gtotheunit91 said:
Ryuu96 said:
I'm not even going to bother responding anymore. I believe they are an Xbox fan but they're clearly wrapped up in the console wars. It's like they follow Twitter console warriors and believe everything some loser on Twitter says or cares far too much about it. It's a constant stream of negativity and complaining no matter what, nothing is ever good enough. Every single issue no matter how small is blown into a major one. Constant console war-like comparisons between completely different videogames. Anecdotal claims with zero evidence. It's funny to act like ABK is on deaths doors or that Call of Duty fans give a single fuck about reviews or online reception, which has been trashing COD for the past 15 years, they don't give a fuck, it's still consistently the best selling title every year. I don't give a fuck what some console warriors cry about on Twitter when it comes to "Microsoft ruined XYZ!!!" because guess what, they don't know what they're talking about, they're wrong but those idiots will be screaming it regardless of what Microsoft does. I. Don't. Care. What. Console. Warriors. Say. |
So you admit Xbots don't give a DAMN about a games quality! |
Well, I specifically said Call of Duty fans which I stand by 
It's not even that really, Call of Duty has been trashed by the online forum userbase for the past 15 years, communities like ours, ResetEra, etc. Constantly mock Call of Duty, even I've mocked Call of Duty, but clearly the fanbase doesn't give a shit, clearly the fanbase still enjoys it. Reviews do not matter a single bit for Call of Duty is my point. I bet 90% of Call of Duty fans couldn't even tell you the Metacritic score for the recent COD.
Still consistently the best selling game every year, still enjoyed and played by millions.
And the upcoming CoD has a lot of excitement for it because it's remastering Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer maps, literally one of the most loved CoD's of all time. Call of Duty fans have wanted this for a long time. Just look at how many people jumped back into Modern Warfare 2 when the online servers were fixed despite it being old as fuck and filled with hackers, Lol.