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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

TallSilhouette said:

At this point just negotiating a lasting peace isn't enough. Russia has gone full Nazi and the only things they're missing are the concentration camps and a competent military. The entire regime needs to collapse but I don't know how realistic that is without rolling tanks into Moscow (which probably won't/can't happen). Do we just permanently cut them off from the rest of the world until they have some sort of revolution?

As horrible as it is, we can't be sure about this actually.

But yeah, in my opinion Russia should be cut off completely as quickly as possible. Unfortunately it will take a while..

In the meantime, EU & US should make it clear all invading forces need to fuck off from Ukraine or a special peacekeeping operation will be launched and every invader destroyed. 

Yes it would risk WW3.. but this isn't even war, this is terrorism and should be stopped. When a plane hit WTC there was a huge international operation to hunt down terrorist, and what Russia is doing calls for something similar. US is a Nato country and Ukraine is not I know, but we can't sit by and watch this happening.

At minimum give Ukraine all the military equipment they need.

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Ryuu96 said:

Looks like we may see a similar situation in Kherson...

Hope Ukraine can liberate Kherson soon.

Just saw that from resetera thread.
Dont mind us, we're just causually digging a 1,000 graves.... in the event, we will soon need them! - russians.

*hint,hint, wink, wink*

The fact that so far they "only" used like 300 of those graves (remember the protest videos? when kherson was taken? yep.... no more protest videos lately).

Makes you wonder, what the other 700 or so graves are for? And why they are still digging more of them.

If they are forced to retreat from Kherson, maybe last few days of fighting, before leaveing, they plan on filling in those graves? Who knows.
Maybe not retakeing it, will be even worse? do they just keep digging more graves they plan to fill?
Whos to say, what happends if kherson isnt retaken by Ukraines?

Its sick to think it could be for pre-planned Genocide.. but honestly... wouldn't even be surprised, at this point.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 03 April 2022

My stomach is turning from the Bucha news. Why is this happening in 2022 in Europe, are we living in hell? What is wrong with humanity? The biggest country in the world is ran by terrorists, psychopaths who disregard human life. I don't want to live right now.

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Ryuu96 said:
KiigelHeart said:

As horrible as it is, we can't be sure about this actually.

They're probably in Russia, all those kidnapped Ukrainians have to go somewhere.

I'd seen a few report about some of the unfortunate Ukrainians who had been taken to Russia. One was that pregnant blogger from the Mauripol maternity hospital (actually, It was here that I saw that).

The other was about a lady who after here coach realised where they were being taken tried to get the driver to stop but they wouldn't. In Russia, they tried to move them on to an economically depressed area for extra labour but at least a portion of the coach refused to move and managed to make their way through Russia to Estonia. Hopefully many others managed to escape a similar way but doubtful that all did.

SegaHeart said:

It's obvious what the Russian soldiers are doing now, this can't be ignored hope a non nato country lends help to Ukraine so it'll be 2 against 1 only to stop the Russian soldiers intentions, though I don't think the 2nd country helping Ukraine will get invaded? Hope it doesn't come to that and the ally has to be brave, This is next level of evil, If I were in Ukraine as a civilian I wouldn't let a Russian soldier near me or my family even if they asked for food.

Of the Non-Nato countries that have Russian borders, I think only 2 are likely to consider war with Russia and only 1 other would realistically be strong enough to take them on. The former 2 are Georgia and Azerbaijan and the latter is China.

Georgia still has an axe to grind with Russia over the 2008 war where Russia seized Abhkazia and South Ossetia. South Ossetia has recently suggested holding a referendum on joining Russia. Georgia could potentially use the vote as a pretext to try to recapture the area which is still legally and internationally viewed as Georgian territory. However, Georgia lost badly in 2008 and unclear if they've modernised in there interim in the same way Ukraine has. Plus Georgia is a lot smaller than Ukraine so unclear how it would fair even with most of Russia's attention currently elsewhere. Also the likeihood of another Russian attack on Georgia down the line even if Georgia did initially succeed.

Azerbaijan's target wouldn't be Russia but Armenia - which counts Russia as it's closest ally. It would be over the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh/Artsakh. However I am doubtful that Russia is really interested in Armenia's problems enough to intervene on its side despite their allyship so it would ultimately be a separate conflict. Plus past conflicts over Nagorno-Karabakh/Artsakh have seen ethnic cleansing from both sides.

China sees Russia as an ally in being a bulwark against the West. Its not going to turn on Russia over Ukraine regardless of what Russia do.

Looks like the animals weren't spared in Bucha either.

Last edited by NyanNyanNekoChan - on 03 April 2022

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And all the while germany is still buying gas and oil from russia because everyone here is so damn concerned about the economy. It's disgusting. We must stop any trade with russia right now. There should never be a price tag on things like basic human rights.

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And to think someone once tried to convince me Russia was progressing so slowly because they were 'gently' trying to occupy Ukraine... this is the Bosnian war redux, pure ethnic hatred at play here.

I don't know a lot about these things but Ukraine should try to lift the siege in Mariopol ASAP, you don't want a protracted war where Russia has something that might look like a feasible region to strategically occupy and defend in the long term (the Pryazovian land bridge between Crimea and Donbass).






I hope that by the end of this, Ukraine actually wins this war and keeps it's independence. As for Russia... The ideal scenario would be that between the military loss and the crappy economy thanks to the sanctions and many countries stopping business with Russia, we get to a point where a social revolution + military Revolution overthrows the Russian goverment, kill all its leaders and sets up actual democracy in the country, changing it's fucked up society for good.

IWe can only hope I guess.

Ryuu96 said:

Sadly, Orban won.

I don’t get his overall logic. The EU has membership rules, which Hungary signed up to, but complains when it gets pulled up for breaking the rules. Also not really sure given Orban’s posturing on current affairs why it in Nato.

KiigelHeart said:

At minimum give Ukraine all the military equipment they need.

Russia's military technology is still for the most part... Stuck in the cold war era.

It would not be overtly difficult for the western world to make Ukraines military technology take a half century leap forward over Russia's, providing them with vastly superior offensive and defensive capabilities.
Numbers become meaningless when those numbers aren't effective, which is what has kept North Korea out of South Korea despite it's orders-of-magnitude larger military force.

But... That comes at a risk. China and Russia studying our technology to circumvent or replicate it... China already has a history of doing this, pilfering US technology from the middle eastern wars.

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