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Forums - Politics Discussion - Shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas (19 Students, 2 Teachers Dead)

Chrkeller said:

Still incredible to me that ease of access is considered, by some, a non factor.

Yeah I think it's the most important factor. Let's put it this way, if other western countries suddenly had the same ease of access to guns as US, in no-time there'd be much more mass shootings, gun crime and police killing more people.

Mass killings happen in EU too but it's usually knife/sword attacks, driving a truck into crowd, bombs, crossbows etc. There's handguns and rifles but they don't do as much damage as quickly. If there was assault weapons easily available these would happen much more frequently and be more deadly.

In my opinion gun control is the most important step US needs to take. It won't stop all killings and maybe it doesn't have an immediate effect, but in the long run it'll significantly reduce mass killings and also other gun related deaths and deaths by police.

Next step is to figure out what the hell breeds these assholes, why is our society so fucked up. That's a though one.

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sundin13 said:

Third, in regards to how many people would have burst in immediately, I can't say what I would have done in that situation but that is why I'm not a cop. What I can tell you is that there were a whole host of parents ready to barge into the building, that were being arrested by the cops who were sitting outside like fucking cowards while children were being murdered.

This is an emotional take. There were officers in the building at the barricaded door, naturally some of them are ordered to keep their distance and secure the area. It doesn't make them cowards.

Now if the cops inside the school had the means to break the door or knew there was a key but decided not to, then they are cowards despite being ordered to wait for tactical breach. I think there was ~20 officers inside and I find it hard to believe all of them froze. It's kind of an instinct to help childern in danger.

More information is needed before making conclusions though. Right now this seems like a total failure if leadership and the guy in charge should be held responsible.

cyberninja45 said:
RolStoppable said:

Speaking of common sense, what's your explanation for the USA having such a tremendously higher rate of mass shootings than any other developed nation on this planet?

People not exercising their 2nd amendment right as suppose to by listening to people in this thread.

Do you seriously want to live in a world where everyone runs around wearing guns at all times? Do you seriously feel safe with other people around you having guns?

RolStoppable said:
cyberninja45 said:

People not exercising their 2nd amendment right as suppose to by listening to people in this thread.

People in other developed nations don't exercise an equivalent to the USA's second amendment either, yet they have far fewer mass shootings. This means you have to retry giving a common sense answer.

ConservagameR said:

Treating kids like they're royalty doesn't help. Telling them they're super special and deserve everything they ever wanted doesn't help. Making more and more rules so kids don't have to face adversity doesn't help.

You can't have a young lion or tiger born in a zoo, fed like a king, only to eventually release it into it's natural wild ecosystem. Odds are extremely high it's going to die, one way or another, because it doesn't have what it needs to cope.

Many other countries don't cover events like the US does, and when they do, they do so in a much different fashion. The US makes it week long binge show extravaganza. Then there's the fact that so many other countries will show big events from US media, but the US won't show squat from elsewhere, unless of course the event can, outdo, what coverage the US has on tap presently.

I wanna be on TV is an insanely big deal in the US. So it's no wonder why some people will do what they do, knowing they won't just get their 15 minutes, they'll likely get an entire week. Sometimes offering a platform to project something isn't a good idea, some would say, though the media clearly doesn't agree, at least when it comes to themselves. Yet they're more than happy to point out who else shouldn't be given or getting a platform.

The US also has such a tremendously higher rate of many things vs other countries, both good and bad. That's basically baked into the American system. What other country constantly has the major high's and lows the US does when it comes to so many different things?

That's a lot of effort for dodging a question, but at least the bolded is a concrete on-topic statement. Name at least three examples of the USA having a tremendously higher rate of something good in comparison to other developed nations.

Because they don't have an actual 2nd amendment to exercise to begin with. Yes a country having a 2nd amendment but people not exercising it will cause problems. Hence why "shall not be infinged"

In short having a bunch of guns available but people not bearing such guns will obviously cause problems.

My 3ds friendcode: 5413-0232-9676 (G-cyber)

Cyber Ninja has a point. I mean the best way to prevent forest fires is dropping a bunch of gasoline and matches in the woods. Duh guys!


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

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cyberninja45 said:
RolStoppable said:

Speaking of common sense, what's your explanation for the USA having such a tremendously higher rate of mass shootings than any other developed nation on this planet?

People not exercising their 2nd amendment right as suppose to by listening to people in this thread.

Escalation is always a terrific strategy against all forms of violence, this is why Brazil and Mexico (among others) have had such tremendous success in defeating organized crime. Glad to see I'm not the only immensely insightful, eloquent, and educated individual with common sense in this thread.

Kakadu18 said:
cyberninja45 said:

People not exercising their 2nd amendment right as suppose to by listening to people in this thread.

Do you seriously want to live in a world where everyone runs around wearing guns at all times? Do you seriously feel safe with other people around you having guns?

How the heck do you feel safer by you and friends and family around you disarmed?

Edit: Like if you and others are besides camp fire in the woods or something, yall feel safer unarmed?

Even with you and a bunch of strangers at the bustop or something. Pretty sure no one will want to stir shit with everyone armed there.

Last edited by cyberninja45 - on 01 June 2022

My 3ds friendcode: 5413-0232-9676 (G-cyber)

cyberninja45 said:
Kakadu18 said:

Do you seriously want to live in a world where everyone runs around wearing guns at all times? Do you seriously feel safe with other people around you having guns?

How the heck do you feel safer by you and friends and family around you disarmed?

Edit: Like if you and others are besides camp fire in the woods or something, yall feel safer unarmed?

Even with you and a bunch of strangers at the bustop or something. Pretty sure no one will want to stir shit with everyone armed there.

I absolutely feel safer when guns aren't around.  Last year there were 9,000 gun deaths in this country from accidental shootings.  People are stupid.  So no, I don't fee safe sitting by a moron who has a gun.  


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Ryuu96 said:
cyberninja45 said:

How the heck do you feel safer by you and friends and family around you disarmed?

Edit: Like if you and others are besides camp fire in the woods or something yall feel safer unarmed?

Even with you and a bunch of strangers at the bustop or something. Pretty sure no one will want to stir shit with everyone armed there.

Speaking as a Brit, I definitely feel safer that everyone doesn't walk around with guns, I'm not standing around a bunch of strangers armed to the teeth not knowing their frame of mind or training, even cops in America who are meant to be professionally trained are often trigger happy as fuck, I don't trust the general public to be much better and before the knife argument comes out, I'd much rather take my chances at surviving a knife attack than a gun attack.

The only thing I'm worried about at a campfire in the woods is what wildlife is there.

Sorry but it's delusional to think that because everyone is packing that nobody would dare to start anything, cause that totally deters street gang violence, right? It especially won't deter someone who is mentally ill, they won't give a shit about who is packing, a lot of these lunatics are already going out with the expectation or even desire that they're going to die but want to take as many people as possible with them.

It's also a fact that the murderer will have the advantage simply because they have it set in their mind already that they're going to kill someone, they're already mentally prepared, they know what they're going to do, whereas civilians aren't going to be 24/7 thinking "I have to be prepared in case I get shot" as a result the murderer has the jump on people and could easily take out a few armed civilians before being taken out himself.

Not to mention the sheer panic that would ensue, you seem to think that all there is to having a gun is learning how to aim and shoot but it's not, there's a huge mental hurdle to get over which nothing can train you for until you're in the situation, many will freeze, many will run, a few will fire back but their reaction times will vary and almost certainly they'll be some blind firing going on, point is, it'd be a mess.

This "hero with a gun saving the day" is mostly a myth by gun owners to justify their clinging onto such a law and make themselves feel good, cause they often think of themselves as that hero who would save the day when in actual fact, I suspect that many of them would actually turn and run. I can't even say what I would do and I wouldn't because the fact is that nobody knows what they'd do until they're in that situation.

Yes, the more people legally armed in an area and the more people know everyone is armed, the less shit stirred. Show me the study that shows opposite.

Street gang violence happens when mostly only criminals have guns because of stupid gun laws.

My 3ds friendcode: 5413-0232-9676 (G-cyber)

cyberninja45 said:
Ryuu96 said:

Speaking as a Brit, I definitely feel safer that everyone doesn't walk around with guns, I'm not standing around a bunch of strangers armed to the teeth not knowing their frame of mind or training, even cops in America who are meant to be professionally trained are often trigger happy as fuck, I don't trust the general public to be much better and before the knife argument comes out, I'd much rather take my chances at surviving a knife attack than a gun attack.

The only thing I'm worried about at a campfire in the woods is what wildlife is there.

Sorry but it's delusional to think that because everyone is packing that nobody would dare to start anything, cause that totally deters street gang violence, right? It especially won't deter someone who is mentally ill, they won't give a shit about who is packing, a lot of these lunatics are already going out with the expectation or even desire that they're going to die but want to take as many people as possible with them.

It's also a fact that the murderer will have the advantage simply because they have it set in their mind already that they're going to kill someone, they're already mentally prepared, they know what they're going to do, whereas civilians aren't going to be 24/7 thinking "I have to be prepared in case I get shot" as a result the murderer has the jump on people and could easily take out a few armed civilians before being taken out himself.

Not to mention the sheer panic that would ensue, you seem to think that all there is to having a gun is learning how to aim and shoot but it's not, there's a huge mental hurdle to get over which nothing can train you for until you're in the situation, many will freeze, many will run, a few will fire back but their reaction times will vary and almost certainly they'll be some blind firing going on, point is, it'd be a mess.

This "hero with a gun saving the day" is mostly a myth by gun owners to justify their clinging onto such a law and make themselves feel good, cause they often think of themselves as that hero who would save the day when in actual fact, I suspect that many of them would actually turn and run. I can't even say what I would do and I wouldn't because the fact is that nobody knows what they'd do until they're in that situation.

Yes, the more people legally armed in an area and the more people know everyone is armed, the less shit stirred. Show me the study that shows opposite.

Street gang violence happens when mostly only bad people have guns because of stupid gun laws.

Lol, people already did.  Look at gun ownership in the US compared to the EU....  now look at gun violence in the US versus the EU.  You are half right, there is a correlation, just the opposite of your desire.


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC