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Ryuu96 said:

Looks like Sony is going after WB gaming division. HL and now SS. Wonder if they are a prime candidate for buying or at least where some of that COD advertising will be going. Expect a lot more deal from Sony going forward if they have that much freed up from losing COD marketing. 

Hell, maybe they can fund their own sequels like Days gone.">"><img src="

Finished Hogwarts Legacy today. While the ending was better than I had expected, both for the main story and all 3 of the companion questlines, finishing up those remaining achievements for collections and challenges was a real pain, so I'm keeping my score at the 8/10 from my review last night. Overall a good freshmen AAA effort from Avalanche, but I definitely expect alot more from the likely sequel. They really need to fix their Ubisoft-like open world issues, enhance the Hogwarts student experience, improve world interactivity, give us an all around deeper and larger game, and add many of the things missing from this first game like Quidditch and Romance. Take the huge revenue from this first game and invest it back into the series please.

Seems like my prediction still stands, as long as things continue to be centered around COD, MS will close this deal.

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Gears of war sounds better to me, MS already has so many one word IPs, I mean the infamous Halo Forza Fable

let's make Gears "of war" again!

I never really understood the change to just Gears. I mean it didn't bother me, but was the point? Gears of War is a perfectly good name, and it's not exactly a mouthful. Sure, people call it Gears for short in the flow of conversation, but there was no need to change the official name because of that.

They need to go back to Gears of War. I wouldn't be surprised if some people skipped Gears 5 because they didn't know it was Gears of War 5. Brand naming is important.

ice said:

Gears of war sounds better to me, MS already has so many one word IPs, I mean the infamous Halo Forza Fable

let's make Gears "of war" again!

Idk man.....sounds a little too close to God of War. You know, the superior IP