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I agree with the above post because today I saw Trump giving his "victory" speech when onely 35 percent of the votes were in!


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With 91% of the votes counted in New Hampshire, Trump is going to win 54 to 43%. However, considering that poll aggregators had 56 to 36% on average (and even over 60% for Trump in the last 2 polls without DeSantis), it looks like Haley got the majority of the undecided voters and did quite a bit better than expected while Trump underperformed somewhat.

If Haley could make that a trend (and capitalize on the increasing signs of dementia of Trump), id' say she still has a shot, even though the odds are still long.

Shtinamin_ said:

How come the AP (and everyone else) has declared the New Hampshire primary race over (even though they only have 25% reporting)? It’s not over til it’s over.

A few things:

A call basically starts as a projection. It's not an official result. It's basically an outlet making an educated judgment call. It's possible for a call to be wrong.

CNN called Florida for Gore in 2000:

Obviously this didn't end up being the correct call. 

They make these judgment calls based off things like polling and previous election results. For example, California pretty consistently votes for Democrats at the federal level. They might expect from polling that California will vote 63% for the Democratic Nominee in 2024 and 34% for the Republican Nominee for President, and it helps that is what the last election looked like there. An outlet might call the election extremely early in California, because they might be seeing the early vote go the way they expected, or maybe even more slanted towards Democratic than they expected. Some of those states, I think even frequently get called when there are still 0 votes, just because it would require an unprecedented Christmas miracle for things to go the other way. 

In this case, they might have had something like "in these counties we expect Haley to win by 2%, and in these counties we expect Trump to win by 4%." And these will have a margin of error of about 3%. If we start the real count on those Haley counties, and Trump is actually winning by 1% (that is within the margin of error to still be accurate polling); then it's pretty safe to conclude that Trump will win the whole state. If he didn't, that would require the Trump counties to actually go to Haley, and that would require the +4% Trump to be a very large unexpected error.

Every vote will be counted to be sure, and as I said the call isn't an official result. 

I hate the Tories in the UK but man, the Republican Party is truly something else, what a fucking cult it has became.

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Ryuu96 said:

If Biden has any brains left he should now bash Trump and the Republicans as "wanting totally open borders with no regulations since they killed the bill to avoid those"

Ryuu96 said:
LurkerJ said:

No one is suddenly talk about Biden's age, it's been an increasingly relevant conversation as time goes by, and it will only become more relevant by November 2024, there is no cure for dementia and cognitive decline, it doesn't matter which doctors you're surrounded by. Bernie is older but he's obviously more physically robust and mentally sharper. Both are at a higher risk of sudden death but only one is actually capable of running a campaign. 

We have ample of evidence of the DNC rigging primaries and weaponising mainstream media against Bernie and others. The "unelectable" brand he's been given by them is laughable when they pushed Hilary down America's throat as well as Kamala Harris, and now genocide demented Joe is more electable, ok. We've not had a fair democratic process without dark money pushing thumbs on the scale and the proper left isn't going anywhere by giving up all the leverage to people like Biden. 

(We're also not going anywhere if we ignore key issues people are concerned about, We had a chance with Corbyn here but he burned it to ashes because he was an idiot who ran an Anti-Brexit campaign after the people have made their will clear, he chose to be annihilated. As un-enthusing and horrible Sir Kier will be for us, he's at least not as a big of an idiot). 

Even if you think Biden is the indisputable choice, Biden running on "Trump is a threat to democracy" may want to clean up his own house first, the short of shit DNC is involved in reeks is the sort of thing you'd expect to happen in countries like Iran, the left should absolutely hold his feet to the fire and demand change instead of giving up all leverage this early. I also find the "Trump would be worse for Palestinians" to be insulting for Palestinians who haven't been able to have a shower for months, they're walking painted with the blood of their relatives breathing of the dust their homes were turned into. Biden is doing absolutely nothing for Palestinians and Netanyahu isn't listening to either candidate. 


The White House is campaigning to spin Biden’s support for Israel’s war while actively facilitating the slaughter.

He already has the green light to do anything he wants from Biden, how is a continuation of that green light from Trump is worse? it's going to be the same for them, no evidence suggests otherwise. Please, Biden has been slapped and humiliated repeatedly by MBS and the autocrats the USA put in power since he was elected. America's leverage only works over poor Europe who keeps backing the USA actions and suffer the consequences of those actions more than the USA will ever will. He's another American backed up war risking trade and inflation disruptions across Europe even though Europeans are massively more Pro-Palestine than Americans but nope, let's not make the USA look the only bad guy in the room here, that's gotta be good for us. To suggest Biden has any leverage over Israel 100 days into this war is a joke. 

And no, I don't like Biden and loathe Trump, I loathe both. Look how domesticated the left is, "I don't like genocide Joe", you shouldn't be treating a murderous maniac with kids gloves if you actually want progressives to win elections, choose your words more carefully. 

I didn't say people were suddenly talking about Biden's age, I said it was odd to worry about him dying suddenly before the election alongside saying Biden looks like he could die at any minute and that he has more chance of dying than Trump, Lol. There's really not much difference between 77 - 81 from an age standpoint so they're both probably equally as likely to die as each other but that doesn't tell us the full picture, a whole host of health questions that need answering and thus it's hard to say which is more likely to die than the other, nor do I believe either candidate looks like they could die at any minute, as unfortunate as I find that for one of them, they both appear relatively well both physically and mentally still for their age.

Also...Dementia? Where is that coming from aside from conspiracy theories? Often Biden's "cognitive decline" in the past was also insultingly mistaken for his stammer condition too, I say insultingly because I have a family member with a stammer. These exact concerns were thrown at Biden last election and he still beat Trump in debates. Yes he has his gaffes but too often at these gaffes in the past been labelled as "cognitive decline" when it was his stammer. As for Bernie, the man had a heart attack, I'm not sure I'd call him more physically robust than either Biden or Trump.

I am a big fan of Bernie but I do believe Biden is more electable in America, I don't think Bernie was unelectable because the DNC told me so, I think he was unelectable because I think America is still largely centrist based on what I've seen over the years, I especially think America leans on the right still in regards to economic policies. Americans constantly label Europe as a socialist hell even when almost all of them aren't socialist and many of them are led by right wing politics, Lmao. It's as if anything slightly to the left in America is labelled as socialist which is often confused with communism. I am happy to see more left wing politicians run for Presidency so that these ideas can be further put into Americans minds, explained better to hopefully push them further to the left but I don't believe any can win at this moment.

Nobody is telling you to not demand change from Biden's administration.

What I said about Trump in regards to Palestine is that at minimum he would be equally as bad as Biden but also add on Ukraine being thrown under the bus, America's democracy being further eroded, minorities in America being screwed over, the relationship between America and Europe souring again and NATO being at risk once again. I don't know how it's insulting to say that Trump would be as bad as Biden for Palestinians either. Trump is the same dude who abandoned our Kurdish allies, who constantly expresses xenophobia and bigotry, especially towards Muslims, who has proposed a ban on Muslims entering America in the past, 99% of the Gaza Strip is Summi Muslims.

Trump has also been very friendly with Netanyahu in the past and it only soured when Netanyahu recognised Biden as the winner, Lol. Trump has also said in the past that he would reject refugees from Gaza entering the USA, called for ideological screenings for those entering the country. Released a Middle East peace plan which pissed off Palestinian leaders and largely aligned with what Netanyahu wanted. He says the current conflict has to play out but his criticism to Israel goes as far as him saying they have to do a better job in "PR", in 2018 he proposed withdrawing all aid to Palestinians (around $200m).

Just the other day, every Republican in the US Senate voted to limit assistance to Palestine, every Democrat voted against it except Manchin. So I'm sorry if it's insulting but it's the truth that Trump and Republicans would be equally as bad for Palestinians as Biden and have a strong potential to be even worse.

I also agree that America has no leverage over Israel, I didn't really want to say it but while I think America should stop supporting Israel, condemn them and join the calls for a ceasefire, I don't think it will change much, Netanyahu will still continue his attack and people are underestimating how powerful and large Israel's military is, that's not to say America shouldn't do those things above but I am under no illusion it will save Gaza. Israel is one of the most powerful militaries in the world versus a tiny strip of land with a population of 2m which is also one of the most densely populated areas in the world.

It's partly why it's depressing to follow because I don't see any way that Gaza comes out of this with a good deal.

Biden I was fine with up until his support of Israel but I can recognise that the other option is still far worse for almost the entire world and will change nothing for the Palestinians at the same time so nobody wins from a Trump win, thus I hope Biden wins but people can continue to criticise him for Israel, I never said nobody could do that, but Biden will be the nominee and it makes sense for him, the incumbent, to be the nominee at this moment in time. In the election after, I predict it will be Gavin Newsom and people can criticise him for things too, but for now it's not a competition, the Republican options are far, far worse than the Democrat options.

I don't think talks about possible death is unreasonable for either candidate. 

I didn't say Biden has dementia, I said doctors have no cure for cognitive decline or dementia (which is on the spectrum of cognitive decline). Mild cognitive decline is a global aging phenomena, it's very common after the age of 60 and it only becomes more prevalent, it's unreasonable to look at Biden and suggest the guy is going through something, this is not an insult, just like saying he can't run a marathon isn't an insult, it's an observation, an observation that matters because the polls have consistently shown the democratic base views Biden's age negatively, so it isn't just a made up concern of mine, it's what his base thinks. I think he's doing great for his age, I can only hope to have as much marbles as he does if I live that long, maybe not to run for an election though. 

The heart attack argument. At that age, having a heart attack doesn't make your heart less robust than someone else from the same age group. A man with history of attacks in their 80s absolutely can have a healthier heart than another man in their 80s without history of heart attacks. Bernie is more physically and mentally robust, he campaigned more in 2020 for Biden than Biden campaigned for himself, I am sure this will be the same in 2024. Does it mean that he is less likely to drop dead tomorrow? No. Bernie's overall heath might be worse, I don't have their medical records, but perception and what we see matters, and Biden looks more frail of the 3 in question. 

These days, policies don't matter. I don't believe Bernie being a socialist matters as much as people think, in many ways, Trump was more left wing than Hillary herself on issues like healthcare, bringing manufacturing back, trade deals, opposition of China, and obviously, he was more left wing on the borders (if we actually leave tribalism and the racist rhetoric out of the picture). He still outflanked every other republican who ran on a proper rightwing platform. As far as I can tell, the guy was more Pro-LGBT than Obama himself if you compare both when they were elected, yet again, republicans didn't care and chose him over Bush. (obviously, Trump lied/failed on every single on one of these issues including the border).

With the way politics is (a byproduct of under-educated public), people vote for the person they don't hate, centre, left, right, I doubt the general public is educated enough to know anything beyond who they need to vote for. As a seemingly Biden hater, I seem to have a better grasp of all of his excellent left wing internal policies that been implemented in his first term than many Biden fans. The public really seem to care about few issues, immigration is a global sore point for left wing politicians but nope, we ain't touching that because.... reasons. Besides that, I don't know if the majority cares bout anything else anymore.  

Obviously, just because policies don't matter, it doesn't make Bernie the default candidate, he still needed to win. My point is that you can't have both the DNC and their massive MSM arm influence the democratic primaries negatively and then say "Bernie is unelectable", in the same breath giving us Hillary and Kamala, ok. I personally believe this is the time progressives should go all out and show the voters how genocide Joe (and Starmer) are half bowls of shit, it's a perfect opportunity to either show the difference and at the very least, exert pressure to pull Biden further to the left on more issues. 

As for Trump being worse for the rest of the world, I acknowledged this repeatedly, I am not rooting for Trump to win. Even though, I personally think it would be great for Europe to stop being the USA's lapdog and become a self-sufficient continent that doesn't depend on the USA aid/help/policies etc, I still don't think this should happen because Trump may screw us over, it should happen because... logic dictates it should happen. 

Forget all of the above, the last the point you make in the end, I find baffling and I don't think anyone can rationally support it. The vast majority of Israel arms come for the USA (like 90%?), to say that if "USA stops supporting Israel, not much will change" falls firmly in the objectively wrong territory. This is untested and unsupported hypothesis that is only floated around to leave a small way out for Biden from this mess. Why is AIPAC constantly influencing politicians and elections with dark money if "USA lack of support won't change much" had any merits? AIPAC seems to disagree, and they put their money where their mouth is, hundreds of millions of dollars kind of money.

Why is Biden is risking the few advantages he has and his chances of winning of his stances wouldn't change much? I don't think we'll see an eye to eye on this one. 

Last edited by LurkerJ - on 25 January 2024

How Vice Went From New Media Giant to Saudi Propaganda Machine

In 2013, not long after I started working for Vice, which I left in 2022 to join Novara Media, Smith celebrated the company’s break-neck expansion with typical braggadocio: he stripped naked and walked around talking to employees at the New York office for a video to mark Vice getting 2,000,000 YouTube subscribers. A decade later, it was just the latest new media company that had failed to turn its large audience and billions of dollars of investment into a viable business.


The company has gone to great lengths to protect its business with Saudi Arabia, which is investing in western media in order to buff its image. Novara Media has been told that Vice has even played down security risks to LGBTQ+ staff working in the kingdom, while using vague security concerns as “a shield” to stop the publication of critical articles about Saudi.

The company’s ties with Saudi – which would seem to be at odds with its liberal, anti-authoritarian image, but not with its money-hungry corporate culture – go back to at least to 2018. That summer, Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman, known as MBS, met Smith on a yacht off the Red Sea coast in order to discuss the building of “an international media empire to combat the kingdom’s rivals and remake its image in the West,” reported the Washington Post.

The kingdom-building project was delayed however, as in October 2018, the company paused its contract with Saudi publishing group SMRG following the murder of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the behest of MBS.

The pause wasn’t to last. Less than a year later, in September 2019, Vice released a fluffy video about a camel race in the desert, made in association with Saudi Research and Marketing Group, telling viewers that to Saudi’s elite, camels are “a source of national pride, and even regional solidarity”. In 2020, Vice’s creative marketing agency Virtue organised a Saudi-state sponsored music and culture festival in the middle of the desert, headlined by Jean-Michel Jarre and Tinie Tempah.

‘We can’t even do basic news about Saudi.’

This rang hollow for one current Vice employee, who told Novara Media: “Editorial independence is clearly unworkable with the Saudi operation. We can’t even do basic news about Saudi.”

In May, Vice indefinitely held an article and video it had prepared about a widely-reported story of a Saudi woman who was imprisoned for 30 years for protesting the government’s NEOM linear city project due to security concerns about staff and freelancers who had been deployed to Saudi. “Everywhere did it [the story], and we couldn’t do it,” the staffer said.

How corrupt media operates (and why supporting people-powered media might be the way forward to save western democracies). 

Last edited by LurkerJ - on 25 January 2024

Shtinamin_ said:

How come the AP (and everyone else) has declared the New Hampshire primary race over (even though they only have 25% reporting)? It’s not over til it’s over.

They can extrapolate from early voting patterns who the winner will be. You'll see it in November as well. States like Oklahoma and Tennessee will be called for Trump almost as soon as the counting starts.Same thing with California being called for Biden almost out of the gate. They call it when the remaining votes show no likely/possible path to victory in that precinct for one candidate or another. 

Ryuu96 said:

I hate the Tories in the UK but man, the Republican Party is truly something else, what a fucking cult it has became.

"Become"? It's been like this for a great many years. I lived in Oklahoma in 1994, at the time of the so-called Republican Revolution, and Oklahoma is one of the places where the cult took root and blossomed early on. Not only at the Congressional level, but the state's flagship newspaper, which was owned by a conservative family, began targeting the Democratic governor and his family. The Republican governor who followed passed the nation's first welfare-to-work laws and eventually "right-to-work" legislation aimed at undermining labor unions.