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My Series X came in!

I'll open it later tonight. Right now, Christmas movie time.

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VersusEvil said:

God I wish this deal didn’t pass coz the only people who are fucked in the long run are Xbox gamers. Imagine having to make Blade multiplat coz some whiny cunt organisation in the US keeps bending both knees in defence of Sony. What a fucking disaster.

Confirmed multiplat?">"><img src="

Spade said:
VersusEvil said:

God I wish this deal didn’t pass coz the only people who are fucked in the long run are Xbox gamers. Imagine having to make Blade multiplat coz some whiny cunt organisation in the US keeps bending both knees in defence of Sony. What a fucking disaster.

Confirmed multiplat? 

Xbox Series and Xbox Series 2 🫢 

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

VersusEvil said:

Xbox Series and Xbox Series 2 🫢 

Man, I hope they continue using the Series name and the next Xbox is just called Xbox Series 2 (Xbox Series S2/X2)

BasilZero said:

Man, I hope they continue using the Series name and the next Xbox is just called Xbox Series 2 (Xbox Series S2/X2)

Something tells me they'll come up with a different name yet again


Around the Network
derpysquirtle64 said:

Something tells me they'll come up with a different name yet again

Ugh, well at least I hope they continue using b/c and other features cause I'm really loving b/c lol.

I re-arranged my set up and decided to keep my Series S in my media room rather than in another room.

Cant believe the Series X is smaller than the PS5 lmao - thought it would be gigantic as the PS5.

So Aaron Greenberg changed his profile pic to this, seemingly teasing that Blade is indeed exclusive:

derpysquirtle64 said:
BasilZero said:

Man, I hope they continue using the Series name and the next Xbox is just called Xbox Series 2 (Xbox Series S2/X2)

Something tells me they'll come up with a different name yet again

The issue is what these names could also be called, that could offend people. S2 could also be called SS, which is bad. X3 could also be called Triple X or, XXX, which would also be bad lol.

Unlike phones, which number the device itself, followed by letters (iPhone 15 Pro Mac). Maybe MS will number the device, though, and avoid this issue.

Xbox Series 2 S or Xbox Series 2 X


Xbox Series S 2 ot Xbox Series X 2

Or maybe they will finally do Xbox 720 lol or go completely unhinged and go with Xbox π lol.

With proper marketing and common sense description they can name it anything they want. The confusion occurs because the lack of a concise and definitive message. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.