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the-pi-guy said:
Shtinamin_ said:

Everything I’ve written is what I have personally and other’s I’ve talked to that have seen him as well have said about him.

The guy cheated on his wives, sexually assaulted people going back decades.

Has lied about 30 million times. 

Has praised dictators.

Has done everything in his power to provoke violence. Has been a bully to women, and disabled people. Insulted the military and veterans. 

Is a sociopath who thinks people should get over it when a kid dies in a school shooting. 

The only world Trump is a good person is in echo chambers that will ignore everything bad or twist everything he does into a positive light.

Cool. Can I ask you to answer those three questions I posted for both Trump and Kamala? Thanks :)

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Ryuu96 said:

The Shapiro speech was fantastic, the Shapiro/Whitmer ticket in 2032 will be insane if it happens

I'm more convinced now that the best place for him is to remain in PA. The people clearly love him there, that level of Shapiro campaigning across the state instead of spread across the entire country, he can focus his entire efforts in PA without distraction. Harris won't get bogged down by his baggage and Shapiro seems ready to do exactly that, he's not a sore loser or anything, he wants Harris to win.

Meanwhile Trump is begging for Biden to return.

Honestly, how can anyone see that dude's feed and not immediately go 'this guy has the maturity of a 12 year old rich kid'. That is not the maturity the country needs. Jesus christ he's so fucking unqualified to be president. I wouldn't trust him to hold my place in line without him trying to turn it into some PR stunt about how this is his line now and everyone needs to lick his taint if they want a hot dog. 

I He makes shit up and his entire feed is comprised of lies and tantrums. How? How does anyone genuinely think that fucker is fit for office?

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Shtinamin_ said:
Renamed said:

Can you elaborate on these? 

1. His values? Not the ones from his campaign page, I mean his actual values.  His.

2. And what he will give up?

3. What does he believes in?

Ryuu96 said:

Fucking dying at the choice of images used.

"By contrast, only 12% say the same of Vice President Kamala Harris is [too old]."

She's only 59.  Ouch.

Thanks for the questions. I hope your words were to actually learn and converse than to throw away and dismantle. (Positive energy than contention).

  1. Some of his values: Go-getter, direct, diligent, compassionate, goal oriented, helpful, charitable, charismatic, courteous, proud, accountable, passionate, competitive, self-assured, tough, impulsive, tradition defying, patriotism, opportunist, etc…
  2. Some things he has, is and will give up: He is willing to give up his life as he puts it on the line every time he goes in public. He is giving up a stress-free life by not getting involved in politics. He is giving up time to be with his family. He has given up his relationships with famous people ever since 2015 he has lost and will continue to lose relationships with acquaintances, friends and even loved ones. He gave up his presidential salary, etc…
  3. Some things he believes in right now (for that is who he is at the moment): equal opportunity, freedom of choice, the US amendments and rights, states have constitutional power/responsibility, protecting and supporting people, sustainability, self-sufficiency, peace, family, etc…

    Can I ask you those same three questions? What are his values? What is he willing to give up? And what does he believe in?

I might as well ask the same questions for Kamala. It is fair to see both sides. I’ll work on those questions for her as well.

I started to reply but in truth, this could easily fill up its own thread.  I was typing long rebuttals to everything but we really need a dedicated thread for discussing Trump.  

I will state that you appear to view Trump from the viewpoint that he is just like any other regular ole father.  That is an inaccurate lens to view with.  I'll discuss more if we get a thread (or resurrect an old Trump thread).  I appreciate you answering my questions and I feel I'm being unfair by not responding back to you in depth.  And I'll answer the same Q's regarding Harris there.  

sundin13 said:
Renamed said:

And I'll post my periodic reminder that all of these polls use "likely voters". That means people that have already voted in the previous election. They do not include new voters or previously disinterested voters.

And I'll let you guess which candidate has static voters and which one is gaining new or reinvigorated voters.

Quick correction: Some of the polls use "likely voters", not all. If you head over to 538, you'll see they post "LV", "RV" or "A" next to the poll's sample size to indicate whether it was conducted with Adults, Registered Voters or Likely Voters. This is actually why 538's forecast is more left leaning than RCP's for example. The likely voter population in this cycle is expected to be more blue than the registered voter population, so they adjust for that. That also means that as we get closer to the election day and more polls switch from RV to LV, we are expected to see Kamala getting a small boost in polling numbers. 

You're right though that they don't just ask who is a likely-voter, they make a determination based on several questions they ask. Here are some example questions I found from Pew Research: 

• How much thought have you given to the coming presidential election?
• How closely have you been following news about the candidates?
• Do you plan to vote in the presidential election? How certain are you that you will vote?
• Rate your chance of voting in November on a scale of 10 to 1, with 10 being “definitely will vote” and 1 “definitely will not vote.”
• How often do you follow what’s going on in government and public affairs?
• Have you ever voted in your precinct or election district?
• How often would you say you vote?
• Do you happen to know where people in your neighborhood go to vote?
• In the last election, did things come up that kept you from voting or did you vote?

538 is just an aggregator of polls, just like RCP.  Neither actually publishes their own in-house polls.   You're are correct regarding the use of "LV", "RV" or "A" but if you drill down into what those mean, you'll better understand what I'm getting at.   Specifically, these surveys are typically sent out to voter roles, that is known registered voters.  This is far easier to obtain and allows the MoE to be listed as greatly reduced (known quantity vs unknown).  And sure they use other lists too but they are often known quantity lists (sales lists, subscriber lists, cell phone number owner lists, credit card lists, etc...) but all of these are woefully lacking on properly surveying the young, new and disinterested voters.

To the privileged, equality feels like oppression. 

LurkerJ said:
SvennoJ said:

US Congress member Cori Bush latest to face pro-Israel lobby spending

Missouri state representative Cori Bush has been an outspoken critic of United States support for Israel during the war on Gaza. She has also been vocal about the influence of the pro-Israel lobby group the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

Tomorrow, she will become the latest progressive in the US legislature to test whether she can overcome a deluge of AIPAC spending as she faces her challenger, prosecutor Wesley Bell, in the Democratic primary in Missouri.

AIPAC’s associated super PAC, the United Democracy Project, has spent more than $8.4m to unseat Bush, according to Federal Election Commission (FEC) data. The race comes after the group injected a record $14.5m to support the successful challenge of New York Congress member Jamaal Bowman, who, like Bush, is among a group of congressional progressives known as the “squad”.

Critics say money from groups such as AIPAC, which has largely embraced the policies of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, distort local races by flooding the airwaves with attack ads funded by individuals outside of the district or the Democratic Party.

“This is only the beginning,” Bush has told AP. “Because if they can unseat me, then they’re going to continue to come after more Democrats.”

The half a million dollar they spent to knock out Nina Turner years ago now looks like pocket change in comparison. A foreign organisation representing a far right government interests is deciding winners and losers in what is meant to be a fair democratic process, if this isn't election interference, I don't know what is.

Cori Bush loses primary after pro-Israel groups spend millions to oust ‘Squad’ member

St Louis prosecutor Wesley Bell defeated Missouri’s first Black female member of Congress with about 51% of the vote

Bell’s win marks a second major victory for the powerful American Israel Public Affairs Committee (Aipac) after it played a leading role in unseatingNew York congressman Jamaal Bowman, another progressive Democrat who criticised the scale of Palestinian civilians deaths in Gaza, in a June primary.

Aipac pumped $8.5m into the race in Missouri’s first congressional district to support Bell through its campaign funding arm, the United Democracy Project (UDP), after Bush angered some pro-Israel groups as one of the first members of Congress to call for a ceasefire after the 7 October Hamas attack on Israel.

Much of the UDP’s money comes from billionaires who fund hardline pro-Israel causes and Republicans in other races, including some who have given to Donald Trump’s campaign.

Bell has denied being recruited by pro-Israel groups to run against Bush, but suspicion lingered after he abandoned a challenge for the US Senate and entered the congressional race not long after Jewish organisations in St Louis began to seek a candidate to take on Bush after accusing her of “intentionally fuelling antisemitism”.

how puppets are made

I had prefered Shapiro for the longest time, but that came mostly down to Pennsylvania being the most important state plus hardly knowing anything about the people in the race for VP. Walz is definitely the best choice, though, despite not coming from a battleground state.

So the radical left is really going to take over the USA. So radical to the left that it would be called center-left in Europe.

