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PixelPirate said:

I just wonder what happens next. Aaron en Phil will probably just pretend the game is fine etc on social media, but surely some discussions will be held internally.

I just love how your username reminds me of one the best game trailers of the last decade.

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gtotheunit91 said:
Shaunodon said:

Who needs 60fps when you have 60ars (average review score).

Yeah that was something I was pointing out to those who were getting onto the game being at 30fps on console. If the game isn’t good, that’s not something a 60fps patch is going to fix lol. Probably saw the game wasn’t salvageable as its core is what’s turning many off it it. Nothing a delay would’ve fixed. 

Not sure I agree there, a delay would have helped. Another 3 or 4 months in the oven, they could have addressed several of the issues people are having with the game, not just the lack of 60 fps. For starters the game would be alot less buggy on launch, and I saw several critics docking points for the bugs. One of the main criticisms is that the world is empty with too much running around doing nothing, they could have learned that feedback from internal playtests instead of from critics and users on launch, and used those 3 or 4 months from the delay to rebalance the game, add in more enemies and loot to the open world while tuning down XP per kill to achieve the same level progression balance they intended, and also add in more fast travel points to cut down on pointless running time. Another criticism many have is the graphics, again they could have learned that feedback from internal playtesting instead of from critics and users on launch and used those 3 or 4 months to retexture some of the uglier areas of the map and improve the character models somewhat. And of course, because the game reviewed poorly, many who had planned on waiting for 60 fps before playing will skip it entirely now, if the game had 60 fps on launch those people would have given the game a chance themselves instead of waiting on reviews and subsequently being turned off by those reviews.

Now would a delay have suddenly turned it from a 60 something meta game into a 80 something meta game? Nah, that would take a much longer delay than 3 or 4 months, like a year plus probably, whole gameplay systems would have needed change, whole parts of the map redesigned, etc. But I figure a 3 or 4 month delay would have made the difference between say a 63 average and a 68-70 possibly. 

It just feels like Bethesda decided to cut their losses and release early instead of trying to address feedback they obviously would have received from internal playtesting. Which again feels like it goes back to Phil's leadership style being too hands off, he gives his studios and indeed the entire Bethesda division too much leeway I feel, some of these studios need firm guidance from above. Xbox knows they need their 1st party to shape-up after a disastrous 2022 with no exclusives, and yet Phil allowed them to take the lazy way out and cut their losses and release Redfall before it was ready, just so that Arkane could move on to another game sooner.

Wow didn't expect a 62 (PC)/64 (Xbox)

Spade said:

Kingdom Hearts Diary Day 30: Take back what I said. I'm now in shit hole San Francisco for some reason. F Kingdom Hearts, glad I'm almost done with this poverty franchise on Xbox.

Don't forget the KH3 Re Mind story DLC!

Last edited by Barozi - on 02 May 2023

I think really the main thing holding back Redfall is that they tried to make it a looter shooter, when it didn't need to be one. Maybe if it was a good looter shooter things would be different, but the loot system is painfully basic, there are like 3 Pistol types for instance and rarity tiered versions of each with higher rarities adding a few attachments. Whoever heard of a looter shooter with only a few hundred possible weapon variations, compare that to something like Borderlands or Diablo and it is truly sad how basic the loot system is.

This game could have easily been an immersive sim like Arkane is known for, drop the loot system and tie unlocking new weapons to main and side story progression and put in a weapon wheel for choosing between each of the weapon types. They could have kept the co-op and the 4 characters and fleshed out each with deeper skill trees, tied skill points into a collectible system that plays to Arkane's worldbuilding strength instead of an XP system. Implement a proper stealth system. Redfall could have been a much better game if they stuck to what they are good at, immersive sims, instead of making the world's most basic looter shooter.

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The first AAA release since December 2021 and this is the reception. Forza can't come soon enough.

Gamepass saves them again.

Zippy6 said:

Gamepass saves them again.

'Redfall' review: Good enough for Game Pass

This isn't early access, but it sure feels like it.

Arkane Austin really dragging Arkane Lyon down huh

For a “Current Gen” game that was delayed for nearly a year this is what they manage to crap out? Even Dead Island 2 is better on a Technical level and they use the same engine plus it’s a Cross-Gen game.

I was already kinda sour on this game because it wasn’t the type of game that I was expecting from Arkane at all, just another L for Xbox with 2 1st party games in a row with 60 metas that people will use for more Ammo for the argument that Gamepass lowers the quality of games.

Grabbed Midnight Suns and Final Fantasy Crisis Core from a 50% discount bin. Anyone played these games? Midnight Suns looks very interesting! Guess it flew a bit under the radar.

Inactive. Bye!

Top 20 Games of 2023 based on TA player counts - April update

1. Atomic Heart*186,102+12,277
2. Hogwarts Legacy128,668+4,591
3. Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty* ↑1117,886+9,951
4. Hi-Fi Rush*↓1114,648+4,761
5.GoldenEye 007*97,280+3,342
6. Minecraft Legends*88,676NEW
7.Monster Hunter Rise*↓182,490+2,418
8. Ghostwire:Tokyo*68,172NEW
9. Resident Evil 4↓245,351+11,595
10. MLB the show 23*41,156+20,375
11. Guilty Gear -Strive-* ↓339,686+6,279
12. Dead Island 2 32,103NEW
13. Star Wars Jedi: Survivor30,160NEW
14. Dead Space ↓529,445+1,751
15. Besiege*25,267NEW
16. Loop Hero*22,531NEW
17. Merge & Blade*21,035-
18. KartRider: Drift20,577-
19. Wild Hearts18,641-
20. The Last Case of Benedict Fox*17,045NEW

*on game pass


Didn't have last months data on a few of them as I was only doing top 10

Will Redfall challenge Atomic Heart? lol Probably have to wait till Starfield