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konnichiwa said:

And your last comment sums it up again, in January people also said 'Redfall/Forza/Starfield are months away'  

Were they wrong?

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DroidKnight said:

Armored core is hitting all my bells and whistles.  

I've decided to play Redfall on launch in spite of the 30 fps. Who all else is playing at launch? Might try and do some co-op with some of you, probably not the whole game due to host only progress, but some of the harder content at least.

Wwwwww fight fight fight, bet you won’t hit him.

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

Ryuu96 said:

On the one hand, Brad is right that UK is shit post-Brexit for investment. But I'm not sure the aggressive (PUBLIC) attacks will help, I think it will cause the CMA to double down, Lol. Brits don't ever accept they're wrong, we double down, this country is crazy nationalistic, CMA won't like Microsoft's threats to UK and the UK Gov is hands off with the CMA so they aren't going to do anything.

CMA has never lost. CAT may send it back but the bar for that is extremely high, only a 33% chance that Microsoft wins that and even if they do, CMA will just fix any mistake made and come to the same conclusion. Irrationality is a high bar which requires that CMA makes a decision which "no rational person would make" or they need to find legal mistakes, interpretation of data is not a legal mistake and predictions of a future market isn't illegal either even if those predictions are dumb as shit. CMA will block it again except this time with a "Microsoft is fucking annoying us" energy.

And it may cause Europe to look at Microsoft differently too, Europe already doesn't tend to like American attitudes, both in government and business. Them seeing Microsoft acting this aggressively when not getting their way may cause them to question Microsoft's intentions. Europe has already sued Microsoft once before, Lol. Hmm. They should really wait for EC's approval before acting this way. Europe still coordinates with UK.

MS is making a statement since as you stated, appealing the CMA does nothing when they can just ignore the appeal process and just block the deal anyway.  It would be different if the appeal process actually had any weight so as you stated, its dead in the UK.  The message MS is sending and I am sure the case they will present is how this decision cripples any investment in the UK as speculation is not used for blocking a deal.

Not sure how this will make MS look bad in Eurupe when he is actually praising the process in Europe.  Do not forget it was the UK that broke away from Europe so its not like they are looking at the UK and thinking "Hey lets follow the UK"  Instead they probably be more like "F the UK".  Europe doesn't mind Sueing MS, and they do not mind monitoring concessions so their whole process is different it seems and not the lazy way the UK regulators seem to go about their business.

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Wow, Redfall is actually looking to be very customizable! 

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

This was like the first time I watched any redfall outside from conferences and game actually looks really good. Very nice trailer as well. Waiting on that always online and 60fps drop.">"><img src="

KiigelHeart said:
konnichiwa said:

To quote myself from a few days ago:    A Great company is not one that tries to attract and delight consumers with great promises but rather one who delight consumers with continuously delivering great content. 

Your comment is basically a good example, less than a year ago people would almost say the same, '2022 will atleast end great with Redfall and Starfield!! 2023 is going  to be better with so many games on the horizon.'

Almost 3 years in and MS is still stuck in the phase 'lets try to get customers with promises' while the competition is in the 'their is a ton of content and the gaming community can see it' phase

'It would be interesting to know why you believe great content is coming based on the last 10 years of promises?'

Because they've delivered great content and services for several years. And just by looking at all the studios and games announced you'd have to be a freaking mouthbreather not to think there's plenty more to come. 

I expect if you ask it from gamers with a neutral viewpoint they would say that the last great big game they released was Halo infinite with even Phil agreeing that it has been a long time. With few probably chiming in 'well Hi fi rush was great' 

Gaming announcements is not great content, you see it reflected in the sales and the reception of xbox in the media, basically every gaming outlet/Podcast life youtube twitch reactor on June 11th will say something in the line of 'Lets hope this is great Xbox needs it'

I think it is silly to be excited about game announcements we should be excited about the content they deliver.

gtotheunit91 said:

Wow, Redfall is actually looking to be very customizable! 

Not shocking tbh, Deathloop had a bunch of accessibility options too. Shit pissed me off at first until I had to turn some of them on until I got used to the game and with better guns.">"><img src="

Lol, twitter bio says senior social media manager for SE... Ironic since the game isn't on xbox. Can't wait for the failed to meet expectations and folded into their NFT devs. Clown company regardless.">"><img src="