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  • Kids don't want CoD!
  • Switch's userbase is children!
  • Game will never run on Switch!

Unfortunately, the Switch userbase being made up of kids might be one that works on regulators, CMA already took a similar stance, CMA spoke out of complete ignorance on the market though but Sony is straight up bullshitting and they know it. Microsoft only needs to show regulators Nintendo's own internal data to shut down this dumb argument.

And you'd have to be a dumb MF if you think teens aren't playing Call of Duty, a lot of them, Lol.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 08 December 2022

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@VersusEvil hopefully this is true!

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

The Sony employees argument hinges largely on the fact CoD is pulled from PS after 10 years which is a weak point. MS has been made very clear this isn't going happen. CoD is so popular because its on so many different systems and pulling it from the biggest one isn't going to make the franchise stronger it will only do the opposite and also make MS look shitty.

gtotheunit91 said:

@VersusEvil hopefully this is true!

We'll I'll be sleeping so if it does get shown you better @ the shit outta me. 

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

Yeah, MS has to love how the conversation continue to remain on COD availability. It's like Phil called up Sony and said, continue to make COD the center piece of this deal because we will show that we are more than willing to continue to sell COD on as many systems we can put it on. Thank you for making this so much easier to pass, you guys are great.

Around the Network

Blizzard is seemingly taking a page out of CoD's playbook when it comes to different editions of Diablo IV pre-orders and what's included in them lol. As long as the campaign is lengthy and meaty with content as early previews have described, that'll be enough for me! 

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Hmm Bethesda is tweeting more Redfall gifs. I'm throwing that title in as expected to be shown off tonight.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Sony has to be trolling. Pretty sure Nintendo has the most uncensored games on their platform. Cryin Ryan looking sad af.">"><img src="

Loving this new attitude from Phil Spencer, hopefully he's done with the nice guy shit. Cut the knees out from under them.">"><img src="

That COD port was on the Wii U right.. lol. A console most Nintendo fans themselves have forgotten about. Imagine using a Wii U game as a data point. 14 million install base, probably less when it launched, shoddy port I'm assuming, and late as well. Sure it would find an audience given a decent port job, simultaneous release, and the switch install base.

Jim Ryan been watching too much Weapon Wheel Podcast, dude gone full dent head.">"><img src="