shikamaru317 said: RIP Halo singleplayer, 2001-2021. Press F everyone. |
2001-2010 … FTFY.
Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed
shikamaru317 said: RIP Halo singleplayer, 2001-2021. Press F everyone. |
2001-2010 … FTFY.
Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed
shikamaru317 said: RIP Halo singleplayer, 2001-2021. Press F everyone. |
It doesn't say anywhere that singleplayer Halo is dead, Lol.
343 themselves have said that singleplayer Halo isn't dead.
Jason only says the focus is on MP for the near future which is a bit of a "no shit"
343 never had expansions planned for Infinite and the only future Halo stories were pitches in Unreal Engine.
They aren't going to magic up a single player Halo in a few years, Lol. Especially now that they have to convert everything over to Unreal Engine.
And before Pierre, 343 never really bothered with spinoffs much either, so it's too early to say if that will change too.
I hate that MS is heavily relying on Unreal, why not just switch it to the IW Engine instead? You can literally just take Beenox or whoever to co-develop even Certain Affinity have experience using the that engine.
Jeff Grubb is saying that Undead Labs is working on a New IP other than State of Decay 3.
It will likely be years off but who know since they are one of the Xbox studios that expanded the most.
Ryuu96 said:
It doesn't say anywhere that singleplayer Halo is dead, Lol. 343 themselves have said that singleplayer Halo isn't dead. Jason only says the focus is on MP for the near future which is a bit of a "no shit" 343 never had expansions planned for Infinite and the only future Halo stories were pitches in Unreal Engine. They aren't going to magic up a single player Halo in a few years, Lol. Especially now that they have to convert everything over to Unreal Engine. And before Pierre, 343 never really bothered with spinoffs much either, so it's too early to say if that will change too. |
It says no Halo singleplayer game or content currently in development. Best case scenario, they build up a new singleplayer team for the sequel to infinite, which will take at least a year from now to do as slow as Xbox is at staffing up studios. Then 4 years of development or more after that point to make the singleplayer and multiplayer content for the sequel to infinite. Meaning next Halo story content from 343 themselves will be in 2028 at the earliest most likely, possibly 2029. That is disastrous in my eyes.
If 343 had been doing their job these past several years from say 2018-2022, if Frank O'Connor was actually good at Halo franchise management, they would at least have 2 story based Halo spinoffs already in development via 2nd party studios which could release between now and 343's earliest possible Halo game with new story content in 2028. Instead they have no story content, 1st or 2nd party, in development currently, meaning the earliest that any studio, 1st or 2nd party, could deliver anything more than a small campaign expansion for Halo Infinite would be 2027 most likely. For a franchise as popular as Halo to have no story content whatsoever in active development is frankly inexcusable in my eyes.
Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 31 January 2023Also Tatanka will now likely be standalone and years away now, I feel betrayed honestly I guess that one Halo insider that said not to buy MTX in Infinite was potentially right.
EspadaGrim said: I hate that MS is heavily relying on Unreal, why not just switch it to the IW Engine instead? You can literally just take Beenox or whoever to co-develop even Certain Affinity have experience using the that engine. |
If we assume that IW Engine is suitable for Halo...The simple matter is that it wouldn't even be considered because Microsoft doesn't own ABK...Until they do, they can't even begin to consider using IW Engine...Nothing is certain in business, such as the ABK acquisition closing, 343 can't sit around doing nothing for months hoping that the deal closes so they can begin looking at IW Engine (and ABK wouldn't allow them to use it until they're owned by Microsoft) because ABK doesn't outsource its engine and they wouldn't on an assumption that "the deal will close anyway" because again you take nothing for certain in business, the deal might not close and then ABK has just handed over its engine to a rival.
So basically, they simply can't even consider using IW Engine at this moment in time. They've have to wait until ABK closes before they even talk about using the engine and looking into it.
Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 31 January 2023EspadaGrim said: Jeff Grubb is saying that Undead Labs is working on a New IP other than State of Decay 3. |
This is apparently wrong.
Bit of miscommunication happening, someone in Era said that is what Grubb said based on a 3rd hand account, Idle posted it on Twitter, others responded in Era that Jeff never said that, Lol.
The Podcast is locked behind a paywall until next week.
What Jeff apparently said (I can't confirm for myself) is that he thinks Hellblade II is Fall 23, Starfield is June and that The Coalition's new IP is 2024.
shikamaru317 said:
It says no Halo singleplayer game or content currently in development. Best case scenario, they build up a new singleplayer team for the sequel to infinite, which will take at least a year from now to do as slow as Xbox is at staffing up studios. Then 4 years of development or more after that point to make the singleplayer and multiplayer content for the sequel to infinite. Meaning next Halo story content from 343 themselves will be in 2028 at the earliest most likely, possibly 2029. That is disastrous in my eyes. If 343 had been doing their job these past several years from say 2018-2022, if Frank O'Connor was actually good at Halo franchise management, they would at least have 2 story based Halo spinoffs already in development via 2nd party studios which could release between now and 343's earliest possible Halo game with new story content in 2028. Instead they have no story content, 1st or 2nd party, in development currently, meaning the earliest that any studio, 1st or 2nd party, could deliver anything more than a small campaign expansion for Halo Infinite would be 2027 most likely. For a franchise as popular as Halo to have no story content whatsoever in active development is frankly inexcusable in my eyes. |
Yeah, 343 never had any Infinite story content in development, they were only doing pitches for future Halo stories.
Correct, the next Halo story will likely be very far away, as they'd need to staff up again.
Unfortunately 343 prior to Pierre never really bothered with spinoffs (it's too early to see if that changes) so he can't magic up what doesn't exist.
Nowhere does it say that Halo story is dead though, is my point, it's just going to be a while.
What it looks like is that Tatanka will be the test bed for Halo on Unreal Engine and they'll go from there, Infinite will likely be supported on Slipspace engine for as long as possible, I'd guess until Tatanka releases now, as they slowly convert everything over to Unreal Engine.
Typically, the Multiplayer and Gameplay is built first, they'll focus on nailing the "feeling" of Halo on Unreal Engine first and that will be done via Multiplayer experiences, then they will build the Campaign after that is nailed down.
This is basically a studio reboot, it's going to be a long process.
EspadaGrim said: I hate that MS is heavily relying on Unreal, why not just switch it to the IW Engine instead? You can literally just take Beenox or whoever to co-develop even Certain Affinity have experience using the that engine. |
It is a little annoying that they are pushing so hard on Unreal. I get that it's a very graphically capable engine that is easy to recruit talent for since virtually every college graduate from a game design program already has Unreal experience, but far too much of the industry is moving to Unreal 5 which is going to make games look very "samey".
Xbox doesn't own IW engine yet and may never with the way this acquisition is going currently, but they do own id tech, and yet nobody seems to be using id tech or id tech variants except for id themselves and Arkane Lyon. Machine did use id tech on Wolfenstein, but dropped it in favor of Unreal 5 on Indiana Jones, and we don't know if Wolfenstein 3 is actually in development currently on id tech. Arkane Lyon is still on Void engine, their cusomtized variant of id tech, but Arkane Austin decided to use Cry Engine instead of Void on Prey and are now on Unreal 5 on Redfall. Tango had their own customizaed variant of id tech on Evil Within 2, called the STEM engine, but they used Unreal 4 on both Ghostwire Tokyo and HiFI Rush instead, which suggests STEM engine may now be totally dead.
id tech seems very capable graphically, is very well optimized allowing it to run well on hardware as weak as Switch as well as allowing it to hit higher framerates at the same resolution compared to other engines, and it's greatest weakness, maximum map size, was largely fixed with id tech 7 which doubled maximum map size (and that figure could be improved even further by the upcoming id tech 8 or with studio customized variants of id tech 7/8) and yet none of Xbox's or Bethesda's other studios seem to want to use id tech these days, they are all moving to Unreal instead, even though that means paying Epic 5% of revenue and games starting to look very "samey".
Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 31 January 2023