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PotentHerbs said:

Anyone downloading My First Gran Turismo?

I'm a little excited to drive around and just experience the haptics/adaptative triggers. I hope they have some trophy implementation for it lol.

Thanks for bringing it to my attention. I'll get the PS5 version. Unfortunately, it looks like no trophies. Doesn't surprise me since it's in some ways a specialized demo of GT7.

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 161 million (was 73 million, then 96 million, then 113 million, then 125 million, then 144 million, then 151 million, then 156 million)

PS5: 115 million (was 105 million) Xbox Series S/X: 40 million (was 60 million, then 67 million, then 57 million. then 48 million)

PS4: 120 mil (was 100 then 130 million, then 122 million) Xbox One: 51 mil (was 50 then 55 mil)

3DS: 75.5 mil (was 73, then 77 million)

"Let go your earthly tether, enter the void, empty and become wind." - Guru Laghima

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PotentHerbs said:

Anyone downloading My First Gran Turismo?

I'm a little excited to drive around and just experience the haptics/adaptative triggers. I hope they have some trophy implementation for it lol.

Just played a bit.

It's a GT7 demo, there is no trophies.

There are 3 license test tiers (with half the tests there are in the actual licenses for GT7).

There are 3 music rally tracks.

There are 3 races events on those tracks.

There are 3 time trials.

There are 18 cars to unlock, and those cars will be moved to your garage on GT7, seems like a nice bonus to start the game.

GT7 is a superb game, if you like this free game be sure to try it too, there is so much good stuff there.

Too bad about the lack of trophies for the GT demo, but I gave it a bit of a swirl. It's GT that's for sure.

Need some PS4 recommendations. I’ve gotten pretty much all the PS5 games I’m currently interested in and started building up my PS4 library.

So far I’ve gotten Gravity Rush 1&2, Patapon 1&2 remastered (I’ll live that 3 wasn’t remastered) Concrete Genie, Wipeout: Omega Collection, Shadow of the Colossus, and Tearaway Unfolded (which I’m currently playing along with Wipeout)

And as far as PS4 games that are also on PS5 or I’ve already played on PC are God of War (2018) and Ragnarok, Ghost of Tsushima, Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves collection, and Spider-Man Remastered/ Miles Morales

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

G2ThaUNiT said:

Need some PS4 recommendations. I’ve gotten pretty much all the PS5 games I’m currently interested in and started building up my PS4 library.

So far I’ve gotten Gravity Rush 1&2, Patapon 1&2 remastered (I’ll live that 3 wasn’t remastered) Concrete Genie, Wipeout: Omega Collection, Shadow of the Colossus, and Tearaway Unfolded (which I’m currently playing along with Wipeout)

And as far as PS4 games that are also on PS5 or I’ve already played on PC are God of War (2018) and Ragnarok, Ghost of Tsushima, Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves collection, and Spider-Man Remastered/ Miles Morales

I assume you've played Bloodborne? 

Nioh 1, 2 are somewhat similar. 


I think you could get driveclub on disc yet. 

Knack and The Order are okay games, they get more criticism than they deserve, I think. 

Around the Network
G2ThaUNiT said:

Need some PS4 recommendations. I’ve gotten pretty much all the PS5 games I’m currently interested in and started building up my PS4 library.

So far I’ve gotten Gravity Rush 1&2, Patapon 1&2 remastered (I’ll live that 3 wasn’t remastered) Concrete Genie, Wipeout: Omega Collection, Shadow of the Colossus, and Tearaway Unfolded (which I’m currently playing along with Wipeout)

And as far as PS4 games that are also on PS5 or I’ve already played on PC are God of War (2018) and Ragnarok, Ghost of Tsushima, Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves collection, and Spider-Man Remastered/ Miles Morales

Infamous First Light

G2ThaUNiT said:

Need some PS4 recommendations. I’ve gotten pretty much all the PS5 games I’m currently interested in and started building up my PS4 library.

So far I’ve gotten Gravity Rush 1&2, Patapon 1&2 remastered (I’ll live that 3 wasn’t remastered) Concrete Genie, Wipeout: Omega Collection, Shadow of the Colossus, and Tearaway Unfolded (which I’m currently playing along with Wipeout)

And as far as PS4 games that are also on PS5 or I’ve already played on PC are God of War (2018) and Ragnarok, Ghost of Tsushima, Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves collection, and Spider-Man Remastered/ Miles Morales

Nex Machina.





Assault Suit Leynos

ZOE 2nd Runner HD

Chorvs (also on PS5)

Deus Ex Mankind Divided

DMC Hd Collection

Nier Automata

Nier Replicant

Yakuza 0


Lost Judgment

Odin Sphere remake

Persona 5 Strikers



SEGA Genesis classics (now only exists as a physical disc as SEGA deslited it)

Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne

Transformers Devastation (also delisted digitally but discs are out there)

Battle Garegga Rev 2016


Darius Burst Chronicles


Journey Collectors Edition

Hardcore Mecha

Ninja Gaiden Trilogy

If you want Ruiner and Nex have physical but not sure what the price is anymore.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

G2ThaUNiT said:

Need some PS4 recommendations. I’ve gotten pretty much all the PS5 games I’m currently interested in and started building up my PS4 library.

So far I’ve gotten Gravity Rush 1&2, Patapon 1&2 remastered (I’ll live that 3 wasn’t remastered) Concrete Genie, Wipeout: Omega Collection, Shadow of the Colossus, and Tearaway Unfolded (which I’m currently playing along with Wipeout)

And as far as PS4 games that are also on PS5 or I’ve already played on PC are God of War (2018) and Ragnarok, Ghost of Tsushima, Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves collection, and Spider-Man Remastered/ Miles Morales

Uncharted Trilogy for PS4 since you might have missed out on the first 3.

If you like Strategy RPGs, I would recommend Jeanne D' Arc - a PSP RPG which was remastered for PS4/PS5. Its in my top 3 favorite SRPGs next to Disgaea 1 and Final Fantasy Tactics.

Thanks for the recommendations! I actually have never played the infamous games before 😅 but I’ve always heard great things about them. I’ll have to look into them!

The Knack games definitely seemed fun but I’ve always heard mixed things about them. What was particularly wrong with them?

I have not played Bloodborne lol. I was hoping that the remake/remaster turned about to be true. Never been much into Souls games, but Bloodborne seems like one of those games that you just have to experience.

Unicorn Overlord was my introduction to Vanillaware, so that Odin Sphere remake and Dragon’s Crown Pro oughta be on my list! 

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

G2ThaUNiT said:

Thanks for the recommendations! I actually have never played the infamous games before 😅 but I’ve always heard great things about them. I’ll have to look into them!

The Knack games definitely seemed fun but I’ve always heard mixed things about them. What was particularly wrong with them?

I have not played Bloodborne lol. I was hoping that the remake/remaster turned about to be true. Never been much into Souls games, but Bloodborne seems like one of those games that you just have to experience.

Unicorn Overlord was my introduction to Vanillaware, so that Odin Sphere remake and Dragon’s Crown Pro oughta be on my list! 

Think of the inFamous games the Super Hero game IP that Sony had before Spider-Man and Wolverine.

The way you can be a good guy or even turn evil not only influences the story choices and ending but also affects how your character looks and what abilities and powers they get.

Havent played Second Son, but I will in the future but inFamous 1 and 2 (with its Halloween DLC) were great experiences.

Odin Sphere and Muramasa were my entries to Vanillaware. Highly recommend Odin Sphere - I'll be playing Dragon's Crown Pro soon too.