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Its interesting when I have conversations with republicans about Trump plans for more Tariffs how they really have no clue how that works just like Trump doesn't understand how it works. Case in point, during the debate, Trump was asked what is he going to do about Child Care and at another interview where he was asked a question "what is he going to do with the high price of grocery" both of his answers were "We are going to impose tariffs".

Now I want you to think about his obsession with tariffs as be all end all plan for more money into the government because that is not really how that works nor is it something that will make prices go down for anything that current everyday needs cost. Its pretty much like how he imposed tariffs against China without knowing the full effect it would have on our farmers which not only did not do anything to the trade deficit between the US and China but increased it. Not only that but it pretty much nearly nuke our famers since China decided to go somewhere else for their grains and we then had to bail those farmers out at the cost of 12 Billion which pretty much netted the government nothing as a result.

Another case where we can see just how much Trump really have no clue about what he is doing because he never listen to anyone is NAFTA. Same situation where he kept talking about getting rid of NAFTA which than nuked US farmers because they had long standing contracts with countries south of the boarder but with Trump talking about nuking the deal, a lot of those countries looked elsewhere for their supply and once those contracts go away, theirs good chance they never come back. He had to back away from his plan big time.

The main problem with Trump as we currently have seen is that he has no plan. He really does not understand international contracts and the balances between how the US deals with other nations especially when it comes to trade. So Torillian when you ask, does Trump understand what he is talking about that would be a hell NO. Trump is a salesman. You only have to look at his track record to see when tasked with making a business profitable, he doesn't manage anything and they have always failed. This is why all the businesses he has tried to go into fail because he has no clue what he is doing, he doesn't listen when he is wrong and he only hires people who just tell him what want to hear instead of telling him what he needs to be successful.