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What the US has come to

A group of people gathered in front of the White House for a candlelit vigil holding a sign that say, “President Biden, your staff demands a ceasefire”.

Josh Paul, who resigned from the State Department in October over the US’s “lethal assistance to Israel”, spoke at the event.

Information shared online before the protest encouraged staff members from the Biden-Harris administration to attend. Attendees were encouraged to wear masks and nondescript clothing and not to bring their work phones.

Sky news getting more critical

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 13 December 2023

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SvennoJ said:

Sky news getting more critical

Sometimes, you just gotta listen to what the people in charge say and take their words at face value:

'Peace between Israel and Saudi Arabia will truly create a new Middle East,' Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says in address to the UN General Assembly in New York City on September 22, 2023

No-peace-Middle-East status is being eternalised with our tax money... again and again. 

LurkerJ said:

No-peace-Middle-East status is being eternalised with our tax money... again and again. 

And this is the propaganda the IDF posts in Israel. They say one thing to Western media, yet the only thing they are 'sorry' about is that these kind of images and footage get noticed outside of Israel.

It's all about feeding / keeping the revenge blood lust going and dehumanizing the enemy to be able to go on making Gaza inhabitable and keep driving Palestinians out of their homes in the West Bank.

And yep, you pay taxes to help build Gaza up again, and pay taxes to help destroy it again. War is a racket.

More psychological warfare in the West Bank

Footage circulating online showing Israeli army officers singing Jewish prayers into the loudspeaker in a local mosque during a raid in Jenin has sparked outrage. “The images emerging from the field are clear: the army is controlled by crazy fanatics,” Ofer Cassif, a communist party member of the Israeli parliament, said on X. The Army Radio reported that the soldiers were removed from operational duty after their superiors investigated the videos.

Israel’s far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir said the soldiers should not be held accountable for their actions. “We should give our wonderful fighters full backing and not get involved in disciplinary proceedings in matters that are not supposed to concern the [army], certainly not in wartime,” he was reported as saying by the Army Radio.

The West Bank is starting to be under continuous siege like Gaza

The Israeli military has expanded raids to villages west and south of Jenin, presumably because it now thinks that some of the members of the Palestinian resistance have escaped in that direction. By all accounts, it is a very intense raid.

Israel is putting pressure on the ground and from the air. It is certainly the longest raid Jenin has seen since the second Intifada.

People say they are running out of food supplies, they cannot go out of the house. About 500 men have been rounded up, according to the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society. Most of them, about 400, have been released after questioning, but some needed medical treatment afterwards.

Medical charity Doctors Without Borders (MSF) says Israeli forces have killed an unarmed Palestinian teen inside a hospital in the occupied West Bank city of Jenin, where the Israeli army has been conducting a raid for more than two days now.

“The children were playing and they were throwing stones. We were trying to manage [the situation] because we knew this could be a problem, but we never thought they were going to shoot the child because he was playing inside the hospital compound,” she told Al Jazeera.

Martin also described Israeli soldiers routinely blocking patients from receiving treatment in recent weeks, as well as ordering paramedics and drivers out of ambulances, making them kneel in the street and strip searching them.

“It is very weird because the ambulance [staff] are here all the time and the soldiers are outside the gates of the ER, so they knew who they were. It didn’t make much sense, they are changing their patterns,” she said.


Last edited by SvennoJ - on 14 December 2023

The West has failed, "Never again", "Lest we forget", Geneva conventions, UN security council, all meaningless.

‘When the dust settles, we’ll find out about the gravity of Israel’s crimes’

Samir Zaqout, deputy director of Al Mezan Center for Human Rights, says that the international community is failing Gaza, turning a blind eye to what he called Israel’s war crimes.

“I believe the Israeli occupation forces have violated all the international laws, even the Geneva Conventions … What is being perpetrated is nothing but war crimes and when the dust settles, we will find out about the gravity of the crimes committed. All those killed are civilians,” he told Al Jazeera in Rafah.

Zaqout said Israel has been targeting “hospitals, mosques, churches amid total silence from the international community, including the International Criminal Court”.

“We have been presenting documents, proving that Israel has violated all the laws. The representative of the [International] Criminal Court came only when Israel claimed that there were violations on the Palestinian side,” he said.

“The international system has fallen in Gaza. We feel ashamed when we speak about human rights or international law.”

Israel is waging war on the UN as well, both diplomatically and on the ground,

The war on Gaza has severely affected the work of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) as Israeli air strikes have hit its facilities being used by many Palestinians as shelters.

Among the more than 18,600 death toll in Gaza since October 7, at least 130 people were UNRWA workers.

‘People in Gaza cannot just live on humanitarian assistance’

As we reported earlier, UNRWA has been warning that hunger is rising in Gaza with desperate people stopping aid trucks and taking food to eat it “straight away”. Speaking to Al Jazeera, analyst Sultan Barakat said “humanitarian aid, no matter how much the amount, is not the solution”. “People there cannot just live on humanitarian assistance,” said Barakat, who is a senior professor at Hamad Bin Khalifa University.

He also commented on the remarks by the UNRWA chief who condemned a “smear campaign” against the agency’s work in Gaza.

“Israel is after UNRWA. They want to close UNRWA, they have been wanting to close UNRWA for many, many years because, for them, UNRWA symbolises the Palestinian cause,” Barakat said.

“It has the same age, 75 years; it was created specifically for the Palestinians, so as long as it persists, it is saying the Palestinian question is still open and its got to be addressed,” he added.

Residential houses in Rafah just got bombed again last night, 27 people dead so far, more trapped under the rubble.

Intentions are clear

Israel’s social equality minister does not rule out Israeli settlements in Gaza Strip

Social Equality Minister Amichai Chikli told Israeli media Ynet that he does not rule out Israeli settlements in the Gaza Strip “in certain parts where it makes sense.”

Chikli accused the Palestinian Authority (PA) of educating Palestinians “toward terror and murder of Jews” and rejected the idea that the authority, which currently runs the West Bank, could replace Hamas in post-war Gaza.

The minister, who is a member of Natanyahu’s Likud party, suggested coming up with new solutions such as Rafah coming under Egyptian control and Khan Younis under Emirati control.

The result of Sullivan's "extremely serious conversations"

Israel's Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant told US national security adviser Jake Sullivan that the war against Hamas in Gaza would last "more than several months," according to Israel's Ministry of Defense.

”Hamas is a terrorist organization that built itself over a decade to fight Israel, and they built infrastructure under the ground and above the ground, and it is not easy to destroy them. It will require a period of time — it will last more than several months, but we will win and we will destroy them," Gallant said, according to a transcript of the meeting released by the defense ministry on Thursday. 

Gallant also thanked Sullivan for US support of Israel's campaign in Gaza, saying, "The United States and Israel share common interests, common values; and in this war, we also share common goals."

The Israeli prime minister also expressed gratitude to the US for providing weapons to Israel and resisting calls for a ceasefire in Gaza at the UN. He vowed to press on with the war until “complete victory”.

In brief remarks before the meeting, Sullivan told Netanyahu, “You have the support in the United States as you take on this terrorist threat.”

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 14 December 2023

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Shtinamin_ said:
sundin13 said:

Just to mention something that happened in the States real quick, New York has officially thrown out their Congressional map. For those who were watching during redistricting, their previous map was notable by just how disastrous it was for Democrats. Basically there was a big fight and NY's highest court said "This is a partisan gerrymander" and gave it to someone who made NY a lot more red. A bunch has happened since then and the court has turned bluer (the fact that it was ever red is a monumental failure of NY Dems) and they have torn up the last map and said they were probably not going to do anything about future partisan gerrymanders.

So what does that mean? Well, on its own, this could flip enough house seats to give the Dems the House. We'll have to see how the final maps look, but a swing of 5-6 seats seems pretty dang likely. Definitely worth watching if your interested in the "inside baseball" side of US politics.

So what I'm hearing is that by redrawing they have an opportunity to dilute the black voters (along as in the other states that have been told to redraw).

This has been the pattern when Democrats redraw the Congressional Maps.

I think we need a 3rd party that isn't persuaded by money or politics to redraw the Congressional Maps, and they aren't shown any color of their redrawing until after they submit it. I think this would be the most equal way to ensure no one is trying to out do the other.

I dont like that America is a (basically) two-party political system. It causes too much hatred in America.

Not sure what you are talking about in regards to black voters, but while I support independent map drawing, if the Dems didn't take advantage of gerrymandering, they would just be shooting themselves in the face. If you try to play the game of politics while one side is Gerrymandering and the other side is giving it to neutral, independent commissions, you get fucked. Until there is federal legislation dictating how it needs to be done, blue states can't get too wrapped up in the ideal of perfect politics. 

Isreal litterly just killed there own hostages holding white flags. another video of execution  2 Palestinians while they have no weapons and hiding.

zeldaring said:

Isreal litterly just killed there own hostages holding white flags. another video of execution  2 Palestinians while they have no weapons and hiding.

The story is wild, the admissions coming out straight from the IDF are insane. 

LurkerJ said:
zeldaring said:

Isreal litterly just killed there own hostages holding white flags. another video of execution  2 Palestinians while they have no weapons and hiding.

The story is wild, the admissions coming out straight from the IDF are insane. 

It also confirms many families and children being gunned down holding white flags. Also a isrealie bulldozer just starting running  over tents were many were wounded and buried them alive.

Yes it's completely out of control. Israel has gone so far with fear mongering and dehumanization that the IDF shoots everything that moves.

Al Jazeera cameraman death: IDF says it attempted to help get ambulance on site

From CNN's Abeer Salman

The Israel Defense Forces says an ambulance was dispatched to help Al Jazeera journalist Samer Abu Daqqa after he was badly injured during an Israeli attack in southern Gaza Friday, but it “encountered road damage” and couldn’t get to the scene before the cameraman died.

"Once we became aware of an injured individual and received a request to grant permission for an ambulance, COGAT granted permission for the ambulance to use a safe passage,” they said in a statement to CNN in response our reporting.

COGAT is Israel’s Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories. 

“However, the ambulance chose a different route, which encountered road damage. The IDF promptly responded by sending a bulldozer to assist in repairing the pathway for the ambulance. Unfortunately, by the time these efforts were completed, it was already too late," the statement says.

He died of wounds sustained in the Israeli attack and was forced to wait five hours for medical attention, the Qatar-based news network said in a statement to CNN Friday. 

The IDF said it was unable to provide additional detail when asked by CNN how long it took for the ambulance to be granted permission to travel to the site where Abu Daqqa required emergency medical assistance.

Hundreds gathered in southern Gaza to mourn Abu Daqqa on Saturday as his body was laid to rest.

I wonder how the road got damaged... Just more BS.

Israeli sniper kills mother and daughter in Gaza church: Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem

The Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem says an Israeli sniper shot dead two Christian women at the Holy Family Parish in Gaza, where the majority of Christian families have taken refuge since October 7.

The Patriarchate identified the women as Nahida Anton and her daughter, Samar Anton, who were walking to the Sister’s Convent when they were shot. “One was killed as she tried to carry the other to safety,” the statement said.

Mitri Raheb, a pastor, said the women’s home was destroyed last month in an Israeli air strike.

No end in sight

Netanyahu vows to continue the war in Gaza as thousands call for immediate return of hostages. Catch up here

From CNN staff

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday told his nation that "we are in a war for our existence." Speaking for the first time since the Israeli military mistakenly shot and killed three Israeli hostages in Gaza, he said the war would go on.

"The war must continue until victory, despite the international pressure and despite the unbearable cost that the war is exacting from us in our fallen sons and daughters," Netanyahu said.

The prime minister also on Saturday appeared to suggest that new negotiations were underway to rescue Israeli hostages still held by Hamas in Gaza. He said the Israeli military's continued use of force in Gaza was necessary to both bring the hostages back and win the war.

It's a war for his existence as PM, he knows when the war is over his career and likely his freedom will be over as well. He was already under criminal investigation before the war started.

Dodged it by becoming PM again, same thing can happen with Trump next election...

Benjamin Netanyahu will make a remarkable comeback as Israel’s prime minister after the results of a general election, and the concession on Thursday of the current leader, Yair Lapid, put his right-wing bloc on a glide path to victory. But looming over his return is the unfinished business of the State of Israel v. Benjamin Netanyahu, a long-delayed felony corruption case.

Mr. Netanyahu, who faces a litany of bribery, fraud and breach of trust charges, has denied all accusations, vociferously attacking those who seek to prosecute him. The trial put Israel into uncharted territory, dominating political life and fueling a debate about the state of Israeli democracy and the country’s legal system.

Another weekend of worldwide protests while the US keeps backing genocide, ethnic cleansing, oppression and apartheid.

Protests in Israel are growing as well, Tel Aviv after more details of the hostage shootings came out

How long will Biden still back Netanyahoo's war of extermination