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Guessed by TruckOSaurus

'Super Mario Bros. 3' could be called the essential 2D Mario platformer. Maybe 'Super Mario World' can also claim that title, but personally Super Mario World never really clicked with me. I always found it controlled a bit "floaty" or "slippery" if you get what I mean. Super Mario Bros 3 however is extremely tight. Mario controls just the way you want to. Intuitive, quick and responsive, even with the crude NES controller.

Obviously, this game has been released on a multitude of things. And I played all those versions. On the NES, which my aunt had, and which I re-bought many years later. On the Super Nintendo, as the 'Mario All-Stars' remake. On GameBoy Advance, which was a port of the All-Stars version. And even on the NES and SNES Classic mini-consoles. On Mario Maker, this is my favourite gameplay style as well. The game has remained relevant and even "new" throughout all those years, which is a testament to its greatness because after all, how many games can claim that.