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smroadkill15 said:
konnichiwa said:

I remember 2016ish when they announced games day one on PC. Overall the vibe was great, games will sell more and it will lead to better and more games.

But sadly it didn't, having Gears, Sea of thieves or Halo on PC did not really increase the quality or frequency of games.... It is literally February and still no First party Release...

Also they can't handle their studios, so many seem to be just working on projects while not really releasing them or taking a long time because well they can...

Example in 2018 they announced on stage...

We bought Playground studios and they are working on a new game 'Fable still not released'

Undead labs!! 'Still not released State of Decay 3'

Ninja Theory 'Still not released Hellblade II'

Compulsion Games; 'Still not released their next game'

The initiative 'Still not released Perfect Dark'.

Anyway now we will see less reason to make games for the Xbox ecosystem and it will cost money,

I think you are not considering 2 big factors. A. Game development takes longer than ever B. Covid

Hellblade 2 would have released already, but UK covid guidelines were very strict. With how mocap heavy the game is, there was no way they could finish certain aspects of the game while this was going on.  Timing of development for these titles mixed in with covid didn't do these studios any favors. 

They also used Photogrammetry for landscapes in Iceland and they couldn't send out their team over there due to the lockdowns.

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I go on here and it's doom and gloom about Xbox.

I go on reddit and it's doom and gloom about college sports due to realignment and the B10/SEC dominating everything.

I go on X and it's doom and gloom about geopolitical topics.

Dulfite said:

I go on here and it's doom and gloom about Xbox.

I go on reddit and it's doom and gloom about college sports due to realignment and the B10/SEC dominating everything.

I go on X and it's doom and gloom about geopolitical topics.

Welcome to the 2020's where everyone just moans for the sake of moaning and usually have no interest in the thing they are moaning about.

This video hits sooo hard :') Really thought this would be the start of great xbox exclusives. And now, 6 years later, we started getting those exclusives... but only for a brief moment.. What a fool I was/am for believing.

Last edited by PixelPirate - on 05 February 2024

Inactive. Bye!

As long as Xbox games are being made, I don't really care what hardware I play it on. If they go 3rd party, I'll get a PS5. It's not really a big deal to me. I am curious to see if they still have a plan to keep supporting hardware going forward.

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Esparadrapo said:
aTokenYeti said:

I think future Xbox hardware will be akin to a ROG ally or Steam Deck, IE a quasi-PC, semi open piece of hardware that exists to bring a console like experience to those that want to play PC games. It will no longer be a “platformâ€Â as such, but rather one hardware option in a sea of many.

It’s kind of sad, and a little worrying that there will be only 2 true game consoles left on the market going forward. I don’t expect Nintendo to change very much (what they have is working just fine) but I do expect the PS6 along with PS6 games to be priced catastrophically high

Why would they make hardware when they can't benefit at all selling software for it. The Steam Deck makes sense since Valve is going to be the preferred store for the buyers. The ROG Ally makes sense since ASUS is a hardware manufacturer that has its own facilities. It makes absolutely zero sense for Microsoft.

Ayaneo does not have any owned facility and still makes endless PC handheld variations every other month or so. Lenovo and MSI are also in the game right now.

Simply when you change the strategy from having Hardware sold at a loss to hardware sold at profits from the start they can simply live from their appeal and be considered successful from a much lower sales threshold.

smroadkill15 said:

As long as Xbox games are being made, I don't really care what hardware I play it on. If they go 3rd party, I'll get a PS5. It's not really a big deal to me. I am curious to see if they still have a plan to keep supporting hardware going forward.

For me it also isn't a huge problem, I just have a soft spot for Xbox Studio games, the ecosystem and some nostalgic reasons.

However, if all those games come to PS5, I will just play them on my Playstation. I get the benefit of having more third-party games, Playstation first party games, and also Xbox games on the same platform. No need in owning a Xbox anymore as I don't really use Gamepass. I'm definitely not buying games on my Series X anymore with this shitstorm brewing.

Inactive. Bye!

EpicRandy said:
Esparadrapo said:

Why would they make hardware when they can't benefit at all selling software for it. The Steam Deck makes sense since Valve is going to be the preferred store for the buyers. The ROG Ally makes sense since ASUS is a hardware manufacturer that has its own facilities. It makes absolutely zero sense for Microsoft.

Ayaneo does not have any owned facility and still makes endless PC handheld variations every other month or so. Lenovo and MSI are also in the game right now.

Simply when you change the strategy from having Hardware sold at a loss to hardware sold at profits from the start they can simply live from their appeal and be considered successful from a much lower sales threshold.

I think you don't understand how megacorporations like Microsoft work. Anything with a low margin and/or low volume like Ayaneo are disregarded and dropped at the slightest chance. That's why a games/franchises with just OK profits are forgotten. The developers have much better things to do.

smroadkill15 said:
konnichiwa said:

I remember 2016ish when they announced games day one on PC. Overall the vibe was great, games will sell more and it will lead to better and more games.

But sadly it didn't, having Gears, Sea of thieves or Halo on PC did not really increase the quality or frequency of games.... It is literally February and still no First party Release...

Also they can't handle their studios, so many seem to be just working on projects while not really releasing them or taking a long time because well they can...

Example in 2018 they announced on stage...

We bought Playground studios and they are working on a new game 'Fable still not released'

Undead labs!! 'Still not released State of Decay 3'

Ninja Theory 'Still not released Hellblade II'

Compulsion Games; 'Still not released their next game'

The initiative 'Still not released Perfect Dark'.

Anyway now we will see less reason to make games for the Xbox ecosystem and it will cost money,

I think you are not considering 2 big factors. A. Game development takes longer than ever B. Covid

Hellblade 2 would have released already, but UK covid guidelines were very strict. With how mocap heavy the game is, there was no way they could finish certain aspects of the game while this was going on.  Timing of development for these titles mixed in with covid didn't do these studios any favors. 

I honestly do, the game development duration is legitimate reason, except it is literally all of them, this is also why the collective gaming world was like 'Indiana jones 2024? It is Xbox probably will be delayed'

So we going to find out in Spring? That’s along time to stay silent …….

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed