year, they still have a lot of improvements to make in PC.

Watch Hoeg's video that I posted...

gtotheunit91 said:
IcaroRibeiro said:

Xbox is allowed to have their own exclusives as much as they want, please just stop buying independent publishers for that. 

Remember many of the popularity of spider man came from Sony studios investing in the IP, the movies to be exact. It was a very desperate attempt from Marvel, because they were running out of cash and needed some way to farm money. They sold X-men to Fox and Spider-Man to Sony. 

You can read the story here:

I don't think Sony having the exclusivity over Spider-Man games is that unfair tbh 

You're absolutely right! I was just using the logic being presented.

Sometimes I dream of MS actually making their own good games like Sony and Nintendo do instead of just going on an acquisition spree. Conker 2 would be great. But MS working to build their own IPs up vs what Sony/Nintendo do has been hashed out a billion times already. There's no convincing the people that think MS throwing a boulder is a justified response to PS throwing rocks.

Cerebralbore101 said:
shikamaru317 said:

I find this an odd take. Xbox is overall the platform with the smallest userbase on VGC to my knowledge, afaik it's Nintendo > Sony > PC > Xbox. As far as I'm aware the preferred platform make-up of the mod-team is largely proportional to the overall userbase on VGC as well, and same for the writing team. 

PC users and Xbox users will both favor Microsoft when it comes to arguments, because Microsoft kowtows to PC users idea that all games should automatically come to PC. After all PC and Xbox are essentially the same thing at this point in the industry's life cycle. It's Xbox/PC > Nintendo > Sony. Especially on the news section of the site. Not sure where all the Nintendo fans are at. I know they exist but do they post frequently?

P.S. Thanks for actually engaging with me and providing me with proof that I was wrong in interpreting the commision's report. Thanks Ryu for trying. Sometimes I need a specific piece of evidence before finding I was wrong.

Well, just as a for instance, look at the results on the latest monthly most wanted thread:

Nintendo games tend to dominate on that voting due to how many Nintendo fans VGC has. Zelda had almost 2x as many points this past month as PC+Xbox combined for Starfield. Final Fantasy 16, a PS5 timed exclusives that seemingly won't release on PC for at least a year after PS5 and likely even longer for Xbox (if it releases on Xbox at all, has been almost 3 years and FF7R still isn't on Xbox), also beat the combined PC+Xbox votes for Starfield by 2 points last month. On the forums at least, it definitely seems to be Nintendo > Sony > PC > Xbox. The article comments tend to have more Xbox friendly posters than the forums do, because there are some Xbox fans who aren't active on the forums but do use the home page to look at articles and track sales, but I'd hardly call the article comments Xbox biased personally.

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Steam, despite being a monopoly on PC gaming, is always completely ignored by console warriors. Microsoft doesn't see a dime from Valve on Steam sales.

Epic Games has tried, and is ultimately failing, to compete with Steam. Tim Sweeney was calling out Valve for being a monopoly, offered 88/12 revenue splits to developers, signed games away from launching on Steam including pulling publishers like Ubisoft and EA, and somewhat Square Enix. Activision started putting their games on Epic Games Store and

And what has happened.....Valve didn't do a damn thing and they ALL came back to Steam. Windows Store SUCKS! They've started putting in work in recent years to improve the experience, but it is still far and away worthless aside from having access to PC Game Pass.

Ryuu96 said:
shikamaru317 said:

I find this an odd take. Xbox is overall the platform with the smallest userbase on VGC to my knowledge, afaik it's Nintendo > Sony > PC > Xbox. As far as I'm aware the preferred platform make-up of the mod-team is largely proportional to the overall userbase on VGC as well, and same for the writing team. 

Nintendo for sure is #1 but I'd say Xbox/Sony are above PC userbase...But then I think about the PC users who don't really talk about it.

As for the Mod team, I'm fairly sure only myself and Machia would call ourselves predominately Xbox fans, Lol. I'm a secret Nintendo fanboy though. Our boss is primarily a PC/Sony fan and his boss (Machina) I don't even know, PC? He never talks about it, Lol. I don't tend to go around asking all the Mod team members their primary preferences...

But I think it's safe to say that there are more Sony fans on the Mod team than Xbox fans and about an even split between Xbox-PC-Nintendo for the rest. I'd say the majority of the Writing team are Nintendo fans but only Trunks does the news writing, the rest do either reviews or opinion pieces, something that Trunks never does.

I was mostly basing my ranking off of the monthly most wanted results. PC games tend to get more votes than Xbox games there:

That is quite alot more points for PC games than Xbox games last month at least, and I tend to find most months go like that. Though Xbox is doing noticeably better on the April voting so far I think.

Cerebralbore101 said:
Ryuu96 said:

You realise that Trunks isn't even a Mod? Nor is he even in this thread, Lol.

Machia calls you biased so you decide to attack someone who has absolutely nothing to do with the current debate? Someone who hasn't ever said anything about you? That's plain shitty.

Like I said, Trunks posts what news he sees, he never does opinion pieces, only posts the news and is largely contributing to keeping VGChartz alive right now. There was no need to randomly attack him.

A mod attacking me is indicative of how this entire site runs behind the scenes. And I consider an accusatory attack from one of teammember to be an accusatory attack from all of you. Just because I don't accept the same evidence as you and need a little more or different evidence is no reason for a mod to show up and outright attack me in a condescending tone.

No it really isn't.

The Mod team doesn't even interact with the Writing team, the Mod team runs on Slack and the Writing team run on Discord. I don't even think Trunks has ever interacted with Machia! Trunks is not a Mod and he didn't say anything, it's completely unfair to drag him into the conversation.

Dude is straight up one of the nicest members on the Staff team and I've not once seen him get involved in an argument.

I've had people insult me before in debates, I've shrugged it off, I didn't bother moderating them because I've a thick skin but it is really annoying to see people go after Trunks because he apparently makes too many Xbox articles and it isn't the first time someone has thrown that complaint towards him in a shitty way, and despite the attacks towards him, and despite him seeing them, he never reports any of you.

Then he is dragged into this conversation with a jab at him for absolutely no reason, it is shitty.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 29 March 2023

theRepublic said:
Cerebralbore101 said:

Web sites like these are very interesting to me. It's very telling when the vast majority of articles posted on a web site are overwhelmingly pro-microsoft. Even the mods will go so far as to call someone with a conclusion different than their own biased (even when that person proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt). Stay classy vgchartz. ;)

The forums on this site have been pro-Sony and pro-Nintendo for probably a decade.  You have no clue what you are talking about.

You might be right on that, but one thing I do notice whenever I come to the site, the Xbox Empire always has 50+ new posts since the last time I visited where the Playstation Nation message boards sometimes has no new posts when I come back.

I'd also just say the news feels tilted is moreso just there has not been very many events lately.  

Been a couple months since a showcase.

Only been a couple first party game releases.  

Hasn't been any acquisitions in quite a while.

Lots of focus on the Activision acquisition. And even there a lot of people do not agree on whether any piece of news is generally positive or negative. 

Some people feel Sony is being petty for the exact same situation that someone else is just thankful that someone is putting up a fight against the acquisition.