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Forums - Website Topics - VGChartz got attacked [IMPORTANT]

The biggest mystery is why was my profile the only one where the profile picture got removed upon banning? When I checked the list of banned users on Sunday, everyone else got to keep their avatar.

But on the plus side, somebody has implemented an avatar archive in the profile settings at some point, so I got to choose from a vault of more than 100 images that were already there.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

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RolStoppable said:

The biggest mystery is why was my profile the only one where the profile picture got removed upon banning? When I checked the list of banned users on Sunday, everyone else got to keep their avatar.

But on the plus side, somebody has implemented an avatar archive in the profile settings at some point, so I got to choose from a vault of more than 100 images that were already there.

Is yours also the only one that had its signature changed?

Switch: SW-3707-5131-3911
XBox: Kenjabish

Ryuu96 said:

@Kakadu18 Just tried something, does that fix the issue of being unable to open the thread?

Yes thanks, it works now.

kenjab said:
RolStoppable said:

The biggest mystery is why was my profile the only one where the profile picture got removed upon banning? When I checked the list of banned users on Sunday, everyone else got to keep their avatar.

But on the plus side, somebody has implemented an avatar archive in the profile settings at some point, so I got to choose from a vault of more than 100 images that were already there.

Is yours also the only one that had its signature changed?

I have no idea and I wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't told me, because I have signatures disabled. When I went through the rest of my profile, I noticed that most things got changed, except for favorite movies. Perhaps this means that he hated me.

Anyway, I've restored my signature, although I couldn't quite remember the exact wording.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

Ka-pi96 said:

It's 100% a user (current or former) here. That's clear from them announcing themselves as the new host of the site and their quip about Talon not knowing about operational security (or something like that). In fact, given that I'd wager they were somebody that interacted with Talon, either through discord/PMs or because they were a former staff member.

This is why I thought it wasn't just a coincidence that this site was attacked out of nowhere. it absolutely has to be someone that was on this site before.

If I were Talon, I'd comb the discord logs first if anything and go from there. Whoever did this should honestly be reported and arrested, because letting a hacker roam free only makes things worse (I would honestly tech ban any hacker that did this sort of thing, and that it'd be a tech ban for life). 

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Around the Network
Chazore said:
Ka-pi96 said:

It's 100% a user (current or former) here. That's clear from them announcing themselves as the new host of the site and their quip about Talon not knowing about operational security (or something like that). In fact, given that I'd wager they were somebody that interacted with Talon, either through discord/PMs or because they were a former staff member.

This is why I thought it wasn't just a coincidence that this site was attacked out of nowhere. it absolutely has to be someone that was on this site before.

If I were Talon, I'd comb the discord logs first if anything and go from there. Whoever did this should honestly be reported and arrested, because letting a hacker roam free only makes things worse (I would honestly tech ban any hacker that did this sort of thing, and that it'd be a tech ban for life). 

Here's what we (the Mods) think that we know.

We have absolutely zero reason to believe it was anyone from VizionEck. We have no reason to believe it's anybody from Discord. We have a strong belief it was someone who was on the site before. If we're correct, it's a permabanned user. It's unlikely that the vast majority of you even know who he is, it's a nobody who has a grudge against certain Staff and has caused issues for us in the past.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 04 October 2022

He was clearly after me. It was someone i most of pissed off in the past and decided to ease my history here on this site. Rol thinking he was after him when im clearly the biggest fish to get on this site. He wiped me out!!!. Now we need to get this guy before he comes after me again!

The real question is who was the woman in the one photo that not only peen?

Please Watch/Share this video so it gets shown in Hollywood.

I would really like to know who that user was.

coolbeans said:
axumblade said:

As of right now now, all we know is that the hacker doesn’t like the legend of dragoon…so we were able to narrow the results down by 1 person so far. 

Didn't seem like a fan of me either.  Went to extra lengths "deleting" (i.e. hiding) my reviews. lol

So the case so far sees us ruling out BraLoD as a suspect due to the hacker hating The legend of Dragoon and the penis images not being tiny, but we also know that the hacker isn't a fan of coolbeans work so we  can narrow expand the suspects to someone that thinks that the only opinion of worth is their own. 

So with one suspect eliminated, I leave the ongoing legwork to the  Detective Pikachu agency confident  knowing  (quiet appropriately considering the perps modus operandi ) that the agencies top private dicks coolbeans and axumblade are on the case.

Last edited by mjk45 - on 04 October 2022

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot