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RolStoppable said:
sundin13 said:

One of the worst edited interviews I've ever seen. Everything was heavily cut up so the interview felt choppy and weird and they cut Harris off on just about every answer preventing them from really getting into any substance on any issue, often times cutting away to weird voice-overs which were way too confrontational for their own good. The questions also felt like gotchas, a lot of the time dealing in feelings instead of reality. One of the questions which I thought was particularly weird was something to the effect of "You say that some of the things Trump says are racist, but a lot of Americans like Trump. How do you explain that?" which to me is just a terrible question. The fact that people like Trump doesn't make the things he says any less racist. He also came after her tax plan by saying there is no chance that it'll get through Congress, which isn't necessarily true first of all, but is also just kind of a ridiculous thing to say in this type of race. Like, welcome to literally every presidential platform ever. You can't simultaneously complain about the cost of plans that will never get through Congress while arguing that the pay-fors won't get through congress...

I don't know, maybe people disagree, but I think the way that the media has been handling interviews this cycle has largely been awful and embarrassing. 

I can't say that I am surprised. I've said it on a previous occasion that only MSNBC seems to be worth watching, because everywhere else you come across apologists for Trump and the Republican party to defend the indefensible. It's also telling that a term like "sane-washing" exists to describe the press's practice of making Trump appear much more reasonable. Then there's the fact that the press beat down Biden for his age in a merciless manner while Trump's increasing incoherence has been mostly ignored despite now competing against the much younger and more eloquent Harris; what a blatant double standard that has been applied there.


The American media is so desperate for this to be a horse race because that's better for clicks, those at the top want Trump to win because that's better for clicks; a boring, sane, presidency provides less to write about, an explosive and disgusting rhetoric fuelled presidency provides a lot to write about, we heard it about 1-2 years ago, members of the press complaining that Biden is boring compared to Trump.

American media also strikes me as very entitled, the example of NYT who on purpose wrote negative pieces on Biden because he didn't sit down and do interviews with them, their ego is off the charts, apparently they're upset now about Harris doing podcast interviews. Everything in US media is about drama, about clicks, about soundbites, etc.

As I've said before, the US media has largely forgotten about what the role of the journalist is, it's to inform the public on the actual facts of the matter, to shift through the bullshit and give us the real information. There's dozens of examples of Trump's mental decline like there were with Biden but suddenly age doesn't matter again. They scream for policies from Harris which she gives but happily accept Trump's ridiculous "Drill Baby Drill" and "Tariffs on Everyone!" They happily go to Mar-a-Lago just to be insulted to their faces by Trump because hey, at least he's giving us access!

It's all very pathetic, but there are some decent ones still, Lawrence O’Donnell called out his own damn network, Lol.