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At this point don’t expect anything that’s not a C tier franchise on Xbox from SE. Ya sure as shit ain’t ever getting a mainline or remake FF on Xbox ever again.

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

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PS5 pro next year and GTA6 marketing .. damn and with Xbox Series sales officially dead gonna be easily 150m/20m-ish gen .. “BuT REcOrD BrEAkiNg ReVEnUe Reeeeeee” I wish MS would go third party already.

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

coolbeans said:
Ryuu96 said:

Who the hell would vote for OD based on that trailer? lol

Kojima stans bro...they eat up all his pretentious shit. I mean lets be real, that was one of the worst game reveals of all time

Ryuu96 said:

Disney Confirmed Indiana Jones Exclusivity After the Court Documents Leak.

  • On renegotiating the Indiana Jones game's terms at the request of Microsoft to make it Xbox/PC exclusive, after Microsoft bought its development studio: With "Xbox still being one of the bigger marketplaces for games, we didn't feel like we were going to be overly exclusionary. We felt like it's still going to reach a broad set of folks, and we felt, financially and strategically for the game, that made sense at the time."

Exclusive: Disney's Gaming Vision

Disney doesn't seem to care about exclusivity and says it's Bethesda's question to answer.

Aka it's exclusive and Microsoft are keeping quiet for a reason.

Although I never doubted its exclusivity status, Matt Booty is now in charge of Bethesda so it will 100% be exclusive.

shikamaru317 said:
Ryuu96 said:

I'm kind of surprised so many are sleeping on Exodus, it's a Mass Effect-like sci-fi action RPG by the new AAA studio founded by former Bioware devs, Bioware Veterans such as James Ohlen (Lead Designer on Baldur's Gate 1, Design Director on Baldur's Gate 2, Neverwinter, KOTOR, and Dragon Age Origins) and Drew Karpyshyn (Writer on Baldur's Gate 2 DLC, Neverwinter, and Jade Empire, Lead Writer on KOTOR, Mass Effect 1 and 2, SWTOR).

I don't even remember which game Light No Fire was, but Exodus was very memorable to me. 

I'm personally more excited for The Last Sentinel by Quantum LA, the Exodus trailer looked generic to me.

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VersusEvil said:

PS5 pro next year and GTA6 marketing .. damn and with Xbox Series sales officially dead gonna be easily 150m/20m-ish gen .. “BuT REcOrD BrEAkiNg ReVEnUe Reeeeeee” I wish MS would go third party already.

If Microsoft didn't suck so much at marketing and making dubious statements all the time, things could be better. With Blade, we are again having these discussions about wheter it will be exclusive or not, jeez. It is also not like Sony has released that many games lately, with the exception of Spiderman-2. However, games like God of War still seem to draw people to the console. 

Inactive. Bye!

^Coming in January if you wanted a physical edition..

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

G2ThaUNiT said:

I did not expect that.

2024 is looking like it will be stacked. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

G2ThaUNiT said:

That would be sweet!