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Ryuu96 said:
zeldaring said:

why would russia trust what the US intent was since they invade and bully so many countries no one has started more wars and invaded then the US. John Mearsheimer Said 6 years ago if US pushes the Ukraine to Nato it would be the destruction of Ukraine. you are right all super powers are evil.

Russia themselves don't even believe that America was going to attack them, c'mon now. It's straight up Russian propaganda fed to the domestic audience, Lol. Russia contradicts itself time and time again on the reasons (which they've gave over a dozen different ones) why they invaded Ukraine. It has ranged from "Ukraine has Nazis" to "Ukraine was going to attack us first" to "Ukraine was about to join NATO" to "Ukraine was making nukes and/or biological weapons" to "Ukraine doesn't technically exist/we never legally gave Ukraine up, therefore it's ours"

Russia has a long history of brutality, from allying themselves with Nazi Germany (until it no longer benefited them) to Soviet-Afghan War to the First Chechen War, to the Second Chechen, to illegally and forcefully stealing Crimea from Ukraine, to the horrific shit which Russia does in Syria in aid of Assad and the horrific shit which Wagner gets up to in African countries with Russia's full backing. To aiding, encouraging separatists in Abkhazia, South Ossetia to breakaway from Georgia and Transnistria to breakaway from Moldova with the aid of Russia to eventually invading the whole of Ukraine and trying to genocide them.

We even had Russian military officers with writing on their graves stating they were involved in the Donbas war...Despite Russia claiming to not be involved but now Russia doesn't seem to care about keeping that lie up. They cause a little bit of infighting in a country and then when the Russian backed group ask for "help" Russia sends in the "help" and pretends to be "peacemaker" until Russia eventually decides it wants to rest of the land, as it did with Chechnya, Ukraine and as it will do with Georgia and Moldova next if they defeat Ukraine.

The USA does not control NATO, once again we're seeing American arrogance on display, America cannot even convince NATO countries to help them out in the Red Sea. Consistently does European countries go against America's wishes because we're all independent countries at the end of the day with our own thoughts. It was Germany (and I think a couple others) who was blocking Ukraine from being able to join NATO in the first place and once again, Ukraine was absolutely NOWHERE near to joining NATO, it's a process which takes years.

Every single country in NATO has to approve Ukraine joining as well, it only takes one no out of 31 to block Ukraine from being able to join, that is 31 countries with equal say as each other and at the end of the day, nobody was letting Ukraine join as long as they were in an active conflict, a conflict which was created thanks to Russia.

Yea if that's the case then russia is a POS. I just don't trust the US look at what did they did to iraq they bombed air ports and residential buildings something that russia hasn't done nearly as much despite facing a much stronger military the only thing is i see the US as worse the russia from MY POV. So that the only reason i question things.

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I honestly think if israel and the US faced a war like the Ukraine resistance they would kill everyone and target all the civilians

zeldaring said:
Ryuu96 said:

Russia themselves don't even believe that America was going to attack them, c'mon now. It's straight up Russian propaganda fed to the domestic audience, Lol. Russia contradicts itself time and time again on the reasons (which they've gave over a dozen different ones) why they invaded Ukraine. It has ranged from "Ukraine has Nazis" to "Ukraine was going to attack us first" to "Ukraine was about to join NATO" to "Ukraine was making nukes and/or biological weapons" to "Ukraine doesn't technically exist/we never legally gave Ukraine up, therefore it's ours"

Russia has a long history of brutality, from allying themselves with Nazi Germany (until it no longer benefited them) to Soviet-Afghan War to the First Chechen War, to the Second Chechen, to illegally and forcefully stealing Crimea from Ukraine, to the horrific shit which Russia does in Syria in aid of Assad and the horrific shit which Wagner gets up to in African countries with Russia's full backing. To aiding, encouraging separatists in Abkhazia, South Ossetia to breakaway from Georgia and Transnistria to breakaway from Moldova with the aid of Russia to eventually invading the whole of Ukraine and trying to genocide them.

We even had Russian military officers with writing on their graves stating they were involved in the Donbas war...Despite Russia claiming to not be involved but now Russia doesn't seem to care about keeping that lie up. They cause a little bit of infighting in a country and then when the Russian backed group ask for "help" Russia sends in the "help" and pretends to be "peacemaker" until Russia eventually decides it wants to rest of the land, as it did with Chechnya, Ukraine and as it will do with Georgia and Moldova next if they defeat Ukraine.

The USA does not control NATO, once again we're seeing American arrogance on display, America cannot even convince NATO countries to help them out in the Red Sea. Consistently does European countries go against America's wishes because we're all independent countries at the end of the day with our own thoughts. It was Germany (and I think a couple others) who was blocking Ukraine from being able to join NATO in the first place and once again, Ukraine was absolutely NOWHERE near to joining NATO, it's a process which takes years.

Every single country in NATO has to approve Ukraine joining as well, it only takes one no out of 31 to block Ukraine from being able to join, that is 31 countries with equal say as each other and at the end of the day, nobody was letting Ukraine join as long as they were in an active conflict, a conflict which was created thanks to Russia.

Yea if that's the case then russia is a POS. I just don't trust the US look at what did they did to iraq they bombed air ports and residential buildings something that russia hasn't done nearly as much despite facing a much stronger military the only thing is i see the US as worse the russia from MY POV. So that the only reason i question things.

I try to be sensitive about these things when I recognise what the West has done to the Middle-East and there is no justification there and people from those regions have all the right to be angry and upset at America but that doesn't justify turning a blind eye or excusing a country which is currently committing horrific acts as well. If someone makes excuses for a country like Russia then they're no different to supporters of America's horrific acts in the past.

And while Ukraine is much stronger than Iraq (Maybe?) they were on paper massively weaker than Russia in terms of military equipment, Ukraine had a small and outdated air-force and a practically non-existent Navy, their land equipment was largely outdated, it made sense why some military experts thought Ukraine would fall quickly but what they underestimated was Ukraine's drive and determination to fight back, the spirit and strength of Ukraine's soldiers, Ukraine had to prove itself over and over again against a much stronger adversary before the West started getting serious about equipping Ukraine with better stuff.

It took months for the West to approve sending modern MBTs, likewise it took months to approve sending long-range missiles and it took over a year to approve sending modern jets to Ukraine. The reason Russia hasn't totally levelled Ukraine yet is not because they don't want to, it has been a combination of Ukraine's spirit, tenacity and resistance in fighting back against a much larger adversary and Russia simply utterly fucking up tactically multiple times and still using zerg rush-like tactics like they're still in WW1.

But this is what Russia did to Chechnya.

This is what Russia has done to Ukraine cities.

Ukraine after Russia blew the Kakhovka Dam

Will likely go down as one of the worst ecological disasters performed on a country in recent history.

Yea man that looks horrible insane how all the super powers are evil.

As for the question what was a stronger military ukraine vs Iraq it's not even close. In the Iraq war that lasted 20 years Iraq resistance force killed 4 thousand US soldiers

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Under the cover of Christmas

Hundreds of casualties reported in central Gaza

At least 250 people were killed and 500 others were injured over the past 24 hours in the areas of Bureij, Nuseirat and Al-Maghazi in central Gaza, the Hamas-controlled health ministry said Monday, adding the death toll across the enclave since October 7 is now 20,674. CNN previously reported at least 70 people were killed in an attack on the Al-Maghazi refugee camp alone.

Netanyahu vows a "long fight" in Israel-Hamas war after he visits Gaza.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited Gaza for the second time since he declared war on Hamas following the group's attack in Israel on October 7.
“It will be a long fight and it is not close to ending,” Netanyahu said in a statement published by his Likud party. 

Netanyahu told his fellow party members that he just returned from a trip to Gaza and met with Israeli soldiers there. They told him to continue the military operation. “We don't stop, we keep fighting and we deepen the fighting in the coming day,” he said in the statement.

Pope's Christmas Day message

Pope Francis used his Christmas Day message to reiterate his call for a ceasefire and issue a plea for the end of the war between Israel and Hamas. “Let us pray for peace in Palestine and Israel,” said the 87-year-old pontiff, describing war as “an aimless voyage, a defeat without victors, an inexcusable folly” in his Christmas Day “Urbi et Orbi” message.

During his remarks, the Pope described the children “devastated” by war as the "little Jesuses" of today, lamenting the number of “innocents” being “slaughtered in the world” including those in “their mothers’ wombs” and others who are “in odysseys undertaken in desperation and in search of hope.”   

The Pope also appealed for peace in conflicts across the world, including in Ukraine, Syria, the Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan. 

He reiterated his criticism on arms trade, which he labeled "the interests and the profits that move the puppet-strings of war" and lamented that "arms production, sales and trade are on the rise." 

US sends 230 planes, 20 ships loaded with weapons to Israel: Report

The United States has sent 230 cargo planes and 20 ships loaded with weapons and military equipment to Israel since the outbreak of the Gaza war on October 7, according to an Israeli media report.

The US military assistance includes artillery shells, armoured vehicles and basic combat equipment, the Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper reported.

The newspaper, citing an Israeli Ministry of Defense official, said the army has used most of the ammunition it had stored since the beginning of the war. “But Israel managed to refill its warehouses in preparation for a possible large-scale war with the Lebanese Hezbollah group,” it added.

Israel’s Defense Ministry estimated the cost of the current war on the Gaza Strip at about 65 billion shekels ($17bn).

Palestinian official says Israeli forces raid 200 homes in Burqa in West Bank

Ghassan Daghlas, acting governor of Nablus, says he is among residents who are under siege in the village of Burqa in the occupied West Bank.

An ongoing raid on the town northwest of Nablus has lasted about 20 hours. Late on Sunday, the Israeli army stormed the village, closed all its entrances and searched homes. Israeli forces raided about 200 homes and carried out widespread arrests, Daghlas told Al Jazeera. Many houses have been badly damaged, he added.

“I am currently inspecting the homes that were raided. What I see in the house that I am now in is disaster and massive destruction,” he said. “The house’s features from the inside have completely disappeared.”

Dozens of Palestinians have been arrested and interrogated, he said, adding that some have now been released.

Situation at flashpoint hospital reflects "nightmare playing out across Gaza," WHO chief says

World Health Organization officials witnessed "acute hunger" and "rising desperation" during a visit to a heavily damaged hospital in the north of the besieged enclave, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said Sunday.

A WHO team delivered supplies to the flashpoint Al-Shifa hospital on Saturday with humanitarian partners including the United Nations and World Central Kitchen. "Al-Shifa is a microcosm of the nightmare playing out across Gaza, where drastic shortages of medicines, food, power, water and – above all – safety imperil the population," Tedros said on X, formerly Twitter.

The joint mission Saturday delivered 19,200 liters of generator fuel to Al-Shifa, where hospital authorities say 50,000 displaced people are taking refuge, according to Tedros. He said his colleagues saw Al Shifa's surgery wing "overflowing with Gazans" who were seeking safety and shelter.

Tedros emphasized that the risk of famine is high across Gaza, with people desperately searching for food. "I can only imagine the torment that would drive people to such lengths," Tedros said, of people who have resorted to grabbing supplies from delivery trucks during the joint mission.


Merry Christmas :/

NYC at Rockefeller plaza now in front of the largest Christmas tree in New York City; with the Madonna and child now a Palestinian mother with a dead child in her lap because if Jesus were to be born today in the birthplace of Christianity, he would be born in the rubble or under Israeli shelling.

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 25 December 2023

zeldaring said:

I honestly think if israel and the US faced a war like the Ukraine resistance they would kill everyone and target all the civilians

Wow they are actually taping this and showing the world how evil they. Here they also strip 8- 10 yeah old children and also videos of sniper fire killing. children.

zeldaring said:
Ryuu96 said:

John Mearsheimer's latest book straight up thanked a Russian-based think tank which provided funding for his research, a think tank which is described as being a "Putin-approved" organisation, Lol. John Mearsheimer is the classic example of one of those hypocritical people I was talking about, those who criticise America's imperialism but make excuses for Russia's.

Fine, don't be pro-west but instead be pro-Ukraine. Once again, Ukraine is its own independent country, which makes its own choices and is being illegally invaded by a much more powerful country in an attempted land-grab and genocide but Russia uses excuses such as NATO in order to rile up the nationalistic domestic audience.

It's easier to sell to an audience that "we're invading Ukraine because NATO/the West wants us dead! Everyone is against us! Glory to Russia!" over the actual truth which is "we're invading Ukraine and sending you all to your deaths because I want a land grab, more resources and to stamp my name in the history books as restoring Russia to its former glory"

And sure, I can agree that the reason why USA is helping Ukraine is likely more to do with benefitting themselves over any morality concerns but I honestly couldn't care less why they are doing it, as long as they are doing it, because ultimately helping Ukraine is the right thing to do, no matter the motive behind it. Yes, USA probably wants Russia weakened and removed from the board as a threat and ultimately pushed away from Europe.

And I would want to see that too, Russia is ran by an awful leader but not just Putin, the whole of Russia's political system is rotten to the core, it's the same Russia as it was a 100 years ago, they still think they can take what they want, do what they want, hurt whoever they want and they don't try to even hide the fact that they would love nothing more than to see Europe in flames, our allies and millions of innocent people.

Same way I want us to get away from Saudi Arabia, Israel, etc. I want Europe to never return to having to rely on Russia again.

I do not believe Russia will change in my lifetime, it will require a total and utter defeat, it took Japan and Germany being utterly crushed and occupied by allied forces post-war to change their society around, something like that cannot happen in 2023 because everyone has nukes now, and so in order for Russia to change it will have to be a slow process that comes from the inside.

Russia is acting today like Nazi Germany.

Even still, America's intent was not to attack Russia and I don't get why you keep repeating that, I don't understand what you even mean, attack Russia how? Attack Russia through Ukraine? Ukraine was on paper massively weaker than Russia, American politicians and military experts all believed that Ukraine would lose within a week and Kyiv would be taken.

The President of the United States even offered to get Zelenskyy out of the country because they believed Kyiv was going to fall.

America full well believed at the beginning that Ukraine would lose and it would be a quick loss so how does it make sense that America was planning on attacking Russia through Ukraine? And again, Ukraine is an independent country, it does what it wants, America does not tell it what to do, if America stopped supporting Ukraine tomorrow, Ukraine will continue to fight.

They're fighting for their land, for their homes, for their families, for their country, for their lives.

If America wanted to attack Russia directly then what are they waiting for? Lol. Nobody wants to pick a fight with a nuclear capable country though. Even in their attempts to help Ukraine, they've enforced restrictions onto Ukraine and refused to give Ukraine certain weaponry or took months of deliberations to do so, it was the UK which had to break the taboo on sending MBTs and long-range missiles before anyone else could.

Even still, America refuses to send Ukraine some things, such as the very best version of ATACMS missile, Germany refuses to send Taurus over fears that Ukraine could use it to destroy the Kerch Bridge. The West shows fear still time and time again in supplying Ukraine with what it needs. Even before the war, the West (including America) consistently ignored Russia's horrific acts in order to try peace (and money).

The West simply wants Russia to stop invading everyone, especially on their backdoor and even more so because Russia keeps using migrants as a weapon against Europe to apply pressure. I'd in fact argue that many in the West are hoping still that Putin sees sense, pulls his troops out and I would not be surprised (but I would be pissed off) if everyone just went back to business as usual with Russia.

The West begged Russia not to go through with this.

Imo, I also believe the West is afraid of a quick collapse of Russia internally and would rather it happened slowly or not at all.

Ukraine has even in the past been told that they aren't allowed to use Western equipment on Russian soil, they can't attack Russian land using Western equipment, even if it's a viable military target, it is a restriction which I find bullshit. They also have other restrictions which I agree with, such as Ukraine is not allowed to use American cluster munitions on cities (Ukrainian cities which are Russian held currently).

Israel has none of these restrictions it seems.

I'm always anti war like if Palestine could just get some basic human rights with the illegal settlements and blockade removed is better then 100k dead in my book, so if Ukraine could have just said no to nato and if that would have stopped the invasion much better then 800k people losing there lives cause those people don't get a second chance. Palestinians have no choice the intent is clear they want them expelled.

The "Ukraine could've said no to NATO" narrative should've died before even the war started, I am not sure why this is still prelevant even among some commentators from the left, it's misleading and actually incorrect. Please watch the first 6 minutes of this video is enough to explain why, here is the script from from the important bits in this video: 

"What this shows you again, I think in no uncertain terms is that this is not just about NATO expansion, because if it was just about NATO expansion the only point being made by Vladimir Putin and by the Russian state tv outlets would be hey man this is purely defensive it's all because of NATO expansion we feel under threat, this is as defensive as defensive can be but that's not the only argument we're hearing, we're also hearing arguments directly from Vladimir Putin about:

  • "hey, my predecessors messed up when they were too lenient with the former soviet territories they gave them free reign to leave the soviet union whenever they wanted for whatever reason they wanted that was a mistake, we we built these countries up we funded them, they're in debt to us we share a culture with them, it's really ours, it's really mine."

and so, it's not just about being defensive from NATO it is also about Russian imperial ambitions. You don't have to take my word for it take the word of Vladimir Putin in the first half of his speech is about that, the speech he gave the other night and now you see here on Russian TV why are you showing this graphic unless the implication is well really this is all ours" 

Putin speech 21 Feb 2020

Putin speech 24 Feb 2020

Last edited by LurkerJ - on 26 December 2023

Lets be honest, Putin care little about Nato and Ukraine. Its has and will always be just an excuse to declare war on an area he has wanted since the breakup of the Union. The question was never if Putin was going to invade, it was when and especially with his declining health he was going to make a move no matter what.

‘If you don’t die from air strikes, you die from starvation’

Speaking to Al Jazeera, Muhammad Shehada, a spokesman for the Euro-Med Monitor, says Israeli operations have turned the north of Gaza into an “extermination zone”. “That is Israeli journalists using that term as well as a ‘sterile zone’ or a ‘death zone,'” he told Al Jazeera from Copenhagen.

“Early on in this war, [Israeli forces] threw pamphlets on the northern half of Gaza and said every single person who stays behind in the north is going to be dealt with as an accomplice to a terror organisation. So every single person in the northern half of Gaza is treated as a terrorist suspect and is guilty until proven innocent.

“That’s on the one hand. On the other hand, the northern half of Gaza is systematically denied any access to food, medical care, water, fuel, aid or electricity. It’s literally a death zone: if you don’t die from air strikes, you will die from starvation,” said Shehada.

Israel is in a "multi-arena war," defense minister says

From CNN's Amir Tal, Israel’s defense minister has said the country is in a “multi-arena war,” with Israel being attacked from seven arenas.

Yoav Gallant, while speaking to the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee in the Israeli parliament, warned of a long fight ahead of the country. "We are in a multi-arena war, we are being attacked from seven different sectors: Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Judea and Samaria, Iraq, Yemen and Iran," said Gallant, using the biblical names — Judea and Samaria — for the West Bank.

"We have already responded and acted in six of these decrees, and I say here in the most explicit way: Anyone who acts against us is a potential target, there is no immunity for anyone," he added. Gallant's comments follow Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's remarks Monday that the war is far from over, after the Israeli leader visited Gaza for the second time since October 7.

Differences remain between US and Israel but both are "on the same side" in war, Israeli official says

From CNN's Priscilla Alvarez, A senior Israeli official told CNN that while there are differences between the US and Israel over Israel's war with Hamas, both countries want to see the end of the the militant group.

“We can have different discussions on this tactical issue or that tactical issue. We listen very attentively to whatever Washington says, and I believe they listen very carefully to whatever we say to them,” said Mark Regev, a senior adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. “But ultimately, we’re on the same side of this. We want to see Hamas destroyed.” 

Ron Dermer, considered one of Netanyahu’s closest confidants, is expected to meet with officials from the White House and the State Department Tuesday to discuss the next phase of the war in Gaza, CNN has reported. The meetings come as the US has looked for Israel to move away from the high-intensity war it has waged for nearly three months in Gaza. Regev said “it’s only a matter of time” before Israel has victory in northern Gaza, arguing that reconstruction in the enclave can’t happen until Hamas is eliminated.


Netanyahu: Israeli forces ‘deepening the fighting’ in southern Gaza

Israeli prime minister has again sent the message that the intensity of fighting would not soften any time soon.

In a video posted on X, Netanyahu said to Hamas: “We see you and we will come to you”. “We are continuing the war, deepening the fighting in the southern Gaza Strip and elsewhere,” he said. “We fight to the end.”

The latest message comes as pressure has grown on Israel – including from close allies – to do more to prevent civilian casualties, particularly in the south where hundreds of thousands of civilians have fled. For its part, the US has said it wants Israel to move to a “lower intensity” phase of the fighting, but officials have said they will not impose terms or timelines on Israel.

All this creating a new generation of further traumatized people, for those that survive

MSF: ‘No safe place, no security for Gaza children’

Doctors Beyond Borders (Medicins Sans Frontieres, or MSF), have stressed that while their mental health teams are working with the emotional wellbeing of children in Gaza, there remains no safe place for them.

“Children have been exposed to extremely traumatic episodes with some patients recovering from physical injuries and some having lost family members,” MSF said in a post on X. “Their coping strategies have been taken away from them. There is no safe place and no sense of security. It must stop now.”

Last month, a report by MSF said that children in Gaza are experiencing a whole host of signs and symptoms of trauma including anxiety, fear, nightmares and disturbing memories, insomnia, bottling up emotions and withdrawing from loved ones.

While the North is completely cut off, the South isn't doing much better

People in Rafah have ‘nowhere to go and nothing to eat’: WFP official

Samer AbdelJaber, the country director for the UN agency, has made the latest appeal for more aid for the millions of displaced Palestinians in Gaza. In the southernmost city of Rafah, he said, people are setting up tents “wherever they can”. While humanitarian groups are handing out food parcels, he said it is “not enough for everyone”.

And as @zeldaring already said, the IDF keeps bragging about their war crimes for all to see

So much for, we will only check for bombs and they will have their clothes returned immediately, after the first 'uproar'. Also more and more stories about torture and executions keep coming out. This is what the US has created by keeping Israel unaccountable for decades.

The attacks on the West Bank keep getting worse as well

Prominent Palestinian politician arrested

The Israeli army says it has arrested senior Palestinian politician Khalida Jarrar in the occupied West Bank, along with other activists of her leftist party.

Jarrar, 60, a prominent figure in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), had previously been arrested by Israeli forces in October 2019 and released in September the following year after being held without trial. The PFLP, in a statement, said Israel’s army launched a “vast campaign on Tuesday morning to arrest leaders” of the group in the occupied West Bank. “These arrests will not break the will of our people,” it said.

Demolitions reported in Furush Beit Dajan, Deir Ballut: UN

The UN Office for Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in the occupied Palestinian territories says demolitions have been reported in Furush Beit Dajan and yesterday in Deir Ballut, in the occupied West Bank. The UN agency classes demolished structures as including residential buildings, “livelihood-related, service-related or part of infrastructure”. Since the beginning of 2023, 1,094 structures have been demolished in the occupied West Bank and at least 2,127 Palestinians have been displaced.