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the-pi-guy said:
Runa216 said:

Can anyone shed some light on why I might be sucking so badly at God of War Ragnarok? I don't feel like I'm doing poorly, as in I'm dodging and parrying quite well, but no matter what I do I can't dish out like ANY damage.

I have a shield and armor set up for 'high risk high reward' parries and focus on dodging and parries and stuff, so I know I'm prone to being attacked. I get that. I play Glass Cannon builds in a lot of my games so dying if I mess up is part of the game....but for some reason in addition to that high risk I'm not getting ANY reward. Fights are still lasting an exhausting length of time, meaning I have to go for what feels like an age without getting hit. And that's the thing....I'm still at what I think is a reasonable level. I've levelled my gear, my weapons, my armour, etc...I'm at a decent in-game level. I've been using all my weapons and unlocking all my skills. I've been levelling my Rune attacks.

By all means I shouldn't be having this much difficulty.

I'm on 'Give me Balance' mode, so I'm not on a higher difficulty.

And I just got to Muspelheim and tried some of the trials and I can't even come close to some of them. Even when I cranked the difficulty down to 'Give me a Story' I BARELY won and I don't feel right cheating the game like that. Even with all my advantages I can't dish out enough damage to achieve some of these bullshit requirements. I confess hate combat trials and time trials in all games (Hated them in FFXVI as well...and honestly literally every game I've ever played that has them regardless of how much I like the game otherwise) so my opinion might be biased. but like....For some reason I REALLY suck at this game.

It seems like every enemy encounter, every mini boss, every berserker...I'm just not able to do a damn thing to them.

Like, my first berserker I was like 'okay, this is supposed to be endgame, right?" so I fought it, got my ass handed to me. Okay, I need to learn the ropes. No problem. And I managed to do it eventually. Then the second berserker I beat first try and I wasn't challenged at all. then my third one was a goddamn endurance fight that killed me in 2-3 hits every time, took me like three hours of just going again and again and again.....And when I finally DID beat it, it didn't feel satisfying. Just like I managed to avoid bullshit for once.

I don't get it. We all know God of War Ragnarok is amazing. I love like 95% of the game. But in spite of all that I just don't understand why I'm doing so poorly at it. Is there a chance I'm missing something? I'm not bad at video games. I play shit like the Souls games and don't find them too hard. a challenge, sure, but not BS like this and I rarely feel like it's the game's fault I died. In Ragnarok it really does feel like the game is cheating me.

I'm not sure, aside from a few things I don't remember having much trouble.

You just got to Muspelheim for the first time? That's like halfway through the game. 

The berserkers range from easy to end game, make sure you maxed out all your stats stuff. 

You have attachments for your weapons and all that stuff?

Yeah, I have my runes equipped, I'm using my special attacks, I'm upgrading my skills, I'm mixing up what weapon I use based on what enemies I'm fighting, etc. I'm also replacing and upgrading my weapons and armour, equipping attachments/accessories, etc. 

but I'm not dealing nearly as much damage as I feel I should be and taking a lot more than I feel I should be. 

I did manage to fight the three on one berserker fight (Which is a level 7 berserker) when I was only just a level 5. So that felt nice. 

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FFVII Rebirth is GOTY. It's my favorite game ever above FFXVI.

-Adonis- said:

FFVII Rebirth is GOTY. It's my favorite game ever above FFXVI.

Please report to your nearest Super Earth Reeducation Center, civilian.

Is anyone else going to replay Nier Automata shortly before Stellar Blade releases?

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Leynos said:

Is anyone else going to replay Nier Automata shortly before Stellar Blade releases?


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BasilZero said:
Leynos said:

Is anyone else going to replay Nier Automata shortly before Stellar Blade releases?


