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Enough. Detain this POS already. How much more could it possibly take?!

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Trump is still walking around free?

I guess Cohen does make a point

“He needs to be held accountable,” Cohen said in a Monday interview on CNN when asked whether Trump deserved jail time in any of his mounting legal cases. “Do I believe if it was anyone else that the individual would already be in jail, the answer is emphatically yes.”

“But because he was president of the United States, and for four years he was debriefed on a daily basis on our national security secrets, I personally as an American citizen would be concerned,” he added. “Because Donald is the kind of guy to sell any of that information for a bag of tuna or a book of stamps, and I do really mean that.”

Send him off to Guantanamo then! Poetic justice :)

Biden can join Trump there, what the actual fuck

US President Joe Biden accused Hamas of committing a “war crime” for operating what the US and Israel have claimed is a command node under the Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza.

Biden said he discussed the dangerous situation at the hospital, Gaza’s largest, during his meeting with China's leader Xi Jinping on Wednesday.

“You have a circumstance where the first war crime is being committed by Hamas by having their headquarters, their military hidden under a hospital. And that's a fact. That's what's happened,” Biden told reporters during a press conference Wednesday.

Some context: Israeli forces launched a raid early Wednesday morning on Al-Shifa, after accusing Hamas of operating from tunnels beneath the vast complex – a claim denied by the militant group and hospital officials.

CNN cannot verify either side's claims.

Israel said its troops found "military equipment used by Hamas," the military said in a statement but offered no evidence yet of a vast tunnel network it claimed was used by the militant group.

Israel said it will present more evidence to support their claims of a Hamas command center, an adviser to the prime minister told CNN Wednesday.

Conditions at Al-Shifa, which has run out of fuel and is no longer considered operational, have deteriorated rapidly in recent days amid intense fighting, with doctors warning of a “catastrophic” situation for patients, staff and displaced people still inside.

Wednesday’s raid has also sparked widespread international criticism.

Biden noted that the US has called on Israel to be “incredibly careful” as it targets Hamas in the area, but suggested that action was justified.

“We discussed the need for them to be incredibly careful. You have a circumstance where you know there is a fair number of Hamas terrorists. Hamas has already said publicly that they plan on attacking Israel again, like they did before."

The president also noted the savagery of Hamas' October 7 attacks in Israel. "And so, the idea that they're going to just stop and not do anything is not realistic," he added.

Israeli forces, he suggested, are “bringing in incubators” and “other means to help the people in the hospital,” adding that there have been efforts to get doctors, nurses, and other personnel out of harm’s way.

Evidence: In a follow up exchange with CNN, Biden told MJ Lee, “Yes,” he was absolutely confident based on intelligence he’d seen that Hamas was operating a command center under the Al-Shifa hospital, but declined to share details on the evidence.

“No, I can’t tell you—I won’t tell you,” he told CNN.

Of course he won't tell since it will be debunked just like the 'tunnel entrance' at the children's hospital.

"Bringing in incubators" yet no way to power them. US tax dollars at work.

Who are they trying to fool here? Apart from needing a shaky justification for storming hospitals under international law. And just more evidence US is working together with Israel on this:

Israel said it will present more evidence to support their claims of a Hamas command center underneath Gaza's Al-Shifa Hospital, an adviser to the prime minister said.

“It's not just Israel that says Hamas has built its fortifications, its terror network, its command and control under the Shifa hospital. That's being corroborated independently by the US government, both from the White House and the Pentagon,” Mark Regev, a senior adviser to the Israeli prime minister, told CNN.

Earlier Wednesday, National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby said the United States had intelligence that Hamas was operating in Al-Shifa Hospital. 

"I would say we are comfortable with our own intelligence assessment about the degree to which Hamas was and is using Al-Shifa Hospital as a command and control node and as a storage facility underneath. We're very comfortable with our own intelligence assessment for that," Kirby said.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) repeatedly asserted that Hamas had built an underground terror network beneath the hospital, using the medical facility above to provide cover for their operations.

The IDF claimed the facility was used as a command and control headquarters, even putting out imagery in late October labeling specific buildings as having Hamas complexes underneath and publishing a 3D illustration of tunnels it said existed below the facility. But the first pictures and videos published by the IDF on X (formerly known as Twitter) Thursday did not show the underground complex the Israeli government said is under the hospital.

Still, Regev insisted the hospital was a base for Hamas, saying it is "common knowledge that Hamas has built a subterranean military network of terror tunnels connecting them to rocket launchers, to arms depots and so forth" under the medical facility.

Israel confirmed on Wednesday that it launched a "targeted" operation inside the hospital and said its soldiers uncovered “military equipment used by Hamas” in the raid.

The senior adviser said additional information that justifies the IDF’s operation will be presented in the coming days.

“I think you'll see more information in the coming hours and days. This was the first day of our operation inside the hospital building. More will come. I have no doubt about it,” Regev said, adding that journalists would be permitted access to Al-Shifa Hospital “when it’s safe.”

I guess it's to fool their own population as Netanyahu is in hot water back home, desperate for a 'victory'.
Biden jumps to his aid like a good little follower.

Apply common sense, this whole 'human shields' thing already played out in 2014. It would be stupid to continue using hospitals if they even did in the first place.

Just another distraction tactic while the siege and bombardments on 2.3 million civilians continues.

Oklahoma, as always, is making the national news for the wrong reasons, with Senator Markwayne Mullins talking about duels and punching people.

