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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread | The 12th Annual Greatest Games Event

Darashiva said:
Farsala said:

I suppose 10 could be FFX. But is that first hint really true?

FFX is correct, and yes it is. The game's cutscenes had been programmed around the Japanese voice lines, so the English voice lines had to fit within the same number of frames because if the lines went longer the game would just stop working. That's also why the English lines are sometimes a bit awkward and stilted, as they had to fit an entirely different language into the constraints set by the rules of another language. 

The game's localization lead Alexander O. Smith said in an interview a few years ago that "Because the way that the game engine was triggering sound files was tied into the same system that it was using to trigger action on the screen, so if you had a sound file that went overboard by even half a second, it could throw off the entire scene and you could get a crash." 

They should do that more or hire Alexander again, because FFX's script and overall English localization is much better than anything else SE has put out.

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Farsala said:
Darashiva said:

FFX is correct, and yes it is. The game's cutscenes had been programmed around the Japanese voice lines, so the English voice lines had to fit within the same number of frames because if the lines went longer the game would just stop working. That's also why the English lines are sometimes a bit awkward and stilted, as they had to fit an entirely different language into the constraints set by the rules of another language. 

The game's localization lead Alexander O. Smith said in an interview a few years ago that "Because the way that the game engine was triggering sound files was tied into the same system that it was using to trigger action on the screen, so if you had a sound file that went overboard by even half a second, it could throw off the entire scene and you could get a crash." 

They should do that more or hire Alexander again, because FFX's script and overall English localization is much better than anything else SE has put out.

He was a translator on Final Fantasy XII as well, and Tactics A2. I looked him up and he was apparently one of the writers on Ori and the Will of the Wisps most recently.

Guessed by TruckOSaurus

'Super Mario Bros. 3' could be called the essential 2D Mario platformer. Maybe 'Super Mario World' can also claim that title, but personally Super Mario World never really clicked with me. I always found it controlled a bit "floaty" or "slippery" if you get what I mean. Super Mario Bros 3 however is extremely tight. Mario controls just the way you want to. Intuitive, quick and responsive, even with the crude NES controller.

Obviously, this game has been released on a multitude of things. And I played all those versions. On the NES, which my aunt had, and which I re-bought many years later. On the Super Nintendo, as the 'Mario All-Stars' remake. On GameBoy Advance, which was a port of the All-Stars version. And even on the NES and SNES Classic mini-consoles. On Mario Maker, this is my favourite gameplay style as well. The game has remained relevant and even "new" throughout all those years, which is a testament to its greatness because after all, how many games can claim that.

So I couldn't really do anything yesterday and today, so had to post two games, which luckily had already been guessed. Also #12 and #11 have already been guessed so I'm adding #10 and #9, which means we enter the Top 10 already. Wow. Hopefully I can get into the guessing game tomorrow again.

#10: The four main bosses are manifestations of the final boss's malice fused with technology. Guessed by Platina - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

#9: The final game in this franchise that included a number in its name.

Last edited by S.Peelman - on 20 December 2021

S.Peelman said:

So I couldn't really do anything yesterday and today, so had to post two games, which luckily had already been guessed. Also #12 and #11 have already been guessed so I'm adding #10 and #9, which means we enter the Top 10 already. Wow. Hopefully I can get into the guessing game tomorrow again.

#10: The four main bosses are manifestations of the final boss's malice fused with technology.

#9: The final game in this franchise that included a number in its name.

10 Zelda BotW

NintenDomination [May 2015 - July 2017]

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NintenDomination [2015/05/19 - 2017/07/02]




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[3DS] Winter Playtimes [Wii U]

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The_Liquid_Laser said:

Here's how people have done so far in guessing my #11-50 games.

Correct GuessesPerson
4Kakadu18, TruckOSaurus
3Darashiva, Eric2048
1drbunnig, Farsala, Runa216, UnderwaterFunktown

So, it's time for hints for my top 10.

10.  This arcade game is based on the most popular RPG of all time.  First in the series.

9.  This is the first time an entry of this handheld console game was released in North America.  However the series started in Japan over a decade earlier.

8.  You can get a certain type of invulnerability either from getting stoned or living in a shoe.

7.  "If he fails you can always hit the reset button."

9 Fire Emblem 7

NintenDomination [May 2015 - July 2017]

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NintenDomination [2015/05/19 - 2017/07/02]




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[3DS] Winter Playtimes [Wii U]

17. Panzer Dragoon II Zwei (Sega Saturn – 1996)

The Panzer Dragoon series is dripping with atmosphere, and in many ways the limitations of the hardware of the time may actually have benefitted that atmosphere, as the remake of the first game completely lost that. I love the lore of this franchise, and the 3D on-rails shooting is just perfectly executed, possibly the best of the entire genre. The level design is amazing, and while the difficulty is certainly toned down significantly from the brutality of the first game, it is still challenging enough for the progression to feel very satisfying. Branching paths also offer replay value. The game is also one of the true technical masterpieces of the system, maybe the greatest accomplishment in that regard, or at least tied with Virtua Fighter 2, although NiGHTS has a slight edge when it comes to artistic beauty.

16. Galaga (Arcade – 1981)

The oldest game on my list and the only one from the golden era of arcades. Galaga has a surprisingly deep and addicting gameplay, that can get you into this flow where you forget everything else. It is in that sense similar to the three other big Namco titles of the era, Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man and Dig Dug, which I might as well through in as honorable mentions, as they are all among the best games of the era, and are very playable to this day.

15. Sid Meier’s Civilization IV (PC – 2005)

I should not be allowed to play this game. Once I start a session, I will not be able to stop until 7-8 hours later, when that round is over. I am not particularly good at this game, but I find it extremely addicting to play, and challenges the player in a great way. It is of course satisfying to destroy your opponents in a war, but I actually find it more satisfying to try and keep the diplomatic relations stable and gaining power in more pragmatic means. This is my favorite strategy game.

14. Super Mario 64 (Nintendo 64 – 1996)

This game is the definition of a classic. Truly timeless gameplay that holds up perfectly to this day, despite being an early 3D title. I think what truly made this game fun is how Mario moves. He can do so many different jumps, which he didn’t have in the 2D games. He is so damn fun to control here, and the level design that focusses more on exploration is great. It works well, because the levels have just the right size, not too small, not too large.