Trump is getting ever more unhinged as seen by his calls for Biden to return to the race, so the Dems should keep it simple and just do things that infuriate Trump the most in order to make Trump hurt his own campaign's efforts. For example, the Dems should repeatedly brag about the number of people who attend their rallies, because Trump has gone so often on tangents during his speeches where he brought up crowd size out of nowhere. He totally cares about that.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

Around the Network
zorg1000 said:
Ryuu96 said:

Shapiro and Walz were by far at the best orators of the potential candidates and tonight cemented it, I don't think Kelly or Beshear could have given a speech this good, well, Pete could too but Pete was always a long shot. Walz cemented why he's the choice tonight, Coach Walz. Harris did brilliantly introducing him and his speech was fire, he just comes across as a loveable normal person, a person you'd want a beer with, but also has a brilliant career to show he's not just all talk, you can feel his passion about his convictions and damn the dude has a bite too.

Is Pete great at speeches? To me, he’s more like a “I’m going to quickly and easily debunk your bullshit on the spot” kind of guy.

That's fair, now that you mention it, I've never actually seen him give one, I guess I was just assuming he's good at speeches because I've seen how well he speaks elsewhere, I thought he was strong in the Democrat Primary and he is brilliant at countering Fox News and others nonsense but maybe that won't necessarily translate well to being good at speeches.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 07 August 2024

"He is willing to give up his life as he puts it on the line every time he goes in public."

Dude got shot once by someone we don't even know the motivations for, it's as true for Trump as it is for Harris who equally has received death threats or any person in a position of power. That's why they all have Secret Service. Being so hated that people actually act on it though is not a glowing endorsement for someone but again, we don't know the motivation.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 07 August 2024

Just thinking about how recently the far-right have lost their absolute shit over two major pieces of misinformation which were largely propagated on Twitter, first in Italy over their Italian boxer losing a fight, it was heavily spread on Twitter that the opponent from Algeria was trans and their source was a Russian dominated governing body, it was helped spread by prominent influencers and of course it was bullshit but the woman received a lot of abuse as a result, then far-right grifter politicians across the world (especially in America) were using it to spread their hate.

Now a teenager in the UK murdered multiple children and once again, Twitter helped heavily spread the bullshit that the teenager was an immigrant, once again the same prominent influencers helped spread the fake news as they did with the Algerian boxer, now we have riots all over the UK...Even fucking Nigel Farage, one of the worst UK politicians in recent history, has apologised, condemned the riots and threw Andrew Tate under the bus, fuck Nigel Farage, he knew what he was doing and he's just trying to save his own skin but the fact he's admitting mistake shows how serious it is.

Twats like Tate are allowed to spread their bullshit so freely on Twitter and what does Musk do? How is he tackling these pieces of misinformation which help spread violence across Europe? He isn't. This piece of shit is just sitting there continuing to shit-post on Twitter, saying crap like "Civil War in UK is coming" or "Civil War in Europe is coming" and all this bitter divorced dad is doing is helping put fuel on the fire. What's it going to take for governments to give this dude their backhand? I wonder what the next thing will be. Probably help spread election fraud bullshit come election day.

Musk's Daughter is a Legend At least.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 07 August 2024

LurkerJ said:

Cori Bush loses primary after pro-Israel groups spend millions to oust ‘Squad’ member

St Louis prosecutor Wesley Bell defeated Missouri’s first Black female member of Congress with about 51% of the vote

Bell’s win marks a second major victory for the powerful American Israel Public Affairs Committee (Aipac) after it played a leading role in unseatingNew York congressman Jamaal Bowman, another progressive Democrat who criticised the scale of Palestinian civilians deaths in Gaza, in a June primary.

Aipac pumped $8.5m into the race in Missouri’s first congressional district to support Bell through its campaign funding arm, the United Democracy Project (UDP), after Bush angered some pro-Israel groups as one of the first members of Congress to call for a ceasefire after the 7 October Hamas attack on Israel.

Much of the UDP’s money comes from billionaires who fund hardline pro-Israel causes and Republicans in other races, including some who have given to Donald Trump’s campaign.

Bell has denied being recruited by pro-Israel groups to run against Bush, but suspicion lingered after he abandoned a challenge for the US Senate and entered the congressional race not long after Jewish organisations in St Louis began to seek a candidate to take on Bush after accusing her of “intentionally fuelling antisemitism”.

how puppets are made

Being pro-genocide is good all over