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Forums - Politics Discussion - Conservative party ousted and Labor Party elected in Australia

Congrats on ousting ScoMo. Hopefully we can do the same thing in the US with McConnell and McCarthy.

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So the Shit Lite party won, but it looks like it's going to be a well hung parliament, so they'll need some support from the crossbench. Their 73MPs plus the 3 from the Greens would be just enough for a majority.


For those who don't get the references:


Last edited by Bofferbrauer2 - on 23 May 2022

Personally, my vote went to Labor/Greens.

Like a lot of Aussies I was kinda fed up with the Coalition's climate change denial, bad attitudes towards women, mistreating minorities and the disadvantaged, etc.

It's also gratifying to see the Murdoch media empire aren't all powerful after all; like with every election in my lifetime they ran a relentless smear campaign against Labor and shamelessly favored the Coalition, so seeing that fail to decide the outcome for once is nice.

Last edited by curl-6 - on 23 May 2022

Well, that's it, all seats are now decided.

Labor got 77, enough to form a majority government.

The Coalition got just 58, a very poor performance.

10 seats went to Independents, and 4 to the Greens.

The Greens and Green Lite Independents were the big winners, Climate was the BIG issue this election with 80% of Australians ranking this as a top priority, Labor scrapped in on Green/Independent preferences (Best Democratic system in the world thanks to preferential and compulsory voting), the Liberal (right wing party) were completely rejected because of their terrible climate policies

Western Australia (WA) viciously rejected the Liberal (right wing party), WA's voting ultimately changed the Federal Government

In a Preferential and Compulsory voting Democracy like in Australia every vote literally counts to the outcome

Last edited by Rab - on 03 June 2022

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same thing always happens. Conservaties gain power left says look at us then left gains power and right says look at us same thing happens in the us and this is why i will not vote because i am bored with this pattern


hellobion2 said:

same thing always happens. Conservaties gain power left says look at us then left gains power and right says look at us same thing happens in the us and this is why i will not vote because i am bored with this pattern

I know this is 3 months late...

But it's a legal requirement to vote in Australia. You MUST vote.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Same thing in Australia is going to happen to uk.


hellobion2 said:

Same thing in Australia is going to happen to uk.

14 years of Conservatives destroying the UK. It's about to be over tomorrow morning. Going to dance on Conservatives graves. It's not even about Labour winning to me anymore, it's about seeing the Conservatives suffer, Lol. Can't fucking wait to wake up and see those tears.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 04 July 2024

Ryuu96 said:
hellobion2 said:

Same thing in Australia is going to happen to uk.

14 years of Conservatives destroying the UK. It's about to be over tomorrow morning. Going to dance on Conservatives graves. It's not even about Labour winning to me anymore, it's about seeing the Conservatives suffer, Lol. Can't fucking wait to wake up and see those tears.

Been a while since I commented and cannot believe I actually predicted this.  Yes the conservatives really did not help "britain" four four years.  Also heard the shortest timed prime minister game to the republican convention or something like that. 
