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Aid to Ukraine is done come next congress, y'all. Senate is guarenteed red, they will block it. Again, as I said, doesn't matter who wins, Russian-Ukraine War is pretty much done for the most part.

War in the ME isn't gonna be helping Harris this election: If Israel even comes near the oil facilities of Iran -- which they absolutely will (Netanyahu has preference for Trump, plus he's got a rare opportunity to go completely balastic being that Biden is senile and unable to comprehend the carnage which is unfolding) -- our gas prices are going through the roof. During October of an election already favoring the non-incumbent party? No shot. It should also be noted that Muslim-Americans of Michigan and Wisconsin are currently polling stronger for Jill Stein than for Harris (~29.4 v. ~29.1), massive drop from Biden's 2020 figures.

My prayers are out for the women who do end up imprisoned b/c the nationwide abortion ban, which may pass under a Trump presidency, punishes them for aborting a child concieved via rape: It is extremely likely we will be seeing a triple-wave of red come election day. All the repubs need are ten house seats before it's Republican majority, Senate is already lost, and Trump would be the final piece.

All I care about it the abortion ban...everything else, I protest from the democratic party. Don't feed us crumbs when you have the ability to give us a whole slice of bread: I'm not even asking for the loaf! Fix our crumbling infrastructure, our education, our foreign aggression, etc.

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sundin13 said:
RolStoppable said:

Atrocious in which sense?

One of the worst edited interviews I've ever seen. Everything was heavily cut up so the interview felt choppy and weird and they cut Harris off on just about every answer preventing them from really getting into any substance on any issue, often times cutting away to weird voice-overs which were way too confrontational for their own good. The questions also felt like gotchas, a lot of the time dealing in feelings instead of reality. One of the questions which I thought was particularly weird was something to the effect of "You say that some of the things Trump says are racist, but a lot of Americans like Trump. How do you explain that?" which to me is just a terrible question. The fact that people like Trump doesn't make the things he says any less racist. He also came after her tax plan by saying there is no chance that it'll get through Congress, which isn't necessarily true first of all, but is also just kind of a ridiculous thing to say in this type of race. Like, welcome to literally every presidential platform ever. You can't simultaneously complain about the cost of plans that will never get through Congress while arguing that the pay-fors won't get through congress...

I don't know, maybe people disagree, but I think the way that the media has been handling interviews this cycle has largely been awful and embarrassing. 

I can't say that I am surprised. I've said it on a previous occasion that only MSNBC seems to be worth watching, because everywhere else you come across apologists for Trump and the Republican party to defend the indefensible. It's also telling that a term like "sane-washing" exists to describe the press's practice of making Trump appear much more reasonable. Then there's the fact that the press beat down Biden for his age in a merciless manner while Trump's increasing incoherence has been mostly ignored despite now competing against the much younger and more eloquent Harris; what a blatant double standard that has been applied there.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

RolStoppable said:

I've said it on a previous occasion that only MSNBC seems to be worth watching, because everywhere else you come across apologists for Trump and the Republican party to defend the indefensible. It's also telling that a term like "sane-washing" exists to describe the press's practice of making Trump appear much more reasonable. Then there's the fact that the press beat down Biden for his age in a merciless manner while Trump's increasing incoherence has been mostly ignored despite now competing against the much younger and more eloquent Harris; what a blatant double standard that has been applied there.

lol you can’t be serious. “only MSNBC seems to be worth watching” is literally the exact same as a Repub saying “only Fox seems worth watching”. The entire MSM is filled with liberals. They aren’t (seemingly) as harsh on Trump this election cycle b/c Trump is choosing to stay out of the spotlight. (Same thing Biden did in 2020.) Whenever Trump does come out, however, the media is quick to bite: An immediate example is the Harris-Trump debate with the fixation on his Springfield, OH comment.

“the much younger and more eloquent Harris” lol I love my politicians when they’re more eloquent. Yes, they are both old, but it’s not a double-standard: Biden is senile, Trump is not. The argument isn’t just Biden’s age, it’s his mental capacity. And libs can say all they want abt Trump’s mental capacity, he is leaps and bounds better than Biden was even in 2020.

Last edited by firebush03 - on 09 October 2024

RolStoppable said:
sundin13 said:

One of the worst edited interviews I've ever seen. Everything was heavily cut up so the interview felt choppy and weird and they cut Harris off on just about every answer preventing them from really getting into any substance on any issue, often times cutting away to weird voice-overs which were way too confrontational for their own good. The questions also felt like gotchas, a lot of the time dealing in feelings instead of reality. One of the questions which I thought was particularly weird was something to the effect of "You say that some of the things Trump says are racist, but a lot of Americans like Trump. How do you explain that?" which to me is just a terrible question. The fact that people like Trump doesn't make the things he says any less racist. He also came after her tax plan by saying there is no chance that it'll get through Congress, which isn't necessarily true first of all, but is also just kind of a ridiculous thing to say in this type of race. Like, welcome to literally every presidential platform ever. You can't simultaneously complain about the cost of plans that will never get through Congress while arguing that the pay-fors won't get through congress...

I don't know, maybe people disagree, but I think the way that the media has been handling interviews this cycle has largely been awful and embarrassing. 

I can't say that I am surprised. I've said it on a previous occasion that only MSNBC seems to be worth watching, because everywhere else you come across apologists for Trump and the Republican party to defend the indefensible. It's also telling that a term like "sane-washing" exists to describe the press's practice of making Trump appear much more reasonable. Then there's the fact that the press beat down Biden for his age in a merciless manner while Trump's increasing incoherence has been mostly ignored despite now competing against the much younger and more eloquent Harris; what a blatant double standard that has been applied there.


The American media is so desperate for this to be a horse race because that's better for clicks, those at the top want Trump to win because that's better for clicks; a boring, sane, presidency provides less to write about, an explosive and disgusting rhetoric fuelled presidency provides a lot to write about, we heard it about 1-2 years ago, members of the press complaining that Biden is boring compared to Trump.

American media also strikes me as very entitled, the example of NYT who on purpose wrote negative pieces on Biden because he didn't sit down and do interviews with them, their ego is off the charts, apparently they're upset now about Harris doing podcast interviews. Everything in US media is about drama, about clicks, about soundbites, etc.

As I've said before, the US media has largely forgotten about what the role of the journalist is, it's to inform the public on the actual facts of the matter, to shift through the bullshit and give us the real information. There's dozens of examples of Trump's mental decline like there were with Biden but suddenly age doesn't matter again. They scream for policies from Harris which she gives but happily accept Trump's ridiculous "Drill Baby Drill" and "Tariffs on Everyone!" They happily go to Mar-a-Lago just to be insulted to their faces by Trump because hey, at least he's giving us access!

It's all very pathetic, but there are some decent ones still, Lawrence O’Donnell called out his own damn network, Lol.

firebush03 said:
RolStoppable said:

I've said it on a previous occasion that only MSNBC seems to be worth watching, because everywhere else you come across apologists for Trump and the Republican party to defend the indefensible. It's also telling that a term like "sane-washing" exists to describe the press's practice of making Trump appear much more reasonable. Then there's the fact that the press beat down Biden for his age in a merciless manner while Trump's increasing incoherence has been mostly ignored despite now competing against the much younger and more eloquent Harris; what a blatant double standard that has been applied there.

lol you can’t be serious. “only MSNBC seems to be worth watching” is literally the exact same as a Repub saying “only Fox seems worth watching”. The entire MSM is filled with liberals. They aren’t (seemingly) as harsh on Trump this election cycle b/c Trump is choosing to stay out of the spotlight. (Same thing Biden did in 2020.) Whenever Trump does come out, however, the media is quick to bite: An immediate example is the Harris-Trump debate with the fixation on his Springfield, OH comment.

“the much younger and more eloquent Harris” lol I love my politicians when they’re more eloquent. Yes, they are both old, but it’s not a double-standard: Biden is senile, Trump is not. The argument isn’t just Biden’s age, it’s his mental capacity. And libs can say all they want abt Trump’s mental capacity, he is leaps and bounds better than Biden was even in 2020.

What exactly is a liberal to you.  You seem to throw the term around a lot but I wonder exactly what does it actually mean in your eyes.  What exactly define a liberal in your eyes.

Around the Network

Uncommitted, the national group of Arab Americans, Muslim Americans and Palestinian rights activists that emerged from primary-season voters protesting President Biden’s Middle East policy, took a big step Tuesday toward encouraging supporters to vote for Vice President Kamala Harris.

In a video detailing the plans and suggestions of Trump advisers to expel or displace Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza, Lexi Zeidan, a Dearborn, Mich., resident and co-founder of the group, stopped short of endorsing Ms. Harris. But she concluded, “We have to orient less toward who is the better candidate and more toward what is the better antiwar approach in building our collective power.”

But in the video, Ms. Zeidan, a Palestinian American, bluntly said a second term for former President Donald J. Trump would be worse than a Harris victory. She detailed how Mr. Trump tilted U.S. foreign policy strongly toward the Israeli government in his first term and floated plans that “effectively dismantled any pathway to Palestinian self-determination.”

The video takes particular aim at Project 2025, the Heritage Foundation blueprint for a Republican presidency that was crafted in part by allies of Mr. Trump, who has tried to distance itself from its proposals, which include eliminating humanitarian aid to Gaza and the West Bank while stifling pro-Palestinian protests at home.

The video includes clips of David Friedman, Mr. Trump’s former ambassador to Israel, and Jared Kushner, his son-in-law, who have proposed expulsions from Gaza and annexation of the occupied territories by Israel. It also shows a top Trump donor, Miriam Adelson, promising that the former president would pursue the Israeli far right’s policy aims without regard to world opinion.

“It’s clear Netanyahu will be doing everything in his power to get Trump elected,” Ms. Zeidan concluded, referring to Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister. “And we have to do everything in our power to stop him.”

Pro-Palestinian ‘Uncommitted’ Group Comes Out Firmly Against Trump - The New York Times

A group of imams endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris in an open letter shared first with NBC News on Sunday, a critical boost as she steps up her efforts to win back disaffected Muslim voters amid the Israel-Hamas war.

The 25 Islamic religious leaders who signed the letter, which comes a year after the Oct. 7 terrorist attack that sparked the war, argue that Muslim voters have a duty to think logically about their voting decisions and that backing Harris “far outweighs the harms of the other options."

“She is a committed ceasefire candidate too and is the best option for ending the bloodshed in Gaza and now Lebanon,” they wrote.

The imams argued that former President Donald Trump is a threat to their community.

“Knowingly enabling someone like Donald Trump to return to office, whether by voting directly for him or for a third-party candidate, is both a moral and a strategic failure. Particularly in swing states, a vote for a third party could enable Trump to win that state and therefore the elections,” they wrote. 

“Given [Trump’s] well-documented history of harming our communities and country, as well as what he has promised he will do to Muslims and Palestinians should he return, it is incumbent upon us not to allow our high emotions to dictate our actions to our detriment,” the letter reads.

The letter argues that the leaders have “a responsibility, an Amana, not to place our community in harm’s way."

Mohamed Elsanousi, a Muslim community leader who helped organize the pro-Harris letter, noted that most of the 25 signers are permanent imams with sizable congregations, including some from swing states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia and North Carolina.

He said he hopes the support from religious leaders will make conflicted Muslim voters feel more comfortable voting for Harris, despite some prominent Muslim voices’ intense opposition to her. 

“I am really hopeful that with this letter a lot of people will change their minds,” Elsanousi said. “The momentum [for Harris] in the community is growing.”

Muslim Faith Leaders Endorse Kamala Harris

firebush03 said:
RolStoppable said:

I've said it on a previous occasion that only MSNBC seems to be worth watching, because everywhere else you come across apologists for Trump and the Republican party to defend the indefensible. It's also telling that a term like "sane-washing" exists to describe the press's practice of making Trump appear much more reasonable. Then there's the fact that the press beat down Biden for his age in a merciless manner while Trump's increasing incoherence has been mostly ignored despite now competing against the much younger and more eloquent Harris; what a blatant double standard that has been applied there.

lol you can’t be serious. “only MSNBC seems to be worth watching” is literally the exact same as a Repub saying “only Fox seems worth watching”. The entire MSM is filled with liberals. They aren’t (seemingly) as harsh on Trump this election cycle b/c Trump is choosing to stay out of the spotlight. (Same thing Biden did in 2020.) Whenever Trump does come out, however, the media is quick to bite: An immediate example is the Harris-Trump debate with the fixation on his Springfield, OH comment.

“the much younger and more eloquent Harris” lol I love my politicians when they’re more eloquent. Yes, they are both old, but it’s not a double-standard: Biden is senile, Trump is not. The argument isn’t just Biden’s age, it’s his mental capacity. And libs can say all they want abt Trump’s mental capacity, he is leaps and bounds better than Biden was even in 2020.

Do you think it's unreasonable the amount of focus the Springfield Ohio comment got? I would argue a fixation on it is understandable and honestly what media should be doing. 

As for Biden versus Trump, I've heard Biden say things that sound like he understands what he's talking about. I don't know if I've ever heard Trump do the same. I'd be interested to see a video where Trump actually sounds like he understands at all what he's talking about. 


Its interesting when I have conversations with republicans about Trump plans for more Tariffs how they really have no clue how that works just like Trump doesn't understand how it works. Case in point, during the debate, Trump was asked what is he going to do about Child Care and at another interview where he was asked a question "what is he going to do with the high price of grocery" both of his answers were "We are going to impose tariffs".

Now I want you to think about his obsession with tariffs as be all end all plan for more money into the government because that is not really how that works nor is it something that will make prices go down for anything that current everyday needs cost. Its pretty much like how he imposed tariffs against China without knowing the full effect it would have on our farmers which not only did not do anything to the trade deficit between the US and China but increased it. Not only that but it pretty much nearly nuke our famers since China decided to go somewhere else for their grains and we then had to bail those farmers out at the cost of 12 Billion which pretty much netted the government nothing as a result.

Another case where we can see just how much Trump really have no clue about what he is doing because he never listen to anyone is NAFTA. Same situation where he kept talking about getting rid of NAFTA which than nuked US farmers because they had long standing contracts with countries south of the boarder but with Trump talking about nuking the deal, a lot of those countries looked elsewhere for their supply and once those contracts go away, theirs good chance they never come back. He had to back away from his plan big time.

The main problem with Trump as we currently have seen is that he has no plan. He really does not understand international contracts and the balances between how the US deals with other nations especially when it comes to trade. So Torillian when you ask, does Trump understand what he is talking about that would be a hell NO. Trump is a salesman. You only have to look at his track record to see when tasked with making a business profitable, he doesn't manage anything and they have always failed. This is why all the businesses he has tried to go into fail because he has no clue what he is doing, he doesn't listen when he is wrong and he only hires people who just tell him what want to hear instead of telling him what he needs to be successful.

Torillian said:
firebush03 said:

lol you can’t be serious. “only MSNBC seems to be worth watching” is literally the exact same as a Repub saying “only Fox seems worth watching”. The entire MSM is filled with liberals. They aren’t (seemingly) as harsh on Trump this election cycle b/c Trump is choosing to stay out of the spotlight. (Same thing Biden did in 2020.) Whenever Trump does come out, however, the media is quick to bite: An immediate example is the Harris-Trump debate with the fixation on his Springfield, OH comment.

“the much younger and more eloquent Harris” lol I love my politicians when they’re more eloquent. Yes, they are both old, but it’s not a double-standard: Biden is senile, Trump is not. The argument isn’t just Biden’s age, it’s his mental capacity. And libs can say all they want abt Trump’s mental capacity, he is leaps and bounds better than Biden was even in 2020.

Do you think it's unreasonable the amount of focus the Springfield Ohio comment got? I would argue a fixation on it is understandable and honestly what media should be doing. 

As for Biden versus Trump, I've heard Biden say things that sound like he understands what he's talking about. I don't know if I've ever heard Trump do the same. I'd be interested to see a video where Trump actually sounds like he understands at all what he's talking about. 

When did I say it was unreasonable for the media to fixate on the Springfield comment? I don't have a personal stake in the race, I don't care what they talk about. (All I remember from that debate was when Trump said Tim Walz gave the "okay" for "executing babies post-birth" (lmao) and how the Haitian migrants were eating the dogs and cats. Trump' rhetoric is utterly unhinged, I don't blame the media for covering it.) All I'm saying is that it is objectively embarassing how the dems will complain about how the MSM holds this "double-standard" against Trump b/c they aren't wearing the softest punching gloves known-to-man when interviewing Harris, or b/c they aren't overly focused on Trump's blunders 24/7. Aren't y'all the party that's fighting for "democracy"?

When it comes to Trump v Biden cognative states, it's not a matter of how informed you percieve them to be: Biden and Trump have focus-tested lines which they are to memorize and regurgitate. So, your perception of "informed" is truthfully just a matter of "Who had the best lines memorized" and "Who delivered the lines best?". When I'm talking about the cognitative state I observe from them, I'm thinking back to every public appearence from Biden between late-June and mid-July 2024 where he would literally be so focused on trying to construct a coherent sentence that he would be lifting his arms in a manner which reminds me of when I would learn a new piano piece lol (and most of the time, he would sound like an old dude speaking in the lowest possible tone, getting easily agitated, and stumbling over all his words). Trump, on the other hand, is not anywhere near this level of mental decline. He is still able to get up on his rally stage and deliver his talking points in such a manner so as to greatly energize his base. He's not as sharp as he was eight years ago, but it's no question whether his or Biden's cognative state is more acceptable.

firebush03 said:
RolStoppable said:

I've said it on a previous occasion that only MSNBC seems to be worth watching, because everywhere else you come across apologists for Trump and the Republican party to defend the indefensible. It's also telling that a term like "sane-washing" exists to describe the press's practice of making Trump appear much more reasonable. Then there's the fact that the press beat down Biden for his age in a merciless manner while Trump's increasing incoherence has been mostly ignored despite now competing against the much younger and more eloquent Harris; what a blatant double standard that has been applied there.

lol you can’t be serious. “only MSNBC seems to be worth watching” is literally the exact same as a Repub saying “only Fox seems worth watching”. The entire MSM is filled with liberals. They aren’t (seemingly) as harsh on Trump this election cycle b/c Trump is choosing to stay out of the spotlight. (Same thing Biden did in 2020.) Whenever Trump does come out, however, the media is quick to bite: An immediate example is the Harris-Trump debate with the fixation on his Springfield, OH comment.

“the much younger and more eloquent Harris” lol I love my politicians when they’re more eloquent. Yes, they are both old, but it’s not a double-standard: Biden is senile, Trump is not. The argument isn’t just Biden’s age, it’s his mental capacity. And libs can say all they want abt Trump’s mental capacity, he is leaps and bounds better than Biden was even in 2020.

It’s absolutely not the same, you can make an argument for MSNBC and other MSM having a liberal lean but it’s nowhere close to Fox which is right wing propaganda.

So does being harsh on Trump make a news organization liberal? Have you ever stopped to think why they are “harsher” on him than Harris? Could it possibly be because everything he says is a lie, stupid or hateful?

Reporting on the bullshit he says and does is not media bias, it’s them doing their job and I think there is an argument to be made that they actually go soft on Trump.

Trump’s mental capacity is absolutely trash, does he speak louder, clearer and more confidently than Biden? Yes. Do the things he says have any substance or coherency? Not usually. The guy is known for just ranting about any random bullshit that pops in his head and has the vocabulary and temperament of an 8 year old.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.