twintail said:
I'm playing GoW R Valhalla, and as much as I love the added story, I absolutely loathe the gameplay loop. I think it's my first rougelike and honestly, it's going to be my last.
I really just don't know what to do... I think I've completed the loop twice? Everything after that has me dying either at the final encounter or pre-final encounter even with 2 resurrection stones. Maybe I'm just not spending enough mid-run but every single buff I have the option of choosing is just not great for the final encounter at all.
It's a very frustrating experience because it doesn't feel like I'm making any ground at all.
Which difficulty are you playing? Playing on normal I literally died just a single time in an optional boss because I got greedy with the last attacks trying to finish it off.
You have to beat the loop 4 times if I remember well, but the full loop only start being available after 2 or 3 story loops that end midway, you'll definitely know when you are into the full loop parts, believe me.
If you are already in the part of needing to speedrun the minibosses, you have to focus on being quick because the longer you stay there the harder it gets. Get the souls you need and go away.
I focusedly mostly on a single weapon each run, just making sure to get as many different slot runic attacjs as possible. Example: if I already have a light runic attack for the leviathan axe and are presented with a choice about another one that is better than what I have, or a heavy runic attack instead, I would choose the heavy one, then focus on runic attacks from other weapons, because being able to constantly cycle runic attacks means you have a lot of quick damage to deliver most of the time.
There are also 2 kinds of challenges from frost and fire swords you'll find in the map, which makes things harder if you focus on completing them and not just fighting the easiest way possible, if it's too hard you can leave them be, but I was doing those all the times anyway.
I think I did about 12 full loops or so, because there is a bit of lore to listen to in the next 9 or so loops after beating the game (you don't really have to do these, tho), and it was always pretty easy, as long and you keep improving your permanent stats it gets easier.
There is at least two very important events story wise in this DLC, so if you still end up giving up, make sure to watch it somewhere.
I'm not good at rougelikes, nor was I that good on God of War, but it was still decently easy, and IMO the combat is really fun so I had a blast playing it. Give it some more time.
Last edited by BraLoD - on 27 December 2024