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Well well well .. look at this monstrosity. I’m going to give my opinions. 

+ Absolutely nothing, there isn’t a single thing I can put in the + section coz this game fails in every single part. 

- No ending, literally no credit roll, I can’t make that shit up. 

- I know England isn’t the prettiest setting, in ACV it all looked the same but god damn this is an ugly fucking game. 
- 782 Ubibles. When your game size is disgusting how do you fill it? Copy/paste/paste/paste.

- The weakest quests I’ve ever seen in a video game, I finished every single quest world event in probably 1-2m tops.

- The actual story/stories? Are terrible, go to area, make some whiney fuck king, rinse and repeat. You get all the way to the main king and your ally is like .. yeah I can’t be bothered anymore, the end. WHAT!!!!

- Complete removal of stealth, I don’t count the bullshit they put in this game as “stealth”

- Parkour worse than AC1. Congrats Ubisoft.

- The buggiest game I’ve ever played, everyone who cried about CP77 I hope to god you went through an entire family size pack of toilet roll crying over this one. 
- A complete disrespect of the players time in every way it could do it. Ubisoft wanted to make a game this size and everything suffered for it.

- So where’s the OST?

Ubisoft continues to be the worst company in the industry and this game cements that 10 fold. Every single person at Montreal who worked on this should be ashamed. A complete travesty of a game and not just the worst AC but the worse game Ubisoft has ever put out and easily the worst game I’ve ever played. 

Rating 0.5/10

Ride The Chariot | Games Completed ‘25 Edition