ice said:
Feel like xbox doesn't care much about marketshare since their new strategy is turning everything into an xbox, which is probably why there was next to no deals this christmas. Can't help but to think this new vision for xbox will eventually bite them in the ass but I guess we will see lol
They had those deals in Thanksgiving/Black Friday week last month.
I dont think they care for marketshare since they hold Activision/Blizzard, Bethesda and a few others IPs which will likely net them revenue and profit.
They are likely bleeding money from the hardware all these years and the higher ups are wanting a much better return.
Its possible that they could take the entire Xbox ecosystem and make it like Steam except much more accessible since Steam is mainly accessible through 3 platforms right now (Windows, Mac and Linux).
I think in the long run, can see a Xbox (Steam like store/app) appearing on other platforms and devices. Would make a good reason to revamp the Xbox PC App.