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Kingdom Hearts Diary 12: Started KH 2. That opening song hit different... one of the best songs with choreography I've seen in a long time. Nice to see Mulan!

Edit: What the f*ck... Someone hacked my account changed my pfp... Unreal.">"><img src="

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Has anyone here ever like went to the web browser on their xbox on their big tv. Google (or bing) Xbox studios 2023. Pull up the image where it shows Xbox owning a bunch of studios. Get yourself a nice glass of cherry juice and just sit back and look at all the studios. Think back to all the announcements, tweets, and moments...

No? Just me :)

It's like a Patriots fan reminiscing about all their superbowl wins.

Can't really do that if you're a Cowboys fan though...">"><img src="

We got some interesting Diablo 4 news recently:

  • It will take about 25-30 hours to reach level 50 and beat the main story, but you will only have done a small fraction of the side content such as side quests and side dungeons on the journey to level 50, and once you get there you will unlock the 3rd world tier and can begin the journey to level 100 on world tier 3 while completing more of that side content.
  • Maxing out each season's battlepass will take about 80 hours, while hitting level 100 after unlocking world tier 3 will also take about 80 hours for some people as well, while for others it will take longer to hit level 100 depending on playstyle (rather or not you do optimal XP farming) 
  • Rod Fergusson clarified some concerns people had about the recent seasonal story content news. This content is not related to the main storyline meaning you don't need to wait 3 months between each season for an installment of a continuing main storyline, instead the seasonal story content is self-contained and related to each seasons new seasonal mechanics. He also also confirmed that the seasonal story content is free, not paid, as well as confirmed that Blizzard will also be working on paid expansions with much larger story campaigns much like previous Diablo games in addition to these shorter, free seasonal storylines.
  • You do not need to enter the PvP zone of the map to collect Altars of Lilith in order to fully complete all seasonal content, and also PvP rewards are cosmetic only so that players won't feel forced into PvP
  • PvP has scaling for gear to try and create better balance, so min-maxing with optimal gear won't help as much in terms of stats, though the synergies of your equipment with your build can still be a deciding factor alongside player skill.
  • Seasonal content will reset each season, including Altars of Lilith, which will need to be found again each season. You will keep the stat increases earned from finding each season's Altars of Lilith (meaning that min/maxers will need to complete every season or fall behind other players in terms of total stats), but extra potions and skill points earned from each season will reset.
  • Paragon boards also reset each season. It was also revealed that you can fully fill out the paragon board each season, though doing so will be a massive time sink for something that will reset each season, every 3 months.
  • More dungeon variety (one of the chief concerns from the open beta) was confirmed, there will be alot more visual themes and layouts for dungeons in the full game, including each of the map's 5 regions having some dungeon visual themes that are unique to that region.
  • Blizzard suggested that respec costs will be lower than in the beta while levelling so that you can try out different builds and change your build based on what item drops you get while levelling, but that once you reach end-game they will remain quite expensive. Blizzard wants gold to feel like it has an impact at the end game and doesn't want players constantly respeccing in the endgame. They said they will adjust the costs post launch if there is alot of negative feedback, but for the time being they believe they made the right choice with the higher respec costs at endgame. 
Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 14 April 2023

Anyone who bought Harry Potter on xbox, check your messages. Got a free redeem code for Sorcerer's Stone movie.">"><img src="

FF16 60FPS? when even SE are more competent than you then it’s probably time to call it quits. Should have let Redfall stay as a PS5 exclusive

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

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Spade said:

Anyone who bought Harry Potter on xbox, check your messages. Got a free redeem code for Sorcerer's Stone movie.

Hogwarts Legacy? Also … thought you was Noble for a second with that avatar. 

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

shikamaru317 said:

I haven't seen the new FF16 footage yet, but what they have shown previously really underwhelmed me personally. The return of AI only companions from FFXV (no character switching like earlier FF games, and only 1 companion at a time instead of a full party), the combat is that super fast paced DMC style action combat that I'm not a fan of because it's too hectic to keep track of, the world design and even some of the character design looks very western which sucks as I obviously want a Japanese aesthetic in a JRPG, I have plenty of great western RPG's to play for the western aesthetic. If it were on Xbox I would probably still buy it in a sale in spite of my misgivings about the game, but then they took Sony timed hat money again. And if it's anything like FF7R, that timed hat may well turn into a lifetime hat for no good reason, and I'm damn sure not going to buy this game on PS5 once I get a PS5 after Slim drops and reward that kind of poor hatting behavior by Sony and Square, maybe if it's on PS+ mid tier by then I will sub to that for awhile and play it. If it does somehow make it to Xbox unlike FF7R I will buy it in the bargain bin or play on Gamepass if it hits Gamepass. 

Edit: Ok, upon perusing some of the new gameplay, I see they added assistance accessories to help with that super fast paced DMC style combat just like Nier Automata had, that at least helps to fix that particular issue I had with FF16.

I'm not missing the ability to control characters at all.

Even after they introduced party member swapping and the ability to play the DLCs in FFXV - I still played as Noctis for post-game content.

The high pace action is something I wanted FFXV to be but it ended up being a slog in comparison. I'm super hyped for XVI especially since it looks way more promising than XV.

shikamaru317 said:

Ooof, just saw the like/dislike ratio on the 3rd Redfall character trailer and it's the worst ratio yet, almost 50/50. Between the poor IGN First gameplay and now this 30 fps only news, Redfall's momentum feels like it's almost dead in the water. I think Xbox badly needs to just delay the game until like July or August, and then make a really good Redfall gameplay demo for their Xbox Summer Showcase with some professional shooter players or at least Arkane's most skilled shooter skilled employees showing the game in it's best light in co-op. 

Why do you keep looking at it?

It's unfortunate but the like/dislike ratio isn't changing, even with a delay to August, the damage is already done and amplified by the fact that a lot of fanboys upset about Bethesda exclusivity who never had any intention of buying the game to begin with are jumping on the controversy, a 3 month delay isn't changing that, they'll just switch to another complaint.

Now I'm not saying there aren't justifiable complaints and I do think it should be delayed to August but the damage to marketing is already done, the marketing is now a write off. You're also unlikely to get a Redfall gameplay demo in the June showcase at this stage, it's too late, the showcases are planned months in advance and Redfall up until even today is still planned for a May release.

We also already have good gameplay but it's not doing anything to change the IGN damage. Ultimately the only thing they can do now is hope they have a good product on launch and if they do then that will make a lot of the run-up marketing irrelevant and we'll look back on this and laugh at how worried we were but that's only if the product is good.

This really reminds me of the Prey marketing, it had negativity the moment it was revealed because they pissed off the Prey fanbase right from the start, they took Prey's IP/Name and slapped it onto a game which looked absolutely nothing like Prey. It would be like if Call of Duty renamed itself as Halo but still looked and played exactly like Call of Duty, Lol.

They were lucky that the Prey fanbase wasn't that big to begin with but it was a stupid marketing move to call it Prey and Bethesda themselves IIRC even admitted they only called it Prey to try to increase its sales, not because it had anything to do with Prey IP. The goofy IP shenanigans caused it negativity though in the marketing and reviews but people played it and realised it was actually a good game, if you look past the name.

Spade said:

Redfall is what we get for the trolling and bashing of the great war of Forespoken vs. HiFi Rush

I'm sure karma will come right back around.. namely Activision and hopefully some new studios to play with.

I was trashing Square Enix Sony has nothing to do with Forespoken aside from tossing Square a cheque.

But some definitely seem to value their titles depending on how much console warring they can get out of them.

VersusEvil said:

FF16 60FPS? when even SE are more competent than you then it’s probably time to call it quits. Should have let Redfall stay as a PS5 exclusive

Tbf. It's Final Fantasy, if Square fucked up Final Fantasy they'd be in real deep shit, it's literally their biggest IP, Lol.

They put the vast majority of their effort into Final Fantasy to the detriment of a lot of their other projects.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 14 April 2023

Minecraft Legends is currently 71 on OpenCritic. Disappointing. Although it is basically around the same score as Minecraft Dungeons and I enjoyed that so I'll still play it as I'm a big Minecraft fan too, I'm starting to think that these Minecraft spinoffs just don't appeal to a lot of reviews, feels like you have to either be a kid or a big fan of Minecraft to begin with, Lol. Dungeons still did great despite its score and Minecraft Story Mode (also scored bad) was reportedly one of the few profitable Telltale titles, so I'm sure Legends will be fine as well. Shame it couldn't score higher but ah well.

I'm currently playing Minecraft until it releases, Lol.

Ryuu96 said:

Sony going to complain that Microsoft is advertising CoD

I would complain too, cause this 150 million figure doesn't make sense. Nor the initial "current 120 million" figure.