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Esparadrapo said:
EpicRandy said:

Ayaneo does not have any owned facility and still makes endless PC handheld variations every other month or so. Lenovo and MSI are also in the game right now.

Simply when you change the strategy from having Hardware sold at a loss to hardware sold at profits from the start they can simply live from their appeal and be considered successful from a much lower sales threshold.

I think you don't understand how megacorporations like Microsoft work. Anything with a low margin and/or low volume like Ayaneo are disregarded and dropped at the slightest chance. That's why a games/franchises with just OK profits are forgotten. The developers have much better things to do.

If that was the case, MS would not have a hardware division.  There is multiple ways to success and not all of them have to be the same console cycle as we are use to today.  For most people, they really are just stuck in one gear but to really break the mold, you have to take some form or risk and assessment of the market.  Just remember that MS games division is the what 3rd big money maker for MS so it could be that low margin hardware and not being dependant on console sales but volumn game sales is the way to go.