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shikamaru317 said:
Ryuu96 said:

The longer it goes on as well, the more developers will have begun the process of switching over and then they aren't going to bother switching back. Unity keeps trying to "clarify" shit instead of just reversing the damn decision as well, it's like they think we're all idiots. I really hope Microsoft/Sony/Apple/Nintendo have a lawsuit lined up.

This decision literally fucks us all too (platform holders, subscription holders, gamers, unity developers and employees).

This shows the danger of having one engine hold such a massive portion of the market though, we're all focused on Unity right now but it shows a danger of everyone switching to Unreal Engine because imagine if Epic pulled such a move in the future, I think there's some options for Unity developers because there's other good engines at a smaller scale but there's really not any viable alternatives to Unreal Engine for the AAA market.

I think Xbox should license out their engines to any that want to use them, id Tech, Creation, Forza Tech, etc. I also think Xbox needs to focus more of their devs on their own engines because I really worry about how many of them are using Unreal now. Epic are greedy bastards and eventually they will show their true colors and increase their fee from 5% to 10 or 15% now that they have won over dozens of devs (including AAA) in recent years.

Especially with how much money Epic is pouring into EGS lol. And that money isn't even being used to improve EGS in any meaningful way either

It's time for id Tech to rise from the ashes once again!!! It's just a legendary engine that led the charge for years prior to id being acquired by Bethesda. Even directly leading to other well known engines like Source from Valve and even Call of Duty's IW Engine. id could be helping lead the charge in technical advancements. Might even nudge John Carmack to rejoin id