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Klobrille Said:

I also heard Doom Year Zero doesn't exist and never actually started development btw, but we'll have to wait to be sure on that one.


This isn't surprising and what I tried to warn about, the documents being from 2020 means a few things on it had not even entered development, a couple likely weren't even in pre-production, plans change all the time. I think it's likely they've decided Doom is wrapped up, which it is, The Ancient Gods wrapped up the story of Doom and while "Year Zero" sounds like a prequel, they may have instead opted to go for something more different like a Quake Reboot.

There are others I'm cautious about but a thing like Oblivion Remaster seems likely since it was leaked before the document leak but Ghostwire Tokyo 2 wouldn't have even been in pre-production yet and likely not Dishonoured 3 either. The list came across more as something you'd make to attract potential suitors to acquire you, the most optimistic of schedules, I believe it was in fact sent to Microsoft during their acquisition process.

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gtotheunit91 said:

Xbox really dodged a bullet with this one! And people were mocking Xbox for missing out on this game

Hilarious, in a way, obviously not for the employees, what a shitshow, but I remember people giving Xbox so much shit for missing out on this one, even some in here! It's time to eat some crow on this one. Also, I guarantee if this was Xbox timed exclusive instead of PlayStation, Xbox would be receiving the blame right now, somehow, for a project which Embracer Group is responsible for, Lol.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 17 November 2023

Also if Embracer needs a RPG developer capable of making high quality RPGs then Microsoft has a couple 👀

Well well well .. look at this monstrosity. I’m going to give my opinions. 

+ Absolutely nothing, there isn’t a single thing I can put in the + section coz this game fails in every single part. 

- No ending, literally no credit roll, I can’t make that shit up. 

- I know England isn’t the prettiest setting, in ACV it all looked the same but god damn this is an ugly fucking game. 
- 782 Ubibles. When your game size is disgusting how do you fill it? Copy/paste/paste/paste.

- The weakest quests I’ve ever seen in a video game, I finished every single quest world event in probably 1-2m tops.

- The actual story/stories? Are terrible, go to area, make some whiney fuck king, rinse and repeat. You get all the way to the main king and your ally is like .. yeah I can’t be bothered anymore, the end. WHAT!!!!

- Complete removal of stealth, I don’t count the bullshit they put in this game as “stealth”

- Parkour worse than AC1. Congrats Ubisoft.

- The buggiest game I’ve ever played, everyone who cried about CP77 I hope to god you went through an entire family size pack of toilet roll crying over this one. 
- A complete disrespect of the players time in every way it could do it. Ubisoft wanted to make a game this size and everything suffered for it.

- So where’s the OST?

Ubisoft continues to be the worst company in the industry and this game cements that 10 fold. Every single person at Montreal who worked on this should be ashamed. A complete travesty of a game and not just the worst AC but the worse game Ubisoft has ever put out and easily the worst game I’ve ever played. 

Rating 0.5/10

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

I enjoyed AC Valhalla personally *shrugs*

My ranking for the series (haven't played Mirage yet):

  1. AC4: Black Flag
  2. AC Syndicate
  3. AC Odyssey
  4. AC2
  5. AC Origins
  6. AC Brotherhood
  7. AC Valhalla
  8. AC3
  9. AC Rogue
  10. AC1
  11. AC 3: Liberation
  12. AC Unity
  13. AC Revelations

For me Unity and Revelations are easily the worst in the series. Revelations remains the only AC game I never finished, every time I tried to make any progress an outpost would be attacked and I would have to go defend it because my  useless AI defenders couldn't defend shit on their own, so I just quit the game. As for Unity, it was a hot mess of low framerate, bugs galore, a grindy amount of chests to find for an achievement, drab depressing visuals, and overall boring story and characters, with the only highlight being the enhanced parkour system, though I still managed to 100% complete it at least, unlike Revelations.

Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 17 November 2023

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As a massive Kotor 1/2 fan, I find this very disappointing. Such a good game from my childhood, but I can't complain. I have SMRPGR and TTYDR to look forward to as remakes of great games.

Dulfite said:

As a massive Kotor 1/2 fan, I find this very disappointing. Such a good game from my childhood, but I can't complain. I have SMRPGR and TTYDR to look forward to as remakes of great games.

Same here. It would be incredible if Larian picked up the torch where BioWare left off.....again lol. 

Both @Spade and I are insanely stoked for SMRPGR and TTYDR though as well!

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Spade said:
VersusEvil said:

Valhalla Journal Day 21: 782/782 Ubibles collected … fucking christ, I’ve never played a game that’s intentionally gone out of its way to waste my time like Wankhalla has. Only a handful of things left and I’ll be done with the base game 1000G .. then the DLC … lol .. 🤮

idk why you wasting your time on dlc, smh. 

Congrats though peeeeemp. 

I thought about it .. and I’m going to delete it and move on lol. 

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed