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39 - At one point in this RPG you fight a giant steak as a boss and win by cooking it properly. Flattening it, seasoning with salt and pepper, lemon juice, then put it on the grill.

HINT 1: In this game we learn that Toads love rock paper scissors so much that they even hold giant tournaments.
HINT 2: Your sidekick partner is a paint bucket.

38 - After a trilogy of events with one certain spiky haired protagonist in a blue suit, here comes the follow up with a new protagonist.

HINT: It's a point and click adventure.

37 - Lots and lots of superheroes fight in various constellations to obtain six powerful stones.

HINT: This game starts with the Guardians of the Galaxy.

36 - One fiery demon fights to obtain six powerful stones.

HINT: The protagonist is a regular enemy in a related series.

34 - In this handheld game you're exploring not only one but two creepy castles at the same time which are linked by dimensional gates.

33 - A, B and C travel in their ship D and try to survive after a crash.

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TruckOSaurus said:
UnderwaterFunktown said:

40) Not the right one no, but it doesn't leave many options left!

33) Not it either

33: Devil May Cry 3?

Nope, that's also not the one.

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2024 OpenCritic Prediction Leagues:

Nintendo | PlayStation | Multiplat

GoOnKid said:

39 - At one point in this RPG you fight a giant steak as a boss and win by cooking it properly. Flattening it, seasoning with salt and pepper, lemon juice, then put it on the grill.

HINT 1: In this game we learn that Toads love rock paper scissors so much that they even hold giant tournaments.
HINT 2: Your sidekick partner is a paint bucket.

38 - After a trilogy of events with one certain spiky haired protagonist in a blue suit, here comes the follow up with a new protagonist.

HINT: It's a point and click adventure.

37 - Lots and lots of superheroes fight in various constellations to obtain six powerful stones.

HINT: This game starts with the Guardians of the Galaxy.

36 - One fiery demon fights to obtain six powerful stones.

HINT: The protagonist is a regular enemy in a related series.

34 - In this handheld game you're exploring not only one but two creepy castles at the same time which are linked by dimensional gates.

33 - A, B and C travel in their ship D and try to survive after a crash.

39) Paper Mario: Color Splash?

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2024 OpenCritic Prediction Leagues:

Nintendo | PlayStation | Multiplat

UnderwaterFunktown said:
GoOnKid said:

39 - At one point in this RPG you fight a giant steak as a boss and win by cooking it properly. Flattening it, seasoning with salt and pepper, lemon juice, then put it on the grill.

HINT 1: In this game we learn that Toads love rock paper scissors so much that they even hold giant tournaments.
HINT 2: Your sidekick partner is a paint bucket.

38 - After a trilogy of events with one certain spiky haired protagonist in a blue suit, here comes the follow up with a new protagonist.

HINT: It's a point and click adventure.

37 - Lots and lots of superheroes fight in various constellations to obtain six powerful stones.

HINT: This game starts with the Guardians of the Galaxy.

36 - One fiery demon fights to obtain six powerful stones.

HINT: The protagonist is a regular enemy in a related series.

34 - In this handheld game you're exploring not only one but two creepy castles at the same time which are linked by dimensional gates.

33 - A, B and C travel in their ship D and try to survive after a crash.

39) Paper Mario: Color Splash?


Runa216 said:
The_Liquid_Laser said:

More hints:

41. a. This is a more kid friendly GBA sequel to a PS1 game with a more serious storyline.
b. In this game you can choose from a variety of humanoid races for your characters, while on the PS1 game you could only create human characters.

40. The protagonist of this PS2 game just barely made it as one of the Bros.

39.  This Switch game somehow feels like the sequel to two different games simultaneously.

41 is Final Fantasy Tactics Advance? 


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Guessed by GoOnKid

This game's banner here turned out to be one of my favourites, because the artwork looks great as a background. But that's not why it's in the Top 50, of course. 'Super Metroid' is a monumental game, and there aren't many games that do its genre better. The game's large, varied and maze-like world is a treat to navigate, and it never becomes a chore. The game oozes with secrets; they're everywhere, and when you're done you're thinking "Well I gotta be close to 100%" only to find out it was only 60.

