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Hilarious that the only exclusive game that Xbox will be getting from Bethesda at the end of the day will be Redfall, they should rip the band-aid off already there is no reason whatsoever to keep anything exclusive at this point.

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I am so angry about Tango's closure that I would say MS is doubly hypocritical if NINJA Theory,
which has been even less successful than Hi-Fi Rush, can avoid closure.
Fucking racists.

Oneeee-Chan!!! said:

I am so angry about Tango's closure that I would say MS is doubly hypocritical if NINJA Theory,
which has been even less successful than Hi-Fi Rush, can avoid closure.
Fucking racists.

I agree with you that the closure of Tango is infuriating, but I doubt it has anything to do with race, they kept Activision Shanghai, they'd surely close it also if they were merely racist against Asians. I'm skeptical that it even has anything to do with money, as both HiFi and Ghostwire should have turned a profit as lower budget games that sold reasonably well (HiFi steam sales are estimated between 500k-1m by 4 different 3rd party Steam trackers, plus Xbox and Playstation sales, while Ghostwire is estimated at 1-2m on Steam by 2 different 3rd party trackers, plus Xbox and PS sales, and both also did well on Subscription services, hitting 3m and 7m players respectively at last official update over a half a year ago).

There has to be some behind the scenes reason for closing Tango specifically that we're just not seeing. Maybe alot of their developers left when Mikami did and they were struggling to hire talented replacements? Maybe Tango just didn't want to make whatever game Xbox wanted them to make next (Xbox pushing for Evil Within 3 perhaps, while the studio was pushing for HiFi and Ghostwire sequels since Evil Within was Mikami's baby)? I really don't know, but I do doubt race factored into it, or at least I hope it didnt.

Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 25 May 2024

Now that I am nearly done with Jedi Survivor (just 1 main mission and some random achievement mop-up left), I have decided to do a full Dragon Age series playthrough to prepare for Dragon Age Dreadwolf later this year. Started on Dragon Age Origins tonight, after modding it a fair amount to improve the graphics and make some quality of life fixes. Went with a Dalish Elf origin this time, the first and only time I played Origins I did a Circle Mage origin, but this time I used a mod to do a Dalish Mage on the Dalish Elf origin. 

Oneeee-Chan!!! said:

I am so angry about Tango's closure that I would say MS is doubly hypocritical if NINJA Theory,
which has been even less successful than Hi-Fi Rush, can avoid closure.
Fucking racists.

The thing with Ninja Theory is that they (currently) have eggs in several baskets.

Around the Network
Oneeee-Chan!!! said:

I am so angry about Tango's closure that I would say MS is doubly hypocritical if NINJA Theory,
which has been even less successful than Hi-Fi Rush, can avoid closure.
Fucking racists.

As much as NT sucks at making good games. They make good tools to get a lot out of hardware. So not wishing anyone to lose jobs. Tango really sucks to see go I agree. Hi-Fi Rush is the best game Xbox has put out since the 360 era.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

The state of Xbox Empire … sad to see.

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

VersusEvil said:

The state of Xbox Empire … sad to see.

The more Emperor Phil tightens his grip, the more exclusives slip through his fingers.

coolbeans said:
VersusEvil said:

The state of Xbox Empire … sad to see.

The more Emperor Phil tightens his grip, the more exclusives slip through his fingers.

Phil ain’t in control of this ship anymore old man. 

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

VersusEvil said:
coolbeans said:

The more Emperor Phil tightens his grip, the more exclusives slip through his fingers.

Phil ain’t in control of this ship anymore old man. 

He's still the face of it as Head of Xbox though.  Just let me have my quote.