jason1637 said:
What are predictions for Starfield's first-week performance? I think 6m/10m Xbox and PC players. Of that 16m maybe 3m are sales.
Halo Infinite managed 20m players in about a month or so, while Forza Horizon 5 did over 10m players in the first week. I think Starfield should easily dominate both of those games in both metrics, first week and first month. The biggest Bethesda launch to date was Fallout 4, it managed 12m shipped to retailers and sold through to customers digitally in the first 24 hours, while Skyrim did 7m shipped to retailers and sold digitally in the first week. With Starfield, I'm seeing more hype than Fallout 4 had. It is also on Gamepass, which Fallout 4 wasn't, so that will obviously boost player counts substantially, more than offsetting the missing PS sales compared to Fallout 4's 12m first day number.
My predictions
First week sales: 6-7m copies (split 4.5-5m on PC and 1.5-2m on Xbox Series)
First week players: 16m
First month sales: 10.5-12m copies (split 7.5-8m on PC and 2.5-3.5m on Xbox Series)
First month players: 27m
Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 02 July 2023