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SvennoJ said:
the-pi-guy said:

What bothers me about these comparisons is that they're always binary. (Often while massively ignoring shortcomings on one particular side).

The meaningful question isn't "would you rather have Canadas healthcare system or the US's?"

The meaningful question should be "how do we make the best system we can" - which in my opinion - how do we give people care who need care; how do we do it without breaking the bank. 

The US spends roughly 50% more per person than Canada, that's $5000 per year per person on healthcare, while having millions of people who aren't covered. Do you think that's money that can't fundamentally exist in Canada's system? 

The US system is better in some regards, if it wasn't it would be an insane disaster. It should be better somehow, we are spending substantially more. 

And it has some deficits. So how do we get the best of both worlds. That should be the question. 

The healthcare system itself is many shades of grey. It works great, but it's severely understaffed in many places. Also underfunded as our family doctor has been sitting with a broken fax machine for over a month already (why do they still use faxes anyway) and my wife had to bring up her own blood results on her phone to show the doctor...

But when it works it's great. My son recently broke his upper arm playing ice hockey. ER visit, x-rays, cat scan, fracture clinic specialist visit, elbow day surgery (3 pins in his upper arm), pain meds, follow up visit next week. Cost to us, zero, one form signed (consent form for surgery) The efficiency of much less paperwork can't be understated. 

Our youngest has chronic acid reflux issues, visits a pediatrician every 3 months to track progress. No wait times there, no cost.

But yes, generally medication isn't covered (only for kids) and you have to pay for that yourself. Luckily there are a lot cheaper alternatives for the same medications in Canada, but still some treatments are out of reach here as well. (There is/was an experimental treatment for my wife's chronic issues, but that would come out to $12,000 a month to import the meds from the USA without any guarantees it would even actually help)

Our main problem is public funding cuts, lack of doctors, especially practitioners and nurses. That's a matter of politics. (F Doug Ford)
And on a smaller scale, the brain drain to the US:

Texas and Alberta have a lot in common. Cattle ranches, rodeos, a booming oil and gas sector, and thousands of Canadian health-care workers.

Ironically, our healthcare system would be a lot better if the US' predatory health system didn't exist...

The U.S. system is also severely understaffed in many areas. Red states other than major metros in Texas suffer long wait times, and the care you do get is expensive. I spent a couple years in Oklahoma. I needed a dermatologist. I was told by every dermatologist in the state that there was a six month wait period... if I had an active diagnosis of skin cancer. If I didn't, I was SOL. I had to travel out of state to find a dermatologist that would see me. I'm no longer in Oklahoma. I will say that it only took me three months of terrible pain to get gallbladder surgery.

The hospital system in the city where my Oklahoma property is, is apparently in financial trouble and looking for a buyer. They moved all of their operations to a newer campus in the western, wealthier part of town and closed down their original hospital in the poorer, eastern part of town, though they did open a small satellite hospital in the east that only provides limited services. Now they're broke. 

Also doesn't help that Republicans have become strongly anti-vax in recent years, and now Kennedy is putting antivax on steroids. Speaking of which, rubella, a viral infection which can cause birth defects, has now appeared in Texas.

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Lindsey Graham calling for Zelenskyy to resign, Lmao.

This was so obviously a trap now, they wanted an excuse to cut aid to Ukraine, they wanted an excuse to try to force regime change in Ukraine, they were already parroting Russian propaganda about Zelenskyy's approval rating and elections, they wanted to make Zelenskyy look like the unreasonable one and blame him for Ukraine losing America's support and so they goaded him into a fight and teamed up on the non-native English speaker to push his buttons. Now they will paint Zelenskyy as the bad guy and try to turn Ukraine and its supporters against Zelenskyy.

I'm pretty sure this will only increase Zelenskyy's approval rating though as the recent Trump attacks did, it will likely only make Ukrainians even more patriotic. But Trump is desperate to remove Zelenskyy because he wants or rather hopes, his replacement would kiss his feet and surrender to Russia to make life easier for Trump. Though funnily the most likely Zelenskyy replacement is Zaluzhnyi, a military general.

Imagine how much America would be pissing itself and screaming if Keir Starmer or a European leader said that Trump should resign, they'd be melting down and threatening sanctions for sure. Looks like we're back to the old classics again, American influenced regime changes in foreign countries because they personally don't like the leader, an American classic.

I'd have not blamed Zelenskyy one bit if he punched JD Vance right in the face, I actually put more blame on Vance for this shit than Trump though they're both scum, JD Vance was the one who was goading more for a conflict and wanted to feel relevant, wanted to feel like a big man. Not sure why that twat was even there when in the past he said he doesn't give a fuck what happens to Ukraine.

Breaking: America is ending support for innocent Ukrainian civilians and allowing them to freeze to death.

Surprising that Vance was even allowed to sit on Musk's seat

Ryuu96 said:

Lmao. Republicans in House/Senate would put their own mother in a concentration camp if Trump demanded it. There's not a single thing that would turn any of them around, I am convinced of that now, they'll always fall in line and follow the leader, they've lost any shred of morals, decency and courage.

Indeed, they all put their political career over country. It's only when they don't plan to run for re-election, like the Mitch McConnell of today, that they can put some decency on display. But the McConnell of the past went down in history as one of Trump's biggest enablers ever, so his current gestures won't save his legacy.

The USA is on a dangerous path in many ways and at the same time the unique nature of the USA may be why there's a still a rather quick way out of all this, although it would degrade to utter chaos before it got any better. I am talking about the second amendment and its biggest supporters who kept talking about it as if it's sacred and a tool that will allow the American people to fight their own government if oppression should ever set in. Years back it was a laughable idea, but since then we've witnessed January 6 which was an absolutely unthinkable thing before it happened.

Obviously, Trump's voters won't turn against Republican members of congress because of the USA turning into Russia's little bitch. Much like Trump, they don't give a damn about anybody else's well-being. But what can affect them are massive firings, cuts to social security and rising grocery prices, and there's plenty of that underway. Trump may threaten people's political careers, but there are enough nutjobs among Republican voters in the USA who could raise the stakes by trying to take lives of Republican politicians. Sounds extreme, but leading up to the last election we had two cases of attempts to assassinate Trump. If we get to that point, it might make congress members think twice about going along with everything on Trump's agenda, because money does you no good when you are dead.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

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Please do something Americans, even if it's just calling/emailing your rep...

Yeah, I can't even put on a front, living in this country is embarrassing.

European Unity 💖

A Series of Ukrainian Allies Have Come Out in the Last Hour With Messages of Support: Part 1

A Series of Ukrainian Allies Have Come Out in the Last Hour With Messages of Support: Part 2

America is absolutely destroying any respect they ever had.

I try not to get too into details on this site when it comes to Politics. But a great resource if you are wanting to know what is happening daily is Heather Richardson Cox. There's also Meidastouch Media.

If you need assistance with contacting your representatives, Resistbot and KwikLetter are good resources. Also, the 5 Calls app will call their offices for you.