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Guessed by GoOnKid

This game's banner here turned out to be one of my favourites, because the artwork looks great as a background. But that's not why it's in the Top 50, of course. 'Super Metroid' is a monumental game, and there aren't many games that do its genre better. The game's large, varied and maze-like world is a treat to navigate, and it never becomes a chore. The game oozes with secrets; they're everywhere, and when you're done you're thinking "Well I gotta be close to 100%" only to find out it was only 60.

I have actually played this game back in the 90s, on my aunt's Super Nintendo, on one of the rare occasions she let me and my nephew play on it instead of the older NES. The series then however dropped out of all knowledge, and I forgot about it, for many years. Almost two decades later, Metroid Fusion was offered on 3DS among other games as a thank you to early buyers of the system. After that I also bought Super Metroid on WiiU, and I was reminded of how much I missed out on over the years.