SB is openly inspired by NA, Director isn't shy about it plus the music is from the same composer. So playing NA helps get in the mood for more.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Finished Days Gone main storyline recently. The game so far has been much better than I thought it was going to be, especially considering zombie type games aren't my cup of tea. The game is only AA at best though. It's not up to AAA quality, but that's ok, it was still good for what it was.
The story has some flaws and plot holes, and doesn't always flow the smoothest, but works overall. The controls are a bit clunky and unresponsive at times as well. The graphics are pretty decent and the gameplay overall is fun. Dealing with the hoards in terms of planning on how to strategically take them down is something I wasn't expecting. I thought it was just going to be gun them all down, but that wouldn't have been near as engaging.
Sounds like a sequel isn't in the cards apparently. I'm a little sad to hear that. Bend certainly could've continued the story and improved upon what they already had accomplished. I am now interested in whatever Bend has coming next either way. I guess it's supposed to be a GAAS title, which also isn't really my jam, but after Days Gone I could totally see them being able to make something worthy. There's plenty of content in Days Gone. Way more than I was expecting.

Finished God of War Ragnarok. Great game. but man it coulda been about 1/3 its length and I woulda loved it a whole lot more.

I know they're aching to give players more bang for their buck and I admire that...but a lot can be said about shorter games. There's a time and place for 100+ hour epics but mostly linear, story based games don't need to be 40-60 hours (when side questing is factored in). It was so exhausting by the end. I was mentally 'done' less than halfway through.

Such a hard topic to bring up, though, because it's VERY hard to argue against more value for your money. But me, personally...shit like this is why I champion shorter games like Portal 2 and the recent Ratchet & Clank game.

Ghost of Tsushima, for as much as I loved it, gave me the same vibe. It coulda been 1/3 the size and length that it was and I felt it would have been a more appropriately tight.

Ironically, both games are Sony exclusives. Anyone else have thoughts on this?

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Runa216 said:

Finished God of War Ragnarok. Great game. but man it coulda been about 1/3 its length and I woulda loved it a whole lot more.

I know they're aching to give players more bang for their buck and I admire that...but a lot can be said about shorter games. There's a time and place for 100+ hour epics but mostly linear, story based games don't need to be 40-60 hours (when side questing is factored in). It was so exhausting by the end. I was mentally 'done' less than halfway through.

Such a hard topic to bring up, though, because it's VERY hard to argue against more value for your money. But me, personally...shit like this is why I champion shorter games like Portal 2 and the recent Ratchet & Clank game.

Ghost of Tsushima, for as much as I loved it, gave me the same vibe. It coulda been 1/3 the size and length that it was and I felt it would have been a more appropriately tight.

Ironically, both games are Sony exclusives. Anyone else have thoughts on this?

I agree with you. I only have so much time to game and can only play so many longer games in a year. I would rather bigger games be 20-30 hours rather than a game that is 50+ hours that feels like they dragged out the story. Ubisoft is the worst when it comes to stretching out games and adding random side quests that adds nothing to the games.

VGChartz Sales Analyst and Writer - William D'Angelo - I stream on Twitch and have my own YouTube channel discussing gaming sales and news. Follow me on Bluesky.

I post and adjust the VGChartz hardware estimates, with help from Machina.

Writer of the Sales Comparison | Monthly Hardware Breakdown Monthly Sales Analysis | Marketshare Features, as well as daily news on the Video Game Industry.

Runa216 said:

Finished God of War Ragnarok. Great game. but man it coulda been about 1/3 its length and I woulda loved it a whole lot more.

I know they're aching to give players more bang for their buck and I admire that...but a lot can be said about shorter games. There's a time and place for 100+ hour epics but mostly linear, story based games don't need to be 40-60 hours (when side questing is factored in). It was so exhausting by the end. I was mentally 'done' less than halfway through.

Such a hard topic to bring up, though, because it's VERY hard to argue against more value for your money. But me, personally...shit like this is why I champion shorter games like Portal 2 and the recent Ratchet & Clank game.

Ghost of Tsushima, for as much as I loved it, gave me the same vibe. It coulda been 1/3 the size and length that it was and I felt it would have been a more appropriately tight.

Ironically, both games are Sony exclusives. Anyone else have thoughts on this?

Yeah its a shame. The pacing for 2018 was perfect. And (imo) a lot better written too. Didn't really jibe with Ragnaroks story and characters for the most part. The gameplay improved quite a bit though.

I had the same kind of issue with the Last of Us 2 where the game could've ended 2/3rds the way through and been a better game for it.