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thehunter said:

A couple contrarian views about Canada:

1) The healthcare isn't great.  Sure, Canadians will brag about it to Americans because they have an irrational fear of the US system which isn't perfect, but is better*, but Ontario just had its election last night and featured a debate where the leaders were bemoaning "hallway medicine" again since they don't have enough money to tax out of people (who also can't afford to rent/own homes) to pay for beds:

What bothers me about these comparisons is that they're always binary. (Often while massively ignoring shortcomings on one particular side).

The meaningful question isn't "would you rather have Canadas healthcare system or the US's?"

The meaningful question should be "how do we make the best system we can" - which in my opinion - how do we give people care who need care; how do we do it without breaking the bank. 

The US spends roughly 50% more per person than Canada, that's $5000 per year per person on healthcare, while having millions of people who aren't covered. Do you think that's money that can't fundamentally exist in Canada's system? 

The US system is better in some regards, if it wasn't it would be an insane disaster. It should be better somehow, we are spending substantially more. 

And it has some deficits. So how do we get the best of both worlds. That should be the question.