I have actually played this game back in the 90s, on my aunt's Super Nintendo, on one of the rare occasions she let me and my nephew play on it instead of the older NES. The series then however dropped out of all knowledge, and I forgot about it, for many years. Almost two decades later, Metroid Fusion was offered on 3DS among other games as a thank you to early buyers of the system. After that I also bought Super Metroid on WiiU, and I was reminded of how much I missed out on over the years.

Machina said:
GoOnKid said:

39 - At one point in this RPG you fight a giant steak as a boss and win by cooking it properly. Flattening it, seasoning with salt and pepper, lemon juice, then put it on the grill.

HINT 1: In this game we learn that Toads love rock paper scissors so much that they even hold giant tournaments.
HINT 2: Your sidekick partner is a paint bucket.

38 - After a trilogy of events with one certain spiky haired protagonist in a blue suit, here comes the follow up with a new protagonist.

HINT: It's a point and click adventure.

37 - Lots and lots of superheroes fight in various constellations to obtain six powerful stones.

HINT: This game starts with the Guardians of the Galaxy.

36 - One fiery demon fights to obtain six powerful stones.

HINT: The protagonist is a regular enemy in a related series.

34 - In this handheld game you're exploring not only one but two creepy castles at the same time which are linked by dimensional gates.

33 - A, B and C travel in their ship D and try to survive after a crash.

#37 Sounds like Marvel's Avengers, but I thought it was pretty badly received, so that's making me doubt my guess.

It's not Marvel's Avengers, sorry.

So #33 was guessed as Metroid Fusion, but #32 wasn't yet. So new hint for that one and hint for #31.

#33: Being chased by the antagonist makes it look like this game is in the survival horror genre, but it's not really.

Hint 2: The encounters are scripted though, and your enemy looks familiar. Metroid Fusion - Guessed by Kakadu18

#32: Chose one of three families, naturally one goes west over the mountains, the next goes east towards islands and ancient lands, and the third goes across the sea to the desert and fertile shores.

Hint 2: Even though each of these three families are the driving force behind the expansion of this empire, or republic actually, you all still answer to a central government that owns the capital.

#31: This games comes with what is maybe the most accessible map editor ever shipped alongside a game, where you can simply put down track elements such as tabletops, whoops and low high and high jumps as simple tiles.

Machina said:

Can't believe no one's got this one yet. Adding another clue:


  • Lots of destruction in this racer, with debris from cars frequently littering the track.
  • It's in large part inspired by Touring Car racing.
  • This game started a new series, but it's basically a successor to the old TOCA games.
  • Developed by Codemasters and released in 2008.

Current guess leaderboard for my rankings:

  • S.Peelman - 3
  • coolbeans - 2
  • Farsala - 2
  • Kakadu18 - 2
  • UnderwaterFunktown - 2
  • Mnementh - 1
  • Runa - 1
  • Trucks - 1
  • Zippy6 - 1

Seems like I gotta keep this up!

S.Peelman said:

So #33 was guessed as Metroid Fusion, but #32 wasn't yet. So new hint for that one and hint for #31.

#33: Being chased by the antagonist makes it look like this game is in the survival horror genre, but it's not really.

Hint 2: The encounters are scripted though, and your enemy looks familiar. Metroid Fusion - Guessed by Kakadu18

#32: Chose one of three families, naturally one goes west over the mountains, the next goes east towards islands and ancient lands, and the third goes across the sea to the desert and fertile shores.

Hint 2: Even though each of these three families are the driving force behind the expansion of this empire, or republic actually, you all still answer to a central government that owns the capital.

#31: This games comes with what is maybe the most accessible map editor ever shipped alongside a game, where you can simply put down track elements such as tabletops, whoops and low high and high jumps as simple tiles.

#31 I thought about Theme Park, but jumps? No. I'll go with Excitebike 64 instead.