SvennoJ said:

Why is the US so afraid to say no to Israel?

Probably because the Jewish community is relatively large in the US and neither party wants to risk losing this voting block

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Bofferbrauer2 said:
SvennoJ said:

Why is the US so afraid to say no to Israel?

Probably because the Jewish community is relatively large in the US and neither party wants to risk losing this voting block

The Jewish community is also divided on this issue though, but I don't know how big JVP actually is. (721K members, not that big :/)

The Zionist movement must have a lot of influence on US politics I guess.

It's really not that big overall

This report classifies approximately 5.8 million adults (2.4% of all U.S. adults) as Jewish. This includes 4.2 million (1.7%) who identify as Jewish by religion and 1.5 million Jews of no religion (0.6%).17

Also has Biden gone senile?

"Nations of conscience like the United States and Israel are not measured solely by the example of power. We are measured by the power of our example, and that's why as hard as it is, we must keep pursuing peace. We must keep pursuing a path so that Israel and the Palestinian people can both live safely and securely in dignity and in peace," he said.

“For me, that means a two-state solution," he added. "We must keep working for Israel's greater integration with its neighbors. These attacks have only strengthened my commitment and determination and my will to get that done."

Does he not see that letting the IDF keep destroying Gaza, ISF keep raiding and locking down the West Bank, is making sure that greater interaction with Israel's neighbors is slipping further and further away... He's currently pursuing a path towards mutual destruction and further generation(s) of hatred.

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 16 November 2023

Why a 200-year-old Catholic man of Irish descent sympathizes so much with the Israeli right is beyond me, but let's make no mistake about how much worse things would be under Trump.






Things in the Ukraine would certainly be a lot worse with Trump. However it doesn't seem it could be any worse in Gaza than it is already.

Public opinion is slowly turning in the US though

Anne Boyer also resigned over the war (like plenty others and not that it makes much of an impact, but she has a way with words)

I have resigned as poetry editor of the New York Times Magazine.

The Israeli state’s U.S.-backed war against the people of Gaza is not a war for anyone. There is no safety in it or from it, not for Israel, not for the United States or Europe, and especially not for the many Jewish people slandered by those who claim falsely to fight in their names. Its only profit is the deadly profit of oil interests and weapon manufacturers. The world, the future, our hearts—everything grows smaller and harder from it. This is not only a war of missiles and land invasions. It is the ongoing devastation of the people of Palestine, people who have resisted throughout decades of occupation, forced dislocation, deprivation, surveillance, siege, imprisonment, and torture.

Because our status quo is self-expression, sometimes all artists have left is to refuse. So I refuse. I won’t write about poetry amidst the ‘reasonable’ tones of those who aim to acclimatize us to this unreasonable suffering. No more ghoulish euphemisms. No more sanitized hell-words. No more warmongering lies.

If this resignation leaves a hole in the news the size of poetry, then that is the true shape of the present.”

—Anne Boyer

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 16 November 2023

The western media is drifting further and further apart from middle eastern news.

While CNN keeps going on about limited evacuations, weapons found at Al Shifa and now updates on oct 7 casualties and investigations into rapes (disgusting) on October 7th, the bombing of civilians continues. (Al-Fakhoora School) women are getting stripped naked and strip searched before getting ordered out of Al Shifa, people beaten at check points, people now told to leave parts of Southern Gaza again with the IDF ready to expand it's operations to the South while food is running out, diseases are breaking out and there is no access to safe drinking water.

CNN did call out the IDF for mismatches in earlier videos of the so called 'found' weapon caches and those the IDF presented to embedded Fox and BBC news reporters. But even the more liberal CNN reporting seems to be pressured to keep things more positive than they are.

Yet the bombing of Al Fakhoora School is the most telling yet, no mention in major western media at all

Meanwhile Elon Musk is censuring sensitive terms like "decolonization" and "from the river to the sea" on Twitter, ironically exactly what Israel is doing now. Even with members of cabinet calling to burn down Gaza

The Western narrative seems to be things are getting better: some fuel allowed in, some patients evacuated, some communications restored, some progress with negotiations and the military campaign won't last that much longer, while the Eastern news keeps showing the daily atrocities, ever worsening conditions on the ground, violence and occupation in the West Bank, only allowing women to flee to the South at checkpoints, and more and more calling for investigations into war crimes and genocide happening in Gaza.

"Why do they hate our freedom" comes to mind. This shit will fuel terrorism all over the world, recruiting idiots will be easy as the West continues to show its bias and ignorance while supporting war crimes and genocide happening right in front of their eyes, paid for with their tax dollars.

Dark times ahead even if this somehow ends.

Bofferbrauer2 said:
SvennoJ said:

Why is the US so afraid to say no to Israel?

Probably because the Jewish community is relatively large in the US and neither party wants to risk losing this voting block

Legacy media doesn't control the news anymore. Most Americans support a ceasefire, more than 80% of Dems do and more than half of the republicans support it as well. they're the people Biden's meant to be catering. The backlash he's getting from his base is unprecedented, young voters don't need more reasons to skip the election. Netanyahu is a liability and the only reason he's got Biden's support is because of the pay-to-politics that defines most western democracies especially the USA. 

Sir Kier was heading for a slam dunk but looks like he's willing to sacrifice this too just to please a far right politician. 

Last edited by LurkerJ - on 18 November 2023