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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Russia responding to bad news for them like always. "let's kill some civilians because we are mad"

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Moderators should really close these dumb topics...

Most of users here are from US, if you believe that Europeans share your opinion, you are really ignorant in addition to be dangerous for us.

- Thread Banned ~Ryuu96

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 14 January 2023

Amnesia said:

Moderators should really close these dumb topics...

Most of users here are from US, if you believe that Europeans share your opinion, you are really ignorant in addition to be dangerous for us.

Well going off their profiles, most posters in this thread are European - that includes the most prolific poster Ryuu who is also a moderator. It’s also in the off-topic forum which is specifically for non-gaming related topics.

Amnesia said:

Moderators should really close these dumb topics...

Most of users here are from US, if you believe that Europeans share your opinion, you are really ignorant in addition to be dangerous for us.

You seem to be from Hungary, the EU country which tries to block the help for Ukraine from all other EU countries. So maybe, just maybe it's not Europeans which don't share the opinion but only a minority of Europeans.  

Amnesia said:

Moderators should really close these dumb topics...

Most of users here are from US, if you believe that Europeans share your opinion, you are really ignorant in addition to be dangerous for us.

I think you'll find that most Europeans don't share the opinions of your idiot leader, Viktor Orban.

And I'm British.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 14 January 2023

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British, German, British, American, Danish, German, American, Canadian, Canadian, Australian, German, British, Finnish, Australian, American, Japanese, Finnish.

Just some of the locations of the most recent users who have posted in support of Ukraine.

As a Dutchman I can probably safely say that pretty much every one in my very European country thinks Putin is a war criminal, and should be in The Hague to answer for his idiocy sooner rather than later, mr. Amnesia.

Consider the nationalities/locations of the posters in this thread, that was possibly the most ignorant thing I've read in a while. Additionally, as far as I know, Ukraine is very widely supported across Europe. It's not all Europe, but the number of countries where support for Ukraine is largely opposed is very small. It's funny how Amnesia just happens to be from one of them.

Amnesia said:

Moderators should really close these dumb topics...

Most of users here are from US, if you believe that Europeans share your opinion, you are really ignorant in addition to be dangerous for us.

- Thread Banned ~Ryuu96

I am European too, and thank God our politicians are doing the right thing

Why would you ever think letting Putin get Ukraine is in our interests?

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^