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I had prefered Shapiro for the longest time, but that came mostly down to Pennsylvania being the most important state plus hardly knowing anything about the people in the race for VP. Walz is definitely the best choice, though, despite not coming from a battleground state.

So the radical left is really going to take over the USA. So radical to the left that it would be called center-left in Europe.

Trump is getting ever more unhinged as seen by his calls for Biden to return to the race, so the Dems should keep it simple and just do things that infuriate Trump the most in order to make Trump hurt his own campaign's efforts. For example, the Dems should repeatedly brag about the number of people who attend their rallies, because Trump has gone so often on tangents during his speeches where he brought up crowd size out of nowhere. He totally cares about that.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.