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Ryuu96 said:
zeldaring said:

putin is actually a saint compared to whta israel and America is doing, but the Arab world are also trash thye could be doing more to stop a clear genocide.

You can criticise Israel and America without making these exaggerations u'know? It's like saying Hitler was a saint compared to Stalin.

Putin and Netanyahu are both genocidal monsters, to say one looks like a saint compared to the other is just tone deaf and insensitive to the thousands of Ukrainians slaughtered, the innocent women raped and killed by his soldiers, the children killed, the lives destroyed thanks to Putin's commands. The only difference is Ukraine can actually fight back so Russia's genocide of Ukraine is a slower process than Israel bombing the shit out of a defenceless strip of land.

They both have the same goals though, Russia wants the genocide of Ukraine and Netanyahu wants the genocide of Palestinians.

I mean just look at the numbers, in 2 years in the Ukraine war 10k civilians killed vs 20k killed in 2 months keep in mind Ukraine army is actually powerful and being backed by the US while hamas is a bunch of guys with rpg's and AK's. keep in mind the reason for the war with Ukraine vs russia was easily avoidable. Russia has been telling Ukraine to Not sign with nato for 20 years cause putting nato  on the borders of russia would be a huge threat, now compare that to israel hamas war which is just Israel wanting  to expel Palestinians from there land and give them no rights. 

Last edited by zeldaring - on 23 December 2023

Around the Network
Libara said:
zeldaring said:

putin is actually a saint compared to whta israel and America is doing, but the Arab world are also trash thye could be doing more to stop a clear genocide.

Calling a genocidal monster like putin a saint is utterly moronic and says everything about you. 

I said compared to Netanyahu and the numbers back it up.

zeldaring said:
Libara said:

Calling a genocidal monster like putin a saint is utterly moronic and says everything about you. 

I said compared to Netanyahu and the numbers back it up.

No they don't, you're an idiot. 

Ryuu96 said:

You can criticise Israel and America without making these exaggerations u'know? It's like saying Hitler was a saint compared to Stalin.

Putin and Netanyahu are both genocidal monsters, to say one looks like a saint compared to the other is just tone deaf and insensitive to the thousands of Ukrainians slaughtered, the innocent women raped and killed by his soldiers, the children killed, the lives destroyed thanks to Putin's commands. The only difference is Ukraine can actually fight back so Russia's genocide of Ukraine is a slower process than Israel bombing the shit out of a defenceless strip of land.

They both have the same goals though, Russia wants the genocide of Ukraine and Netanyahu wants the genocide of Palestinians.


I was wrong at the start of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, thinking it should be solved diplomatically and with sanctions instead of taking up arms. However that would only have led to ethnic cleansing (which is just a 'nice' word for mass murder, rape and mass displacement of people) of Ukraine and the population put under oppression like the Palestinians. There is simply no talking sense into people like Putin and Netanyahu. Once they get into power surrounded by 'yes men' things have already gone way too far.

I was still too naive to think the UN can actually do anything when any of the permanent members (or close allies of those) step out of line. With US, Russia, China, France and the UK holding veto power, they're basically above international law.

Now we have Russia continuing to try to wear down Ukraine, destroying the country where ever they can, and backing Hamas probably just as a 'proxy war' against US' influence in the middle East.

The USA keeps protecting Israel to do as it pleases, and is currently saber rattling with Iran over the Houthi attacks in the Red Sea, while congress keeps bickering over desperately needed military aid for Ukraine. Military aid that instead keeps the Israeli invasion of Gaza going.

China stands by on the sidelines, siding more with Russia and Iran but has its own investments in Israel as well as buying weapons from Israel. (and no doubt surveilance software and other oppression tactics to keep their own population under their thumb)

Europe remains divided as always, more concerned about refugees and immigration, not capable of providing Ukraine the support it needs to put an end to the Russian invasion.

It's a bloody mess. We've gone from nuclear stockpiling as 'deterrence' to publicly displaying how far each is willing to go in atrocities to get their way. The new deterrence isn't nuclear destruction, it's what's happening to Ukraine and Gaza right now. Israel has already warned Lebanon it can do the same to Beirut as it's doing to Gaza.

Libara said:
zeldaring said:

I said compared to Netanyahu and the numbers back it up.

No they don't, you're an idiot. 

Great way to discuss things by throwing insults like a child the world is not black and white. The US is one of the most genocidal monsters in the world they cause 4 million deaths on the war of terror that attacked countries that had nothing to do with 9/11, and made 38 million refugees.

