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Machiavellian said:
VersusEvil said:

FF16 60FPS? when even SE are more competent than you then it’s probably time to call it quits. Should have let Redfall stay as a PS5 exclusive

Is FF16 an open world RPG.  Just wondering because saying something is 60fps and it actually playing smooth at 60fps is something totally different.  Also depending on the game, depends on how they maintain 60fps.  It’s like you guys forget how development goes.  If the game is built like FFVII remake then maintaining 60fps isn't as hard as you may think since the game world is very limited.

Pfft, Ride to Hell Retribution is 60fps. Arkane should get some of those guys to help development.

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

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If The Coalition isn't already on Redfall then loan them out to Bethesda, Lol.

They're the masters at Unreal Engine, I'm sure they can provide major help to Arkane with the 60fps patch.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 14 April 2023

Turns out CMA's papers today aren't public, Lol.

Have to wait for a leak.

BasilZero said:
shikamaru317 said:

I haven't seen the new FF16 footage yet, but what they have shown previously really underwhelmed me personally. The return of AI only companions from FFXV (no character switching like earlier FF games, and only 1 companion at a time instead of a full party), the combat is that super fast paced DMC style action combat that I'm not a fan of because it's too hectic to keep track of, the world design and even some of the character design looks very western which sucks as I obviously want a Japanese aesthetic in a JRPG, I have plenty of great western RPG's to play for the western aesthetic. If it were on Xbox I would probably still buy it in a sale in spite of my misgivings about the game, but then they took Sony timed hat money again. And if it's anything like FF7R, that timed hat may well turn into a lifetime hat for no good reason, and I'm damn sure not going to buy this game on PS5 once I get a PS5 after Slim drops and reward that kind of poor hatting behavior by Sony and Square, maybe if it's on PS+ mid tier by then I will sub to that for awhile and play it. If it does somehow make it to Xbox unlike FF7R I will buy it in the bargain bin or play on Gamepass if it hits Gamepass. 

Edit: Ok, upon perusing some of the new gameplay, I see they added assistance accessories to help with that super fast paced DMC style combat just like Nier Automata had, that at least helps to fix that particular issue I had with FF16.

I'm not missing the ability to control characters at all.

Even after they introduced party member swapping and the ability to play the DLCs in FFXV - I still played as Noctis for post-game content.

The high pace action is something I wanted FFXV to be but it ended up being a slog in comparison. I'm super hyped for XVI especially since it looks way more promising than XV.

For me it was one of my favorite elements, and FFXV lacked it after FF Versus 13 had it (at least on launch when I played it), and now FF16 lacks it as well. FF7R has it thankfully, but it is still yet to hit Xbox sadly. 

I have never been into these high pace action games, I have sensory issues and these super fast paced action games cause sensory overload for me. The addition of the auto-dodge and auto-block accessories in FF16 will certainly help with that, Nier Automata had them and allowed me to play it, and the same with the Ninja Gaiden trilogy remaster, they added an auto-block accessory for it which helped me alot too. But even with the accessory I would still prefer a mid-pace action RPG to a fast paced one, FF7R combat is far more my speed, as well Kingdom Hearts and Witcher 3 and such. It's only these fast paced action games that I struggle with, I played the mid paced action RPG combat of Dragon Age Inquisition on the highest difficulty, Nightmare, just as a for instance.

Round 1 - Goes to Axon, 9-0 decision.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 14 April 2023

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Spade said:

If I'm Sony, I continue to ride this wave of Xbox negativity tbh. Not sure how... but they good at that ooof.

I'm seeing the Starfield comments on twatter. Mostly lol 30fps and still some bots think it will be 60.. going to be a loooooooong Summer.

Good to know it's only a very small vocal minority, just keep that in mind. Not damage control at all. :)

I have no idea why people think Starfield would be locked to 30 fps on launch. While there is an interview with Todd Howard from like 2 years ago where he said he thought 30 fps was sufficient for their style of games, and the E3 gameplay last year had some drops below 30 fps when Digital Foundry ran it through their testing software, I feel like Bethesda knows that in 2023 you need to have both a 30 fps fidelity mode and a 60 fps performance mode, with an additional balanced mode designed for VRR monitors being preferred. If they didn't know that before now, they certainly know it after seeing this immense Redfall 30 fps backlash, and they have 5 months now before launch in September to make sure that there is an optional 60 fps performance mode running at a lower resolution.

Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 14 April 2023

Zippy6 said:
Machiavellian said:

Is FF16 a open world RPG.  Just wondering because saying something is 60fps and it actually playing smooth at 60fps is something totally different.  Also depending on the game, depends on how they maintain 60fps.  Its like you guys forget how development goes.  If the game is built like FFVII remake then maintaining 60fps isn't as hard as you may think since the game world is very limited.

It's not fully open-world, the game is split into areas though there are still some pretty large landscapes. I think what's made the Redfall thing a bigger issue isn't just that it's 30fps but that we know 60fps is possible because they've confirmed it's coming themselves, which just gives the impression they are releasing a game before it is ready.

Actually you really do not know if its possible.  Its something they say they will attempt to do but how stable that is we will have to see.  For as many games I have played that promise 60fps only to have a very unstable 60fps, it seems to me to be more a marketing thing for the 60fps crowd then actually hitting 60fps consistently.  Anyway, until the game release and we get a chance to play it, we can see about judging how well the game plays.

Machiavellian said:
shikamaru317 said:

Ooof, just saw the like/dislike ratio on the 3rd Redfall character trailer and it's the worst ratio yet, almost 50/50. Between the poor IGN First gameplay and now this 30 fps only news, Redfall's momentum feels like it's almost dead in the water. I think Xbox badly needs to just delay the game until like July or August, and then make a really good Redfall gameplay demo for their Xbox Summer Showcase with some professional shooter players or at least Arkane's most skilled shooter skilled employees showing the game in it's best light in co-op. 

Exactly what would be the point of delaying the game.  This is what the game is and those short delays isn't going to fundamentally change it in any significant way.  The game will either be good or not based on what it currently is because the game is done.  You do not need a demo of a game releasing on GP, it either will gain GP subs or it will not.  What will sell Redfall is when it gets into users actual hands and people get to play it.  Word of mouth is way better than some glorified showcase or even a demo.  I think you guys are way to close to the fire

Think about it this way: Right now, basically most core gamers hate Redfall. Between watching IGN clumsily play it, the multiple controversies (always online, host only co-op progress, no 60 fps on launch on consoles, Denuvo DRM on PC, etc.), hype for the game is at an all time low, and that is saying something because Redfall never had that much hype ever since it's initial announcement trailer which was poorly designed. So most core gamers hate it then, what about the casual shooter players? Well they're all off playing CoD Warzone and Fortnite and Apex Legends and such right now, they don't even know Redfall exists. The only way they give Redfall a chance is if the core gamers like it enough that it becomes a huge hit with the streamers they watch, giving those casuals exposure to the game through streamers.

What a delay gives them:

-Time to quickly put together a new gameplay demo for Redfall, with either professional shooter players or Arkane's most skilled at shooters employees playing it in co-op and presenting the game in the best light possible. Most of the gameplay footage released so far has looked lackluster, but we have heard from the preview testers that it's not the game itself that is the problem, Arkane has just continually managed to release underwhelming gameplay demos for it, and now IGN, who they chose to partner with for IGN First, has too. That demo can then be played on Xbox's Summer Showcase, which typically sees peak concurrent viewer numbers of over 2m people, plus millions more who go back and watch the VoD on youtube. That is 2m+ people seeing a good gameplay demo for Redfall, as opposed to a mere 180k people who have watched the poor IGN First gameplay. They have the opportunity then to completely drown out the IGN First blunder by exposing a better looking demo to more than 10x as many viewers. 

-Time to get both the 60 fps mode and the offline play options, which are both planned for after release currently, into the game at release after the delay. Fixing Redfall's 2 most controversial issues at release will go a long way towards increasing hype.

There other option is of course to just cut their losses and release in May as planned. What that does is pretty much automatically chase away the entire crowd who now finds 30 fps unacceptable, which is like 40% of potential players for the game. While there is a chance they come back and play it after 60 fps has been added post-release, many of them will be too busy with the new releases whenever the Redfall 60 fps patch drops to come back and give Redfall a 2nd chance. You usually only get one chance for success with a game release, it's rare for a comeback miracle like Halo MCC or Cyberpunk 2077 to happen in the gaming market. 

Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 14 April 2023 avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

Machiavellian said:
Zippy6 said:

It's not fully open-world, the game is split into areas though there are still some pretty large landscapes. I think what's made the Redfall thing a bigger issue isn't just that it's 30fps but that we know 60fps is possible because they've confirmed it's coming themselves, which just gives the impression they are releasing a game before it is ready.

Actually you really do not know if its possible.  Its something they say they will attempt to do but how stable that is we will have to see.  For as many games I have played that promise 60fps only to have a very unstable 60fps, it seems to me to be more a marketing thing for the 60fps crowd then actually hitting 60fps consistently.  Anyway, until the game release and we get a chance to play it, we can see about judging how well the game plays.

They said 60fps performance mode WILL BE ADDED at later date.

60fps is marketing thing..? What on Earth are you on about?