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Big doubt that Tango would do it but I'd love an open world Hi-Fi Rush, about the size of Sunset Overdrive at maximum, I'd say smaller though, with awesome transversal/platforming along with that awesome music playing through and adjusting for environmental actions, oh and the art-style. I know it's really early but I see what is coming out for the most part and I'm pretty sure this will make my top art-style spot by the end of the year.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 03 February 2023

Around the Network

Idas Said:

Sony gets 7 more days to serve the subpoena from MS, but this time it wasn’t completely agreed by Microsoft (the judge granted it).

New, and it sounds like final, deadline is February 10th.

We have more info about what MS is requesting:

- 45 distinct document requests, 13 of which have multiple subparts, for a total of more than 120 separate document requests.

- These requests demand all documents related to nearly all aspects of SIE's business, as well as extensive sets of sales, financial, and personal user data (e.g., user date of birth, user country, user gender, covering what will likely be millions of users).

- Ten of these requests seek materials going back more than 11 years to January 2012.

- Sony estimates that providing the response to MS will cost approximately $2 million or more in fees and expenses and demand weeks of intense work and substantial efforts and involvement of SIE personnel.

- MS is requesting all documents related to performance reviews and evaluations of all Sony gaming leadership or management, all documents relating to SIE's gaming business sent to, received from, or exchanged with other Sony entities, and executed copies of every content licensing agreement SIE has entered into with any third-party publisher over the past 11 years, among others.

- Sony is not happy with the unrealistically short deadlines and irrelevant requests from MS.

- In any case, Sony anticipates that this will be its last request for an extension to the motion to quash deadline and that they will either reach final agreement or narrow any impasse by February 10, 2023. Microsoft disagrees with the relief requested in this motion.

More drama

I don't think all of that will be granted, I think some of the requests are understandable and fair, it's a publisher that Sony is acting like they can't live without so their entire gaming business needs to be examined, but a few other requests seem less relevant, but even if only some of it is granted, it becomes a "Fuck Around and Find Out" situation

"Executed copies of every content licensing agreement SIE has entered into with any third-party publisher over the past 11 years" - Would love to see this, Lol.

This super secretive gaming industry definitely doesn't want all their dirty laundry spilled, a small part of me would love for Microsoft to go through a court battle with the FTC even if CMA does block it though so I get to see some of these secrets, Lol.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 03 February 2023

Cool video by a former Hogwarts Legacy dev:

He has a very good game development mindset, he knows that players are the most important thing. Says they made the game for the fans, not for the media who are attacking it because of the JK Rowling controversy. 

Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 03 February 2023

lowkey hope the abk acquisition doesn't go through :eyes:  

Around the Network

OhNoItsAlexx made a good point about Redfall and always online. The game may see an early end if it's not successful and we get screwed. Always online isn't good. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

Ryuu96 said:

Idas Said:

Sony gets 7 more days to serve the subpoena from MS, but this time it wasn’t completely agreed by Microsoft (the judge granted it).

New, and it sounds like final, deadline is February 10th.

We have more info about what MS is requesting:

- 45 distinct document requests, 13 of which have multiple subparts, for a total of more than 120 separate document requests.

- These requests demand all documents related to nearly all aspects of SIE's business, as well as extensive sets of sales, financial, and personal user data (e.g., user date of birth, user country, user gender, covering what will likely be millions of users).

- Ten of these requests seek materials going back more than 11 years to January 2012.

- Sony estimates that providing the response to MS will cost approximately $2 million or more in fees and expenses and demand weeks of intense work and substantial efforts and involvement of SIE personnel.

- MS is requesting all documents related to performance reviews and evaluations of all Sony gaming leadership or management, all documents relating to SIE's gaming business sent to, received from, or exchanged with other Sony entities, and executed copies of every content licensing agreement SIE has entered into with any third-party publisher over the past 11 years, among others.

- Sony is not happy with the unrealistically short deadlines and irrelevant requests from MS.

- In any case, Sony anticipates that this will be its last request for an extension to the motion to quash deadline and that they will either reach final agreement or narrow any impasse by February 10, 2023. Microsoft disagrees with the relief requested in this motion.

More drama

$2m to find a few pieces of paper! Seems I'm in the wrong line of work.

smroadkill15 said:

OhNoItsAlexx made a good point about Redfall and always online. The game may see an early end if it's not successful and we get screwed. Always online isn't good.

Yeah, that’s the big reason why I cancelled my pre-order. For $70, I don’t want the risk of the game failing and suddenly I can’t play a game I was planning on 80% of the time, playing by myself.

So this will be a Game Pass title for me. Unless the backlash is so severe that Arkane drops it. But they still haven’t dropped co-op progression only being to the host, so I’m not holding my breath. At least Arkane said Redfall will be a one and done for them. 

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Mods are asleep so here it goes …. Happy birthday Ice.

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed