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I'm going to hold back on any criticism (constructive or destructive), detailed responses, or on where I stand on any of the rumors until I have some actual information.

I don't know enough yet to be able analyze where I fall on a matter of opinion. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

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PixelPirate said:
smroadkill15 said:

As long as Xbox games are being made, I don't really care what hardware I play it on. If they go 3rd party, I'll get a PS5. It's not really a big deal to me. I am curious to see if they still have a plan to keep supporting hardware going forward.

For me it also isn't a huge problem, I just have a soft spot for Xbox Studio games, the ecosystem and some nostalgic reasons.

However, if all those games come to PS5, I will just play them on my Playstation. I get the benefit of having more third-party games, Playstation first party games, and also Xbox games on the same platform. No need in owning a Xbox anymore as I don't really use Gamepass. I'm definitely not buying games on my Series X anymore with this shitstorm brewing.

It is weird to think I maybe have bought the last Xbox games last week, it is also annoying to think that games will now even take longer to release because they need ports for other consoles. I would be so pissed tho, if the gears collection is just the Gears games for PS, because it basically means we even have to wait longer for the next gears game...

So FFXIV on xbox needs an gamepass core sub aswell; while on PS you can play it without plus. Damn ...

Maybe these rumors will pan into something because we seem to get a lot of them but then nothing like MS having Sea of Thieves on State of play. Still, if you think about it having 2 big 3rd party publishers could be MS strategy to go a semi 3rd party way since both Bethesda and ABK have games that are already on multiple systems like their GAAS games. So seeing some games make its way to PS or Nintendo isn't to far of a stretch. If MS treat PS and Nintendo like Sony treat the PC where they bring their games to the system after what 3 years or better, than that might be their strategy. Maybe something around 2 years which I would think is a nice window.

Esparadrapo said:
EpicRandy said:

Ayaneo does not have any owned facility and still makes endless PC handheld variations every other month or so. Lenovo and MSI are also in the game right now.

Simply when you change the strategy from having Hardware sold at a loss to hardware sold at profits from the start they can simply live from their appeal and be considered successful from a much lower sales threshold.

I think you don't understand how megacorporations like Microsoft work. Anything with a low margin and/or low volume like Ayaneo are disregarded and dropped at the slightest chance. That's why a games/franchises with just OK profits are forgotten. The developers have much better things to do.

I think you have a very simplistic take on what megacorporations are.

They are collections of various products with more or less success, they don't kill everything that is not a huge success. Product and service are kept and dropped based on risk assessment, not some uncontextualized number.

Anything with a low margin

Well, good thing I was specifically referring to Xbox evolving from a low-margin device to a high-margin one then.

and/or low volume like Ayaneo disregarded and dropped at the slightest chance

Not true, there are tons of MS products and services bringing in only marginal revenue to MS that are kept simply because the investment to maintain them is also low.

That's why a games/franchises with just OK profits are forgotten.

Again no, games with OK profits are forgotten because they represent a huge financial risk for studios. But if you pair a game generating ok profit with a low budget requirement then you get something like Pentiment being greenlighted. 

The developers have much better things to do.

On that, we agree but it's a clear difference between a hardware team and a software team. Dropping an IP with just OK profitability for something better is making a better valuation of your resource. Dropping Xbox for it being only OK profits means you get rid of the hardware team and generate no other valuation from them. Right now the risk associated with Xbox is purely there because it uses an approach where the price is subsidized and recouped by selling software, if you get rid of this principle then the risk associated with the hardware becomes extremely low.

Last edited by EpicRandy - on 05 February 2024

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Esparadrapo said:
EpicRandy said:

Ayaneo does not have any owned facility and still makes endless PC handheld variations every other month or so. Lenovo and MSI are also in the game right now.

Simply when you change the strategy from having Hardware sold at a loss to hardware sold at profits from the start they can simply live from their appeal and be considered successful from a much lower sales threshold.

I think you don't understand how megacorporations like Microsoft work. Anything with a low margin and/or low volume like Ayaneo are disregarded and dropped at the slightest chance. That's why a games/franchises with just OK profits are forgotten. The developers have much better things to do.

If that was the case, MS would not have a hardware division.  There is multiple ways to success and not all of them have to be the same console cycle as we are use to today.  For most people, they really are just stuck in one gear but to really break the mold, you have to take some form or risk and assessment of the market.  Just remember that MS games division is the what 3rd big money maker for MS so it could be that low margin hardware and not being dependant on console sales but volumn game sales is the way to go.

It's insane to see how much damage has been done by something that has STILL not been officially announced  

Today will be very interesting to see how it plays out. If nothing is said today, the silence will tell you everything you need to know.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

konnichiwa said:

So FFXIV on xbox needs an gamepass core sub aswell; while on PS you can play it without plus. Damn ...

I always see a lot of Xbox fans morbidly obsessed with JRPGs and Square in particular.

It's really odd that westerners don't think this is creepy.

Oneeee-Chan!!! said:
konnichiwa said:

So FFXIV on xbox needs an gamepass core sub aswell; while on PS you can play it without plus. Damn ...

I always see a lot of Xbox fans morbidly obsessed with JRPGs and Square in particular.

It's really odd that westerners don't think this is creepy.

Why would Xbox fans not be annoyed that the console they bought for $500 is the main console excluded by JP devs? How is that creepy?

shikamaru317 said:
Oneeee-Chan!!! said:

I always see a lot of Xbox fans morbidly obsessed with JRPGs and Square in particular.

It's really odd that westerners don't think this is creepy.

Why would Xbox fans not be annoyed that the console they bought for $500 is the main console excluded by JP devs? How is that creepy?

Tbf, Xbox fans bought an Xbox expecting JRPGs 👀

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