Around the Network
zeldaring said:

I mean just look at the numbers, in 2 years in the Ukraine war 10k civilians killed vs 20k killed in 2 months keep in mind Ukraine army is actually powerful and being backed by the US while hamas is a bunch of guys with rpg's and AK's. keep in mind the reason for the war with Ukraine vs russia was easily avoidable. Russia has been telling Ukraine to Not sign with nato for 20 years cause putting nato  on the borders of russia would be a huge threat, now compare that to israel hamas war which is just Israel wanting  to expel Palestinians from there land and give them no rights. 

It's a very different situation. Russia is more adept at killing its own conscripts, fighting with WW2 material and tactics.

Hundreds of thousands wounded and dead in Ukraine as war grinds on, intelligence suggests
U.K. Ministry of Defence estimates around 320,000 Russian casualties

A Ukrainian civic group said it has confirmed 24,500 combat and non-combat deaths using open sources. But if many of the 15,000 troops listed as missing are also dead, the figure could be much higher, according to a report published in the Ukrainian journal Tyzhden.

"Obviously, the 24,500 names are not the final number of dead (deceased), but by our assessment it is no less than 70 per cent," the authors wrote. "That is, the real number of dead (deceased) in combat and non-combat situations is more than 30,000 people."

Ukraine is a huge country and people can actually flee to safe places behind enemy lines hence a much lower Civilian death toll percentage wise.

An ongoing refugee crisis began in Europe in late February 2022 after Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Nearly 6 million refugees fleeing Ukraine are recorded across Europe, while an estimated 8 million others had been displaced within the country by late May 2022.

14 million Ukrainians displaced from Russia's war on top of over 10,000 civilians killed.

Putin invaded Ukraine because he wanted to leave a legacy of 'making Russia great again'

Back in early 2022:

Right now he has a stated vision of a historic Russia from the 1800s, which means one language, one religion and one leader.

And he's also said that he wants to take over Ukraine, he wants to push back the frontiers of NATO in eastern and central Europe, and he wants to prevent Finnish and Swedish NATO membership.

What we have to understand is that Putin is basically establishing his legacy at the moment. So he sees himself as, you know, [Joseph] Stalin, or Ivan the Terrible, or Peter the Great. He wants to go down in history — and sorry for the term — for making Russia great again.

He saw the 1990s and the collapse of the Soviet Union as a big humiliation, so he'll do everything in his power to make his legacy look good from a Russian perspective, whatever that might mean.

Pushing back NATO is a part as well, but mostly to sell his 'vision' to his military commanders. Putin is a fanatic just like Netanyahu.

And just like Palestine, Ukraine has been fighting for independence for centuries as well. Russia annexed Crimea in 2014, Ukraine declared independence in 1991, Ukraine-Soviet war had a brief truce in 1918 and Ukraine originally fell to the Russian Empire in the late 1700's.
The struggle predates NATO by centuries...

zeldaring said:
Libara said:

No they don't, you're an idiot. 

Great way to discuss things by throwing insults like a child the world is not black and white. The US is one of the most genocidal monsters in the world they cause 4 million deaths on the war of terror that attacked countries that had nothing to do with 9/11, and made 38 million refugees.

Nothing you put there shows how putin is a saint. Try again.

I said put is a saint compared to Netanyahu they are both evil but so everyone in power for the most part. To be fair I don't follow the ukraine war much. I did some research of why it started and a few people say it was cause of the US  wanted nuclear weapons in Ukraine so they could get a regime change in russia

zeldaring said:
Ryuu96 said:

You can criticise Israel and America without making these exaggerations u'know? It's like saying Hitler was a saint compared to Stalin.

Putin and Netanyahu are both genocidal monsters, to say one looks like a saint compared to the other is just tone deaf and insensitive to the thousands of Ukrainians slaughtered, the innocent women raped and killed by his soldiers, the children killed, the lives destroyed thanks to Putin's commands. The only difference is Ukraine can actually fight back so Russia's genocide of Ukraine is a slower process than Israel bombing the shit out of a defenceless strip of land.

They both have the same goals though, Russia wants the genocide of Ukraine and Netanyahu wants the genocide of Palestinians.

I mean just look at the numbers, in 2 years in the Ukraine war 10k civilians killed vs 20k killed in 2 months keep in mind Ukraine army is actually powerful and being backed by the US while hamas is a bunch of guys with rpg's and AK's. keep in mind the reason for the war with Ukraine vs russia was easily avoidable. Russia has been telling Ukraine to Not sign with nato for 20 years cause putting nato  on the borders of russia would be a huge threat, now compare that to israel hamas war which is just Israel wanting  to expel Palestinians from there land and give them no rights. 

We're talking about the evilness of someone, if Putin could, he would absolutely wipe Ukraine off the map and kill them all, as they've been trying to do for the past 2 years. You essentially repeated what I said which is that the only difference here is that Ukraine is actually capable of fighting back so Putin's little genocide attempt is slowed down.

Therefore saying Putin is a saint compared to America/Israel is tone-deaf and inaccurate.

Gaza is a tiny strip with a concentrated population whose only exit is through Egypt while Ukraine is a massive country which had exits through Moldova, Poland, Slovakia and Romania so thankfully many civilians were able to escape but what of the tens of thousands Ukrainian troops that have also died defending their country as well? I would call those people innocents, many former civilians.

No, I won't keep that in mind, because that isn't the reason for the war with Ukraine, that's propaganda bullshit fed to you by Russia themselves who have contradicted themselves a dozen times over and changed their reasons for invading Ukraine a dozen times over. The reason Russia invaded Ukraine is simple, they're led by an imperialistic psychopath who wanted a land grab for resources and to leave a legacy of restoring mighty Russia.

Russia has no right to tell Ukraine what it can or can't do, Russia has no right to tell Ukraine that it can't sign with NATO, in addition to that, Ukraine was absolutely nowhere near to joining NATO because countries in NATO kept blocking them from doing so, it would have been at least a dozen years before Ukraine could join NATO, there was absolutely zero indication that Ukraine was about to join NATO.

NATO on the borders of Russia is not a threat to Russia unless Russia attacks NATO because NATO is a defensive treaty! For the love of God, there was zero indication that NATO was a threat to Russia. Lets also mention that NATO was already bordered with Russia and if NATO wanted to attack Russia, they sure as shit don't need to be bordered with them to do it.

If NATO was such a threat to Russia then why is Russia pulling its troops away from NATO borders? Lol. If NATO was such a threat to Russia then why is Russia trying to land grab Ukraine and therefore put NATO even more on their borders via Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania?! (And no Russia is not just trying to take Kyiv, they want the whole thing). Why did they not attack Finland before they joined NATO?

You don't see us crying at the fact that Kaliningrad (a Russian region with nukes in it) borders Lithuania and Poland.

If Russia didn't want people to see them as enemies then how about they stop fucking attacking everyone? If Russia has made an enemy out of NATO it's their own damn fault, especially after Europe spent years trying to bend over backwards for Russia and looked the other way at all the horrific shit they did. Oh lets not forget, genius Russia in its attempt to not have a non-combative NATO on its border has now put a lifetime enemy on its border.

See how it doesn't make sense? Cause it was never about NATO.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 23 December 2023

zeldaring said:

I said put is a saint compared to Netanyahu they are both evil but so everyone in power for the most part. To be fair I don't follow the ukraine war much. I did some research of why it started and a few people say it was cause of the US  wanted nuclear weapons in Ukraine so they could get a regime change in russia

Those people are idiots. It was United States (among others) who helped convince Ukraine to give up their nukes in the first place, albeit those nukes were useless and financially a massive drain to maintain but still, the United States among others promised Ukraine security assurances for getting rid of them.

There is no evidence to support that United States was about to put their nuclear weapons in Ukraine and how would that even cause a regime change in Russia? Putin who rigs all his elections is going to step down because America puts a few nukes in Ukraine? What does it even matter where they are? It ain't like United States couldn't just (if it wanted to) fire a nuke from American soil onto Russian soil with ease.

You know what would cause nukes to be closer to Russia though? What will convince NATO allies to invest in their own nukes? What will convince Ukraine it needs nukes on its soil? The fact that Russia is invading Ukraine in the first place, the fact that Russia is lobbing threats at Europe on a weekly basis telling us that we'll be next.

And again, Russia has nukes in Kaliningrad which borders Poland, our NATO ally. So there's a huge level of hypocrisy to think about when we pretend it's about nuke placement. Poland even recently has been throwing around being open to nuclear sharing because unfortunately the best deterrence to a psycho country like Russia is nukes (and now NATO) and that is Russia's own fault.

We tried to work with them for years, we looked the other way for years, we ignored their evilness in pursuit of peace and money and it has backfired on us. Russia has now provided the best argument for keeping nukes and increasing military investment to even someone like me who before used to lean more towards anti-nukes and less military investment.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 23 December 2023