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S.Peelman said:

#14: Beach balls can roll on all sides.

Kula World aka Roll Away on PS1?

Kakadu18 said:

#16: Hint: Huge creatures fought each other to the death.
#15: Hint: A white glowing creature is the forests last hope.
#14: Hint: A still devisive entry in it's franchise that is mostly praised highly.

#14 is Skyward Sword?

mZuzek said:

Hmm, was expecting that second hint to get some tries at least. I wanna see this guessed when I wake up! (edit: and gonna throw a hint for the next one too cause why not)

#17 - It has the best "shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up!!!" line ever delivered.
Hint 2 - It's a game where you play as robots, with assistance from a different type of robots, to fight another type of robots.
Hint 3 - The game's director is someone whose face you're unlikely to find a picture of.

#16 - The antagonist's name is just one single letter.

#17 must be NieR Automata

Eric2048 said:

#23 This game was originally going to release with an entire province the player could explore but was cut and instead took place on an island within the province.

Hint #2 The setting is very unique compared to most games in the same genre.

#21 In this game you can fly around space and land on various moons.

Hint #2 In this game you have a special pair of boots that make traversal easier.

23 is maybe Ghost of Tsushima

21 is maybe No Man's Sky

mZuzek said:

Hmm, was expecting that second hint to get some tries at least. I wanna see this guessed when I wake up! (edit: and gonna throw a hint for the next one too cause why not)

#17 - It has the best "shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up!!!" line ever delivered.
Hint 2 - It's a game where you play as robots, with assistance from a different type of robots, to fight another type of robots.
Hint 3 - The game's director is someone whose face you're unlikely to find a picture of.

#16 - The antagonist's name is just one single letter.

#16 Pokemon BW

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TruckOSaurus said:
UnderwaterFunktown said:

Hoping to clear up my current hints a bit before I start adding more games.

21) On my "CD shelve" this game takes up nearly an entire row.

Hint 2: Not because the box is quite that large, but because there are several of them.

Hint 3: Most of the boxes are expansions.

Hint 4: It's not Sims game.

20) If the protagonist of this game had been playable in Smash Bros. they could have up to 4 different move sets.

Hint 2: 1 "base" and 3 transformations.

Hint 3: There are already character(s) in Smash Bros. that share a name with the particular protag.

Hint 4: This has been equivalent of a trick question, since this character technically is in Smash, only it's him from the previous entry, and thus he doesn't really have moves relating to this game.

19) While this game is in some ways a return to the basics for this series, the additions it makes to your arsenal are some of the more original.

Hint 2: Includes a new mad villain as well as the classic one.

18) Brings a new meaning to twin-stick controls.

Hint 2: It's not Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, but control-wise there is a similarity.

Hint 3: You essentially control two characters who are bound by...

17) 2019 2020 2021 2022

Hint 2: Obviously the game has been previously released or it wouldn't be on my list, but these dates can be found on the game's website currently.

Hint 3: The dates are for the expanded version of this game which is coming in early 2022, promise.

18 is Astral Chain

Indeed it is!

The_Liquid_Laser said:
UnderwaterFunktown said:

Hoping to clear up my current hints a bit before I start adding more games.

21) On my "CD shelve" this game takes up nearly an entire row.

Hint 2: Not because the box is quite that large, but because there are several of them.

Hint 3: Most of the boxes are expansions.

Hint 4: It's not Sims game.

20) If the protagonist of this game had been playable in Smash Bros. they could have up to 4 different move sets.

Hint 2: 1 "base" and 3 transformations.

Hint 3: There are already character(s) in Smash Bros. that share a name with the particular protag.

Hint 4: This has been equivalent of a trick question, since this character technically is in Smash, only it's him from the previous entry, and thus he doesn't really have moves relating to this game.

19) While this game is in some ways a return to the basics for this series, the additions it makes to your arsenal are some of the more original.

Hint 2: Includes a new mad villain as well as the classic one.

18) Brings a new meaning to twin-stick controls.

Hint 2: It's not Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, but control-wise there is a similarity.

Hint 3: You essentially control two characters who are bound by...

17) 2019 2020 2021 2022

Hint 2: Obviously the game has been previously released or it wouldn't be on my list, but these dates can be found on the game's website currently.

Hint 3: The dates are for the expanded version of this game which is coming in early 2022, promise.

20.  Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity

Nope, you're getting close, but this is main line entry.

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The_Liquid_Laser said:
S.Peelman said:

Apparently I made this set of hints quite tricky, as both #19 and #18 went unguessed. Let's see if it can get a little easier with the next hints.

#17: The Mac OS version of this game (at least) featured an interesting anti-piracy measure where you had to look up letters in the manual.

Hint 2: Once you find the correct letter, you can drink the correct bottle and the door to the next level opens. Drink the wrong one, and die.

Hint 3: This actually mirrors the rest of the game, most bottles are for health, while some take health. You see this by the color of its plume. Obviously though there is no plume in the lettered bottles because that would be too easy to guess.

Hint 4: The levels start down in a grey-coloured dungeon, presumably the place where you were imprisoned, until the switch to the more elaborately decorated red and golden floors of the palace.

17 is some sort of Roguelike.  Is it Nethack or Shiren the Wanderer?

It’s not, so both those are incorrect. It is in fact just an action-platformer.

drbunnig said:
S.Peelman said:

#14: Beach balls can roll on all sides.

Kula World aka Roll Away on PS1?


Very good, I’m impressed. Funny to think that this is guessed in one hint while SimCity 3000 wasn’t. But that’s how it goed I guess.

UnderwaterFunktown said:
The_Liquid_Laser said:

20.  Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity

Nope, you're getting close, but this is main line entry.

Owww. Yeesh, I’m dumb.  I won’t steal it, Liquid_Laser did all the work here.

Farsala said:
Eric2048 said:

#23 This game was originally going to release with an entire province the player could explore but was cut and instead took place on an island within the province.

Hint #2 The setting is very unique compared to most games in the same genre.

#21 In this game you can fly around space and land on various moons.

Hint #2 In this game you have a special pair of boots that make traversal easier.

23 is maybe Ghost of Tsushima

21 is maybe No Man's Sky

No to both

The_Liquid_Laser said:

Clues for my games:

17.  The game has one of my favorite characters in the series: a badass samurai ghost.

16.  This game features characters from Skies of Arcadia.

15.  This game was made in response to parents complaining to the developer that RPGs are games where people murder and steal.

16: Valkyria Chronicles